Official Pytorch implementation of 'RoI Tanh-polar Transformer Network for Face Parsing in the Wild.'



RoI Tanh-polar Transformer Network for Face Parsing in the Wild.

Note: If you use this repository in your research, we kindly rquest you to cite the following paper:

title = {RoI Tanh-polar transformer network for face parsing in the wild},
journal = {Image and Vision Computing},
volume = {112},
pages = {104190},
year = {2021},
issn = {0262-8856},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Yiming Lin and Jie Shen and Yujiang Wang and Maja Pantic},
keywords = {Face parsing, In-the-wild dataset, Head pose augmentation, Tanh-polar representation},


How to Install

git clone
cd face_parsing
git lfs pull
pip install -e .

How to Test

python -i 0 -e rtnet50 --decoder fcn -n 11 -d cuda:0

Command-line arguments:

-i VIDEO: Index of the webcam to use (start from 0) or
          path of the input video file
-d: Device to be used by PyTorch (default=cuda:0)
-e: Encoder (default=rtnet50)
--decoder: Decoder (default=fcn)
-n: Number of facial classes, can be 11 or 14 for now (default=11)

iBugMask Dataset

The training and testing images, bounding boxes, landmarks, and parsing maps can be found in the following:

Label Maps

Label map for 11 classes:

0 : background
1 : skin (including face and scalp)
2 : left_eyebrow
3 : right_eyebrow
4 : left_eye
5 : right_eye
6 : nose
7 : upper_lip
8 : inner_mouth
9 : lower_lip
10 : hair

Label map for 14 classes:

0 : background
1 : skin (including face and scalp)
2 : left_eyebrow
3 : right_eyebrow
4 : left_eye
5 : right_eye
6 : nose
7 : upper_lip
8 : inner_mouth
9 : lower_lip
10 : hair
11 : left_ear
12 : right_ear
13 : glasses


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