Utilities to bridge Canvas-generated course rosters with GitLab's API.



A collection of scripts originally written for CSE 13S. Oversees everything from GitLab course group creation, student repository creation, all the way to cloning repos and adding users to a shared resources repository.


To install the included scripts, run:

./install --all

To install the scripts and man pages for development, run:

./install --symlink

To uninstall the scripts, run:

$ ./uninstall.sh


There are currently 7 scripts/utilities:

  1. addtorepos - adds students to a set of specified repositories as reporters
  2. checkout - checks out cloned student repositories to commit IDs submitted for a specific assignment.
  3. clone - clones student repositories.
  4. createrepos - creates course GitLab course and student repos.
  5. pushfiles - adds files to cloned student repositories, pushing the changes.
  6. rmfiles - removes files from cloned student repositories, pushing the changes.
  7. roster - scrapes Canvas for a CSV of the student roster.

Read the supplied man pages for more information on each of these utilities.

Creating GitLab course, student repos, and adding students to resources repository
$ roster | createrepos | addtoresources
Cloning all student repos and checking them out to submitted commit IDs
$ roster | clone | checkout --asgn=5


To get (arguably) the full experience of these utilities, you should add the installed scripts directory to your $PATH and the installed man page directory to your $MANPATH.

To add the scripts directory:

$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.config/gcu/scripts

To add the man directory (the double colon is intentional):

$ export MANPATH=::$MANPATH:$HOME/.config/gcu/man

You may want to add these exports to your shell configuration files.

Course Configuration

After running the installation script, a configuration file will need to be modifed for the specific course that these utilities will be used for. To modify the configuration file, run:

vi $HOME/.config/gcu/config.toml

A template configuration file will be supplied during installation if one does not already exist. The configuration file should have this basic structure:

canvas_url = "https://canvas.ucsc.edu"
canvas_course_id = 42878
canvas_token = "<your token here>"
course = "cse13s"
quarter = "spring"
year = "2021"
gitlab_server = "https://git.ucsc.edu"
gitlab_token = "<your token here>"
gitlab_role = "developer"
template_repo = "https://git.ucsc.edu/euchou/cse13s-template.git"
  • canvas_url: the Canvas server that your course is hosted on.
  • canvas_course_id: the Canvas course ID for your course. The one in the template is for the Spring 2021 offering of CSE 13S. You can find any course ID directly from the course page's url on Canvas.
  • canvas_token: your Canvas access token as a string. To generate a Canvas token, head to your account settings on Canvas. There will be a button to create a new access token under the section titled Approved Integrations. Note that you must have at least TA-level privilege under the course you want to use these scripts with.
  • course, quarter, and year should reflect, as one can imagine, the course, quarter, and year in which the course is held.
  • gitlab_server: the GitLab server that you want to create the course group and student repos on.
  • gitlab_token: your GitLab token as a string. Your token should have API-level privilege.
  • gitlab_role: the default role of students for their individual or shared repositories.
  • template_repo: the template repository to import and use as a base for student repositories. Note that this template repository will need to be publically visible.


If you are interested in contributing to these scripts, send an email to [email protected]. Questions are welcomed as well.

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