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Super detailed tutorial, an introduction to istio Architecture Principle and practical application
2022-07-04 21:38:00 【Erudite Valley wild architect】
Istio brief introduction
2.1、istio framework
actually Istio Namely Service Mesh An implementation of Architecture , Communication between services ( Like here Service A visit Service B) It will be through an agent ( The default is Envoy) To carry out .
And the intermediate network protocol supports HTTP/1.1,HTTP/2,gRPC perhaps TCP, It covers the mainstream communication protocols . Agent level , Call it the data plane .
The control plane is further subdivided , Divided into Pilot、Citadel and Galley, Their respective functions are as follows :
- Pilot: by Envoy Provides service discovery , Traffic management and intelligent routing (AB test 、 Canary release, etc ), And error handling ( Overtime 、 retry 、 Fuse ) function .
- Citadel: Provide authentication and certificate management between services , The service can be automatically upgraded to TLS agreement .
- Galley:Galley yes Istio Configuration verification of 、 extract 、 Process and distribute components . It's responsible for the rest of Istio Components and from the underlying platform ( for example Kubernetes) Get the details of user configuration .
The data plane will communicate with the control plane , On the one hand, you can get the information between the services you need , On the other hand, you can also report the service invocation Metrics data .
2.1、 Why use Istio?
Through load balancing 、 Authentication between services 、 Monitoring and other methods ,Istio It's easy to create a network with services already deployed , The code of the service needs little or no change . By deploying a special sidecar The agent adds... To the service Istio Support for , The agent will intercept all network communication between microservices , Then use the functions of its control plane to configure and manage Istio, This includes :
by HTTP、gRPC、WebSocket and TCP Traffic automatic load balancing .
Through rich routing rules 、 retry 、 Fault transfer and fault injection control traffic behavior in a fine-grained way .
Pluggable policy layer and configuration API, Support access control 、 Rate limits and quotas .
Within cluster ( Including the entrance and exit of the cluster ) Automated measurement of all traffic 、 Log and track .
Secure inter service communication in a cluster with powerful authentication and Authorization .
Istio Designed for scalability , It can meet different deployment requirements .
2.2、 Core features
Istio It provides many key functions across service networks in a unified way .
2.2.1、 Traffic management
Istio Simple rule configuration and traffic routing allow you to control traffic and API Call the process .
Istio Simplified service level attributes ( Such as fuse 、 Timeout and retrying ) Configuration of , And make it easy to perform important tasks ( Such as A/B test 、 Canary releases and phased releases by percentage of traffic ).
With better traffic visibility and out of the box fault recovery features , You can capture problems before they occur , Whatever the situation, you can make the call more reliable , The network is more robust .
2.2.2、 Security
Istio The security features of freeing developers , So that it only needs to focus on application level security .
Istio Provides the underlying security communication channel , And manage authentication for large-scale service communication 、 Authorization and encryption . With Istio, Service communication is protected by default , Enables you to implement consistent policies across different protocols and runtimes —— And all of this requires little or no application modification .
Istio It's platform independent , It can be done with Kubernetes( Or infrastructure ) The network strategy is used together . But it's more powerful , Be able to protect at the network and application level pod To pod Or service to service communication .
2.2.3、 Observability
Istio Robust tracking 、 Monitoring and logging features give you an in-depth understanding of service grid deployment .
adopt Istio The ability to monitor , You can really understand how the performance of a service affects both upstream and downstream ; And its customization Dashboard Provides the ability to visualize the performance of all services , And let you see how it affects other processes .
Istio Of Mixer The component is responsible for policy control and telemetry data collection . It provides back-end abstraction and mediation , Part of Istio Isolated from the infrastructure implementation details of the back end , It also provides the operation and maintenance personnel with fine-grained control of the interaction between the grid and the back-end infrastructure implementation .
All of these features allow you to more effectively set up 、 Monitoring and strengthening service SLO. Of course , The bottom line is that you can detect and fix problems quickly and effectively .
2.3、 Platform support
Istio Platform independent , Designed to run in a variety of environments , Including cross cloud 、 Internal environment 、Kubernetes、Mesos wait . You can go to Kubernetes Or equipped with Consul Of Nomad Deploy on the environment Istio.Istio At present, we support :
Kubernetes Service deployment on
be based on Consul Service registration for
The service runs on a separate virtual machine
3、Istio Quick start
Next we will Istio Deploy and install , To experience its charm .
3.1、 build kubernetes colony
Istio Running on the kubernetes Platform is the best choice , So let's first build kubernetes Environmental Science .
Be careful : For beginners, please refer to the course materials
One click installation documentation
3.1.1、 Environmental preparation
Get ready 3 platform Centos7 virtual machine :
name | IP | role | CPU | Memory | Hard disk |
node1 | | master | 2 nucleus | 4GB | 100GB |
node2 | | node | 2 nucleus | 4GB | 100GB |
node3 | | node | 2 nucleus | 4GB | 100GB |
3.1.2、 Front work
build K8S Before , It needs some preparatory work , Otherwise, the cluster cannot be built .yum If not , Then use yum -y install yum-utils
perhaps curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-7.repo
, And then use yum.
# Modify hostname hostnamectl set-hostname node2hostnamectl set-hostname node3
# to update yum Source , And complete yum update operation mv /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.backupwget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo https://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-7.repo# If wget Cannot use direct input yum install wget Can be installed yum makecacheyum -y update
# install dockeryum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2yum-config-manager --add-repo https://mirrors.aliyun.com/docker-ce/linux/centos/docker-ce.repoyum makecache fastyum -y install docker-ce# start-up docker service systemctl start docker.service# Boot from boot systemctl enable docker.service# add to docker Aliyun accelerator sudo mkdir -p /etc/dockersudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<-'EOF'{ "registry-mirrors": ["https://c6n8vys4.mirror.aliyuncs.com"]}EOFsudo systemctl daemon-reloadsudo systemctl restart docker# Test it , Look at the download speed docker pull redisdocker rmi redis:latest
# Turn off firewall systemctl stop firewalld.servicesystemctl disable firewalld.service# add to hosts mapping Skipping The purpose of setting here is to pass scp Transfer the files on one node to other nodes vim /etc/hosts192.168.31.106 node1192.168.31.107 node2192.168.31.108 node3scp /etc/hosts node2:/etc/scp /etc/hosts node3:/etc/
# Set up node1 To node2、node3 No landing ssh-keygen # All the way to the next step ssh-copy-id node2ssh-copy-id node3# test ssh node2ssh node3
3.1.3、 Set up the cluster
# Modify system parameters # take SELinux Set to permissive Pattern ( It's equivalent to disabling )setenforce 0sed -i 's/^SELINUX=enforcing$/SELINUX=permissive/' /etc/selinux/config# Ban swap file , edit /etc/fstab, Comment out references swap The line of vim /etc/fstabswapoff -a# Set the bridge parameters vim /etc/sysctl.confnet.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 0scp /etc/sysctl.conf node2:/etc/scp /etc/sysctl.conf node3:/etc/# Immediate effect sysctl -p# If appear /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-ip6tables: No such file or directory# perform modprobe br_netfilter, Try again # install kubectlvim /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo[kubernetes]name=Kubernetesbaseurl=https://mirrors.aliyun.com/kubernetes/yum/repos/kubernetes-el7-x86_64/enabled=1gpgcheck=0yum list kubectl –showduplicatesyum install -y kubectl.x86_64# Specify the version Be sure to specify the version # yum install -y kubectl-1.18.6# View version kubectl versionyum install -y kubelet kubeadm --disableexcludes=kubernetes# Specify the version Be sure to specify the version #yum install -y kubelet-1.18.6 kubeadm-1.18.6 --disableexcludes=kubernetes# If the installation is wrong , You can remove it with the following command #yum remove kubectl kubelet kubeadm# Pull the required image kubeadm config images pull --image-repository=registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/itcast --kubernetes-version=v1.18.6# If the pull fails , Try this :kubeadm config images pull --image-repository=lank8s.cn --kubernetes-version=v1.18.6# Start initializing , If you use lank8s.cn Pull the mirror , You need to specify the --image-repository=lank8s.cnkubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address --pod-network-cidr= --image-repository=registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/itcast --kubernetes-version=v1.18.6# When you see Your Kubernetes control-plane has initialized successfully! The initialization is successful !# Copy admin.conf To home Catalog , Otherwise mistakes :The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?mkdir -p $HOME/.kubesudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/configsudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config# Setting up network kube-flannel.yml The document is in the data kubectl apply -f kube-flannel.yml# test [root[@node1](https://my.oschina.net/u/4273199) k8s]# kubectl get nodesNAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSIONnode1 Ready master 23m v1.18.6# take node2、node3 Join the cluster ,token Replace it with your own kubeadm join --token ekw4eu.cfi77sji1jyczhj6 --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:21de4177eaf76353dd060f2a783c9dafe17636437ade020bc40d60a8ab903483# test [root[@node1](https://my.oschina.net/u/4273199) k8s]# kubectl get nodesNAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSIONnode1 Ready master 31m v1.18.6node2 Ready <none> 6m46s v1.18.6node3 Ready <none> 2m21s v1.18.6# The cluster component is successful # If you need to delete the cluster , perform kubeadm reset ,3 All machines need to perform # See what's going on podkubectl get pod --all-namespaces -o wide
See what's going on pod,kubectl get pod --all-namespaces -o wide
Be careful : If virtual machine restart causes k8s close , May adopt systemctl status kubelet
Check the status , use systemctl start kubelet
start-up k8s, Whether it is the master node or the work node , All need to be carried out .
kubeadm join --token zkkd3y.iompmpb402kyvdq6 \ --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:3c500a7df3a3e6857b50c31f9a9a209d57e669d7acd69905f040023094945c04
registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/itcast/kube-proxy v1.18.6registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/itcast/pause 3.2 registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/itcast/kube-proxy v1.18.6quay.io/coreos/flannel v0.12.0-amd64registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/itcast/pause 3.2
3.2、 build Istio Environmental Science
3.2.1、 download Istio
download Istio, The download will contain : The installation files 、 Examples and istioctl Command line tools .
visit Istio release Download the installation file corresponding to your operating system . stay macOS or Linux In the system , You can also download the latest version of Istio:
$ curl -L https://istio.io/downloadIstio | sh -
The specified version is available :
$ curl -L https://istio.io/downloadIstio | ISTIO_VERSION=1.6.5 sh -
Switch to Istio The package is in the directory . for example :Istio Package name is
, be :$ cd istio-1.6.5
The installation directory contains the following contents :
Under the table of contents , There are sample applicationsbin/
Under the table of contents , containistioctl
Client files for .istioctl
The tool is used for manual injection Envoy sidecar agent .
Add client path to path In the environment variables ,macOS or Linux The system can be added as follows :$ export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
install bash Automatically complete the file
If you use bash,istioctl The auto complete file is located in tools Catalog . By copying istioctl.bash File to your home Catalog , Then add the following content to your .bashrc File execution istioctl tab Complete document :
source ~/istio-1.6.5/tools/istioctl.bash
If istioctl The completion file has been installed correctly , Before you enter istioctl Command by pressing Tab key , It will return a set of recommended commands for you to choose :
$ istioctl proxy-<TAB>proxy-config proxy-status
3.2.2、 install Istio
Please follow the steps below to use on the platform of your choice demo Configuration file installation Istio.
To configure$ istioctl manifest apply --set profile=demo
Select the components to install in
in !To verify that the installation was successful , You need to make sure that Kubernetes Services are deployed correctly , And then verify that
Services other than services , Are there all the rightCLUSTER-IP
:[[email protected] ~]# kubectl get svc -n istio-systemNAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGEgrafana ClusterIP <none> 3000/TCP 2m8sistio-egressgateway ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP,443/TCP,15443/TCP 2m8sistio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer <pending> 15020:32010/TCP,80:32672/TCP,443:32187/TCP,31400:32038/TCP,15443:32460/TCP 2m8sistiod ClusterIP <none> 15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP,853/TCP 2m12sjaeger-agent ClusterIP None <none> 5775/UDP,6831/UDP,6832/UDP 2m7sjaeger-collector ClusterIP <none> 14267/TCP,14268/TCP,14250/TCP 2m7sjaeger-collector-headless ClusterIP None <none> 14250/TCP 2m7sjaeger-query ClusterIP <none> 16686/TCP 2m7skiali ClusterIP <none> 20001/TCP 2m7sprometheus ClusterIP <none> 9090/TCP 2m7stracing ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 2m7szipkin ClusterIP <none> 9411/TCP 2m7s
If the cluster is running in an environment that does not support external load balancers ( for example :minikube),
Display as<pending>
state . Please use the serviceNodePort
or Port forwarding to access the gateway .Please make sure that the associated Kubernetes pod Has been deployed , also
:[[email protected] ~]# kubectl get pods -n istio-systemNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEgrafana-b54bb57b9-lt4jn 1/1 Running 0 2m31sistio-egressgateway-7486cf8c97-4nxnm 1/1 Running 0 2m31sistio-ingressgateway-6bcb9d7bbf-pxnl5 1/1 Running 0 2m31sistio-tracing-9dd6c4f7c-zq2hh 1/1 Running 0 2m31sistiod-788f76c8fc-z8bqx 1/1 Running 0 2m35skiali-d45468dc4-v6w9p 1/1 Running 0 2m31sprometheus-6477cfb669-tn272 2/2 Running 0 2m31s
3.2.3、 uninstall Istio
istioctl manifest generate --set profile=demo | kubectl delete -f -
3.3、Bookinfo Example
3.3.1、 Application instructions
This example deploys a to demonstrate a variety of Istio Application of features , The application consists of four separate microservices . This application imitates a classification of online bookstores , Show information about a Book . The page will show a description of the book , The details of the book (ISBN、 Pages, etc ), And some comments on the book .
Bookinfo Applications are divided into four separate microservices :
. This microservice will calldetails
Two microservices , Used to generate pages .details
. This micro service contains information about books .reviews
. This microservice includes book reviews . It also callsratings
Microservices .ratings
. This micro service contains rating information composed of book reviews .
Micro services include 3 A version :
- v1 Version will not call
service . - v2 Version will call
service , And use 1 To 5 A black star icon to show the rating information . - v3 Version will call
service , And use 1 To 5 A red star icon to show the rating information .
The following figure shows the end-to-end architecture of this application .
Bookinfo Several microservices in the application are written in different languages . These services are good for Istio No dependence , But it makes up a representative example of a service grid : It has multiple services 、 Multiple languages make up , also reviews
Services have multiple versions .
3.3.2、 Deploy the application
To be in Istio Running this application in , There is no need to make any changes to the application itself . You just need to be simple in Istio Configure and run services in the environment , To be more specific, it is to put Envoy sidecar Into every service . The final deployment result will be as shown in the figure below :
All microservices are connected with Envoy sidecar
Integrate together , All the traffic in and out of the integrated services are sidecar Hijacked , In this way, the required... Is prepared for external control Hook, Then we can use Istio The control plane provides service routing for applications 、 Telemetry data collection and strategy implementation .
3.3.3、 Start application service
Get into Istio The installation directory .
Istio Default auto injection Sidecar. Please for
Tag the namespaceistio-injection=enabled
:$ kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
Deploy the application :$ kubectl apply -f samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml
If you disable Sidecar Select manual injection for automatic injection function Sidecar, Please use before deploying the application
istioctl kube-inject
Command to changebookinfo.yaml
file .$ kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml)
The above command will start all four services , It also includes reviews Three versions of the service (v1、v2 as well as v3).
In actual deployment , The startup process of the microservice version needs to last for a period of time , Not at the same time .
Confirm all services and Pod Have been properly defined and started :
$ kubectl get servicesNAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGEdetails <none> 9080/TCP 6mkubernetes <none> 443/TCP 7dproductpage <none> 9080/TCP 6mratings <none> 9080/TCP 6mreviews <none> 9080/TCP 6m
also :
$ kubectl get podsNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEdetails-v1-1520924117-48z17 2/2 Running 0 6mproductpage-v1-560495357-jk1lz 2/2 Running 0 6mratings-v1-734492171-rnr5l 2/2 Running 0 6mreviews-v1-874083890-f0qf0 2/2 Running 0 6mreviews-v2-1343845940-b34q5 2/2 Running 0 6mreviews-v3-1813607990-8ch52 2/2 Running 0 6m
To confirm Bookinfo Whether the application is running , Please put it in a Pod of use
Command sends a request to the application , for exampleratings
:$ kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pod -l app=ratings -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -c ratings -- curl productpage:9080/productpage | grep -o "<title>.*</title>"<title>Simple Bookstore App</title>
3.3.4、 determine Ingress Of IP
Now? Bookinfo The service is up and running , You need to make the application externally accessible Kubernetes colony , For example, using a browser . It can be used Istio Gateway To achieve this goal .
Define... For the application Ingress gateway :
$ kubectl apply -f samples/bookinfo/networking/bookinfo-gateway.yaml
Confirm that the gateway is created :
$ kubectl get gatewayNAME AGEbookinfo-gateway 32s
Set the access gateway
Variable . Confirm and set .# Set up ingress port export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http2")].nodePort}')export SECURE_INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="https")].nodePort}')# Set up ingress IPexport INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl get po -l istio=ingressgateway -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.hostIP}')
Set up
You can open the web address with a browser http://$GATEWAY_URL/productpage
, To browse the application Web page . If you refresh the application page several times , You will see productpage
The page will randomly display reviews
The effect of different versions of the service ( Red 、 Black star or no display ).reviews
This happens because we haven't used Istio To control version routing .
3.3.5、 Apply default target rules
Create for each service **DestinationRule
In the use of Istio control Bookinfo Before version routing , You need to define the available versions in the target rules , Name it subsets .
# Set up kubectl apply -f samples/bookinfo/networking/destination-rule-all.yaml# Inquire about kubectl get destinationrules -o yaml
thus ,Istio Complete all the takeover , The first example deployment is complete .
3.4、 Experience Istio
3.4.1、 Request routing
Route by version
at present reviews
There are three versions , Access in a browser Bookinfo Application's /productpage
And refresh several times . We find that sometimes the output of book reviews includes star ratings , Sometimes it does not include . This is because there is no clear default service version routing .
Now we have to make istio
Take over routing , For example, route all traffic to each microservice v1 edition ,Istio The implementation is very simple , Just add virtual services (VirtualService) that will do .
Example : Route all traffic to each microservice v1 edition
#virtual-service-all-v1.yaml It is an official sample file kubectl apply -f samples/bookinfo/networking/virtual-service-all-v1.yaml
It reads as follows :
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: VirtualServicemetadata: name: productpagespec: hosts: - productpage http: - route: - destination: host: productpage subset: v1---apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: VirtualServicemetadata: name: reviewsspec: hosts: - reviews http: - route: - destination: host: reviews subset: v1 # All are specified here http All requests are made through v1 complete , and v1 There are definitions in the default rules ---apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: VirtualServicemetadata: name: ratingsspec: hosts: - ratings http: - route: - destination: host: ratings subset: v1---apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: VirtualServicemetadata: name: detailsspec: hosts: - details http: - route: - destination: host: details subset: v1---
After testing , Find out reviews No more switching styles .
Route according to different user identities
Next , You are about to change the routing configuration , In order to route all traffic from a specific user to a specific service version . Here , From a company named Jason All traffic of users will be routed to the service reviews:v2
Please note that ,Istio There is no special built-in mechanism for user identity . in fact ,productpage
Service in all to reviews
Service HTTP A custom... Is added to the request end-user
Request header , Thus, the effect of this example is achieved .
please remember ,reviews:v2
It is a version with star rating function .
Run the following command to enable user based routing :
$ kubectl apply -f samples/bookinfo/networking/virtual-service-reviews-test-v2.yaml
Confirm that the rule has been created :
$ kubectl get virtualservice reviews -o yamlapiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: VirtualServicemetadata: name: reviews ...spec: hosts: - reviews http: - match: - headers: end-user: exact: jason route: - destination: host: reviews subset: v2 - route: - destination: host: reviews subset: v1
stay Bookinfo Application's
On , To the userjason
Identity login .Refresh the browser . What do you see ? The star rating is displayed next to each comment .
Log in as another user ( Choose any name you want ).
Refresh the browser . Now the stars are gone . This is because except Jason outside , All users' traffic is routed to
You have successfully configured Istio To route traffic based on user identity .
3.4.2、 Flow transfer
Can also be reviews
Part of the flow is transferred to v3 edition , Based on this, gray publishing can be realized 、A/B Testing, etc :
# Route all traffic to each service v1 edition kubectl apply -f samples/bookinfo/networking/virtual-service-all-v1.yaml# take reviews service 50% Of traffic transferred to v3kubectl apply -f samples/bookinfo/networking/virtual-service-reviews-50-v3.yaml
The contents are as follows :
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: VirtualServicemetadata: name: reviewsspec: hosts: - reviews http: - route: - destination: host: reviews subset: v1 weight: 50 - destination: host: reviews subset: v3 weight: 50
Refresh... In your browser /productpage page , There are about 50% The probability of seeing a band in the page Red Star rating content . This is because v3 Version of reviews I visited... With star rating ratings service , but v1 The version doesn't .
If you think reviews:v3 Micro services have stabilized , You can apply this virtual service The rules will 100% The traffic is routed to reviews:v3:
# take reviews All traffic of the service is switched to v3 edition kubectl apply -f samples/bookinfo/networking/virtual-service-reviews-v3.yaml
such , All the requests went to v3 了 .
If you need to delete the virtual network of all services , It can be executed :
kubectl delete -f samples/bookinfo/networking/virtual-service-all-v1.yaml
The routing information of all services is configured in the configuration file , If deleted, all routing information will be deleted
3.4.3、 Timeout and retry
http The requested timeout can be used Routing rules Of timeout Field to specify . By default , Timeout is disabled
Here we come to experiment reviews
The request for the service timed out , Route the request to reviews
Service v2 edition , It will call ratings
service , We started with ratings
Artificial introduction of services 2s Delay of ( fault injection ), Right again reviews
Service configuration timeout timeout
1、 stay istio-1.6.5/samples/bookinfo/networking
Create configuration file in directory
# create profile vi virtual-service-reviews-v2-timeout.yamlapiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: VirtualServicemetadata: name: ratingsspec: hosts: - ratings http: - fault: delay: percent: 100 fixedDelay: 2s route: - destination: host: ratings subset: v1---apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: VirtualServicemetadata: name: reviewsspec: hosts: - reviews http: - route: - destination: host: reviews subset: v2 #timeout: 0.5s
stay ratings
Service injection 2s Delay of ,
2、 Apply the routing configuration , Just execute under the current directory
kubectl apply -f virtual-service-reviews-v2-timeout.yaml
3、 Visit this website , Now you can see Bookinfo The app is working properly ( Shows the star symbol of the rating ), But every time you refresh the page , There will be 2 Second delay .
4、 Re edit the file , Let go, right reviews
The call of the service increases the request timeout by one and a half seconds ( Get rid of timeout Notes )
5、 Reapply the configuration , Or execute the first 2 Step command , Then check whether the configuration is updated by the following command
kubectl get virtualservice -o yaml
6、 Refresh the page again
At this time, you should see 1 Seconds will return , Not before 2 Second , but reviews
Is not available ( Page does not reviews The data of )
Even if the timeout is configured as half a second , The response still needs 1 second , Because
Hard coded retry in service , So it calls before returningreviews
Service timeout twice ( retry ).
About retry : Direct reference document
3.4.4、 Fuse
The fuse is Istio Create for with Elastic microservice applications Provide a useful mechanism . In the fuse , Set a limit on individual host calls in the service , For example, the number of concurrent connections or the number of failed calls to the host . Once the limit is triggered , The fuse will “ trip ” And stop connecting to the host .
Using fuse mode can fail quickly without having to let the client try to connect to an overloaded or failed host .
Deploy httpbin
httpbin It's an open source project , Use Python+Flask To write , It can be used to test various HTTP Requests and responses . Official website :http://httpbin.org/
kubectl apply -f samples/httpbin/httpbin.yaml
The content of this configuration file is :
################################################################################################### httpbin service##################################################################################################apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata: name: httpbin---apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata: name: httpbin labels: app: httpbinspec: ports: - name: http port: 8000 targetPort: 80 selector: app: httpbin---apiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata: name: httpbinspec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: httpbin version: v1 template: metadata: labels: app: httpbin version: v1 spec: serviceAccountName: httpbin containers: - image: docker.io/kennethreitz/httpbin imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: httpbin ports: - containerPort: 80
Configure fuse
Create a target Fusing rules (DestinationRule), Calling httpbin Apply fusing settings during service :
kubectl apply -f - <<EOFapiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: DestinationRulemetadata: name: httpbinspec: host: httpbin trafficPolicy: connectionPool: tcp: maxConnections: 1 # maximum connection http: http1MaxPendingRequests: 1 #http request pending The maximum number of requests for status maxRequestsPerConnection: 1 # Limit the maximum number of requests to the back-end service within a certain period of time outlierDetection: # Fuse setting consecutiveErrors: 1 # Reject connections from the connection pool , The number of failed connections , When passed HTTP During the interview , The return code is 502、503 or 504 It's a mistake . interval: 1s # The time interval between access denied scans , That is to say interval(1s) Occur continuously within the 1 individual consecutiveErrors error , Then trigger the service fuse , The format is 1h/1m/1s/1ms, But it must be greater than or equal to 1ms. That is, analyze whether the frequency needs to be eliminated , How often to analyze , Default 10 second . baseEjectionTime: 3m # Minimum access denial duration . At this time, the host will remain denied access , And if you refuse to visit for a certain number of times . Format :1h/1m/1s/1ms, But it must be greater than or equal to 1ms. After the instance is eliminated , At least how long should I not return to the load balancing pool , The default is 30 second . maxEjectionPercent: 100 # The service is denied access in the load balancing pool ( Removed ) Maximum percentage of , What is the maximum percentage of the load balancing pool to be eliminated , The default is 10%.EOF
Verify that the target rule has been created correctly :
kubectl get destinationrule httpbin -o yamlapiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: DestinationRulemetadata: name: httpbin ...spec: host: httpbin trafficPolicy: connectionPool: http: http1MaxPendingRequests: 1 maxRequestsPerConnection: 1 tcp: maxConnections: 1 outlierDetection: baseEjectionTime: 180.000s consecutiveErrors: 1 interval: 1.000s maxEjectionPercent: 100
Create a client program to send traffic to httpbin service . This one is called Fortio Load test customer's , It can control the number of connections 、 Concurrency and sending HTTP The delay of the request . adopt Fortio Can effectively trigger the front stay DestinationRule Fusing strategy set in .
Inject Istio Sidecar agent , In order to Istio Manage their network interactions :
$ kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f samples/httpbin/sample-client/fortio-deploy.yaml)
Wait a moment in the middle , Let the client deploy successfully !!!
Login client Pod And use Fortio Tool call
service .-curl
The parameter indicates that a call is sent :$ FORTIO_POD=$(kubectl get pod | grep fortio | awk '{ print $1 }')$ kubectl exec -it $FORTIO_POD -c fortio -- /usr/bin/fortio load -curl http://httpbin:8000/getHTTP/1.1 200 OKserver: envoydate: Tue, 16 Jan 2018 23:47:00 GMTcontent-type: application/jsonaccess-control-allow-origin: *access-control-allow-credentials: truecontent-length: 445x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 36{ "args": {}, "headers": { "Content-Length": "0", "Host": "httpbin:8000", "User-Agent": "istio/fortio-0.6.2", "X-B3-Sampled": "1", "X-B3-Spanid": "824fbd828d809bf4", "X-B3-Traceid": "824fbd828d809bf4", "X-Ot-Span-Context": "824fbd828d809bf4;824fbd828d809bf4;0000000000000000", "X-Request-Id": "1ad2de20-806e-9622-949a-bd1d9735a3f4" }, "origin": "", "url": "http://httpbin:8000/get"}
You can see that the request to call the back-end service has been successful ! Next , It can be tested for fusing .
Trigger fuse
stay DestinationRule Configuration in progress , Defined maxConnections: 1 and http1MaxPendingRequests: 1. These rules mean , If the number of concurrent connections and requests exceeds one , stay istio-proxy When making further requests and connections , Subsequent requests or The connection will be blocked .
The number of concurrent messages sent is 2 The connection of (
-c 2
), request 20 Time (-n 20
):[[email protected] istio-1.6.5]# kubectl exec -it $FORTIO_POD -c fortio -- /usr/bin/fortio load -c 2 -qps 0 -n 20 -loglevel Warning http://httpbin:8000/get03:59:25 I logger.go:97> Log level is now 3 Warning (was 2 Info)Fortio 1.3.1 running at 0 queries per second, 2->2 procs, for 20 calls: http://httpbin:8000/getStarting at max qps with 2 thread(s) [gomax 2] for exactly 20 calls (10 per thread + 0)03:59:25 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)03:59:25 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)03:59:25 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)03:59:25 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)03:59:25 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)03:59:25 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)Ended after 79.166124ms : 20 calls. qps=252.63Aggregated Function Time : count 20 avg 0.0064311497 +/- 0.007472 min 0.000340298 max 0.032824602 sum 0.128622994# range, mid point, percentile, count>= 0.000340298 <= 0.001 , 0.000670149 , 10.00, 2> 0.001 <= 0.002 , 0.0015 , 20.00, 2> 0.002 <= 0.003 , 0.0025 , 40.00, 4> 0.003 <= 0.004 , 0.0035 , 60.00, 4> 0.004 <= 0.005 , 0.0045 , 65.00, 1> 0.006 <= 0.007 , 0.0065 , 80.00, 3> 0.012 <= 0.014 , 0.013 , 85.00, 1> 0.014 <= 0.016 , 0.015 , 90.00, 1> 0.016 <= 0.018 , 0.017 , 95.00, 1> 0.03 <= 0.0328246 , 0.0314123 , 100.00, 1# target 50% 0.0035# target 75% 0.00666667# target 90% 0.016# target 99% 0.0322597# target 99.9% 0.0327681Sockets used: 8 (for perfect keepalive, would be 2)Code 200 : 14 (70.0 %)Code 503 : 6 (30.0 %)Response Header Sizes : count 20 avg 161.15 +/- 105.5 min 0 max 231 sum 3223Response Body/Total Sizes : count 20 avg 668.15 +/- 279.6 min 241 max 852 sum 13363All done 20 calls (plus 0 warmup) 6.431 ms avg, 252.6 qps
result :
Code 200 : 14 (70.0 %)Code 503 : 6 (30.0 %)
Increase the number of concurrent connections to 3 individual :
[[email protected] istio-1.6.5]# kubectl exec -it $FORTIO_POD -c fortio -- /usr/bin/fortio load -c 3 -qps 0 -n 30 -loglevel Warning http://httpbin:8000/get04:01:42 I logger.go:97> Log level is now 3 Warning (was 2 Info)Fortio 1.3.1 running at 0 queries per second, 2->2 procs, for 30 calls: http://httpbin:8000/getStarting at max qps with 3 thread(s) [gomax 2] for exactly 30 calls (10 per thread + 0)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)04:01:42 W http_client.go:679> Parsed non ok code 503 (HTTP/1.1 503)Ended after 32.153704ms : 30 calls. qps=933.02Aggregated Function Time : count 30 avg 0.0019156712 +/- 0.001801 min 0.000270969 max 0.006581956 sum 0.057470135# range, mid point, percentile, count>= 0.000270969 <= 0.001 , 0.000635485 , 56.67, 17> 0.002 <= 0.003 , 0.0025 , 70.00, 4> 0.003 <= 0.004 , 0.0035 , 86.67, 5> 0.004 <= 0.005 , 0.0045 , 93.33, 2> 0.005 <= 0.006 , 0.0055 , 96.67, 1> 0.006 <= 0.00658196 , 0.00629098 , 100.00, 1# target 50% 0.000908871# target 75% 0.0033# target 90% 0.0045# target 99% 0.00640737# target 99.9% 0.0065645Sockets used: 20 (for perfect keepalive, would be 3)Code 200 : 11 (36.7 %)Code 503 : 19 (63.3 %)Response Header Sizes : count 30 avg 84.333333 +/- 110.8 min 0 max 230 sum 2530Response Body/Total Sizes : count 30 avg 464.66667 +/- 294 min 241 max 851 sum 13940All done 30 calls (plus 0 warmup) 1.916 ms avg, 933.0 qps
You can see , Only 36.7% 's request succeeded , The rest are blocked by fuses :
Code 200 : 11 (36.7 %)Code 503 : 19 (63.3 %)
Inquire about
Status to learn more about fusing details :[[email protected] istio-1.6.5]# kubectl exec $FORTIO_POD -c istio-proxy -- pilot-agent request GET stats | grep httpbin | grep pendingcluster.outbound|8000||httpbin.default.svc.cluster.local.circuit_breakers.default.rq_pending_open: 0cluster.outbound|8000||httpbin.default.svc.cluster.local.circuit_breakers.high.rq_pending_open: 0cluster.outbound|8000||httpbin.default.svc.cluster.local.upstream_rq_pending_active: 0cluster.outbound|8000||httpbin.default.svc.cluster.local.upstream_rq_pending_failure_eject: 0cluster.outbound|8000||httpbin.default.svc.cluster.local.upstream_rq_pending_overflow: 72cluster.outbound|8000||httpbin.default.svc.cluster.local.upstream_rq_pending_total: 59
You can see
, It means , So far 59 Calls are marked as blown .
Clean up rules :
$ kubectl delete destinationrule httpbin
Offline httpbin Services and clients :
$ kubectl delete deploy httpbin fortio-deploy$ kubectl delete svc httpbin
3.4.5、 Observability
istio The observability of is embodied in : Metrics , journal , Distributed tracking , Grid Visualization Other aspects
Grid Visualization
We can istio The grid is presented visually , be based on Web Graphical user interface to view grids and Istio Configure the service diagram of the object , Make our operation more convenient ( Get rid of the trouble of orders !!!)
stay Istio Can be used in Kiali
Manage the service grid visually .Kiali Official website :https://www.kiali.io/
Kiali Installation : stay demo The environment has been installed by default kiali, We can check it by the following command
kubectl -n istio-system get serviceskubectl -n istio-system get podkubectl -n istio-system get svc kiali
1、 To open Kiali UI, Please wait on your Kubernetes Execute the following command in the environment :
[[email protected] ~]# istioctl dashboard kiali --address to open browser; open http://localhost:38022/kiali in your browser.
Send traffic to the grid , There are three options :
Access in a browser
Use the following command multiple times :
$ curl http://$GATEWAY_URL/productpage
- If you installed
command , Please send the request continuously in the following way , The time interval is 1 second :$ watch -n 1 curl -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code} $GATEWAY_URL/productpage
Use this address to open , Pay attention to replacement localhost by address
Address , Login username and password are both admin
View the percentage of traffic allocation :
Request statistics ,RPS data ( Minimum / The maximum ratio )
Show different chart types , There are four types :
- App
- Graph types aggregate all versions of an application into a graph node .
- Graph types aggregate all versions of an application into a graph node .
- Versioned App
- The graph type shows the nodes for each application version , But all versions of a particular application are grouped together .
- The graph type shows the nodes for each application version , But all versions of a particular application are grouped together .
- Workload
- The graph type shows the nodes of each workload in the service grid .
- The graph type shows the nodes of each workload in the service grid .
- Service
- The graph type shows the nodes of each service in the grid .
- The graph type shows the nodes of each service in the grid .
Route weighting
The default routing rule will evenly browse to each available node , adopt kiali It can be adjusted visually :
First step , see servers list :
The second step , Get into reviews service :
The third step , Delete the original routing rule :
Step four , Rules for creating weights :
By default :
Adjustment :
Save operation .
Step five , adopt watch Perform for a period of time , Observe the effect :
You can see , Assigned to reviews Of v1、v2、v3 The percentage of has changed .
View workload
Inbound 、 Outbound information :
Log information :
Inbound indicator information :
Outbound indicator information :
3.5、istio actual combat
0、 Find items from the materials itcast-service-mesh2.zip
, Import ide, Make movie.tar
1、 take movie.tar
Upload them to k8-node1(201 host )
and k8-master(200 host )
, Then unzip
2、 stay k8-node1
On a host , perform build-images.sh
Script , First build the image ( Pay attention to it node
Node )
3、 stay k8-master
On a host , stay movie/movie-istio
Deploy under the directory first
kubectl apply -f movie.yaml
Waiting to start
kubectl get service -o wide# Wait for all pod All become running kubectl get podkubectl get pod -o wide
4、 Sign in neo4j
Import initialization data , visit : ( The address of the visit is node Node ip)
use :neo4j
Sign in , After the first login, change the password to :neo4j123
, Bear in mind , Bear in mind , Bear in mind !
5、 Import initial data , Find out from the data Movie data .txt
, stay neo4j
In the implementation of , Query after execution
match (n) return n
6、 Create the initial Target rule
, Execute the following command
kubectl apply -f destination-rule-all.yaml
7、 Create a gateway , Execute the following command
kubectl apply -f movie-gateway.yaml
8、 Get the gateway access address , Complete with the following command
export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http2")].nodePort}')export SECURE_INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="https")].nodePort}')export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl get po -l istio=ingressgateway -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.hostIP}')export GATEWAY_URL=$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORTecho $GATEWAY_URL
9、 Access according to the output address , such as :
To test , Refresh several times , You can see the scoring section , red / black Switch .
10、 All traffic will be directed to scoring v2 edition , Only red scores are displayed , Then you can execute the following rule
kubectl apply -f virtual-service-rating-v2.yaml
Check the scoring display of the web page again !!!
This article is written by the wisdom education valley - The teaching and research team of wild architects released Reprint please indicate the source !
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