COVID-VIT: Classification of Covid-19 from CT chest images based on vision transformer models
This code is to response to te MIA-COV19 competition on classification of covid from non-covid chest volumetric CT datasets.
Pre-trained models for ViT and DenseNet can be download from
Both 2D and 3D versions of training and test code are provided. It appears classificaiton based on 2D slices performs better. The final score is subject based, i.e. for a dataset, if more than 25% or more slices are classfied as COVID, then this subject has COVID. Otherwise, the patient in concern will be classified as normal. This threshold (e.g 25%) can be determined from validation stage.
The ViT is heavily based on vit-pytorch at and is in the form of both notebook and python.
The DenseNet-CT is built upon
More details are at the paper ar Arxiv ( with the following information: "Xiaohong Gao, Yu Qian, Alice Gao, COVID-VIT: Classification of Covid-19 from CT chest images based on vision transformer models"