2022-08-05 00:44:00 【drunk little white】
0, role
pip is for Python, yum is for Linux, helm is for K8S.
- Easy to go from "zero to Kubernetes";
- Provides a package management system similar to the operating system;
- emphasizes the security and configurability of deploying applications to Kubernetes.
1, install & use
Use helm to build a MySql cluster
help repo addhelm repo listhelm installhelm unistallhelm list --namespace bpx
- 2022 Hangzhou Electric Power Multi-School Session 3 Question B Boss Rush
- 机器学习(公式推导与代码实现)--sklearn机器学习库
- [idea] idea configures sql formatting
- 【FreeRTOS】FreeRTOS与stm32内置堆栈的占用情况
- 4. PCIe 接口时序
- 2022杭电多校第三场 L题 Two Permutations
- 2022 Hangzhou Electric Power Multi-School Session 3 K Question Taxi
- Pytorch usage and tricks
- 内存取证系列1
- 2021年11月网络规划设计师上午题知识点(上)
Software testing interview questions: How many types of software are there?
CNI(Container Network Plugin)
Matlab uses plotting method for data simulation and simulation
Software testing interview questions: Have you used some tools for software defect (Bug) management in your past software testing work? If so, please describe the process of software defect (Bug) trac
About I double-checked and reviewed the About staff page, returning an industry question
面试汇总:为何大厂面试官总问 Framework 的底层原理?
Software Testing Interview Questions: What aspects should be considered when designing test cases, i.e. what aspects should different test cases test against?
leetcode: 266. All Palindromic Permutations
The principle of NMS and its code realization
2022 Nioke Multi-School Training Session H Question H Take the Elevator
leetcode: 269. The Martian Dictionary
Software testing interview questions: test life cycle, the test process is divided into several stages, and the meaning of each stage and the method used?
Software testing interview questions: What are the three modules of LoadRunner?
leetcode: 267. Palindromic permutations II