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Prototype and prototype chain

2022-07-07 10:27:00 Wang yuanrou


What is a constructor

A constructor is a special function , It's mainly used to initialize objects , That is, the initialization value of the object member object , It's always related to new Use it with . Put some common attributes and methods of the object in this constructor .

Constructor considerations

Constructor should :

  1. The first letter should be capitalized
  2. and new Use it with

Three ways to create objects

  1. Object literal
const obj = {
  1. new Object
const obj = new Object();
  1. Custom constructors
const Star = function(uname,age){
	this.uname = uname;
	this.age = age;
	this.sing = function(){
		console.log(' Sing a song ');
const ldh = new Star(' Lau Andy ',18);

new The role of keywords

When instantiating an object , The following steps will be performed in sequence :

  1. Create a new empty object in memory
  2. Give Way this Point to this new object
  3. Execute the code in the constructor , Add properties and methods to the new object
  4. Return this object

Static members and instance members

Static members : What you add to the constructor itself is a static member , It can only be accessed through the constructor itself
Instance members : In the constructor , Use this Add instance members , It can only be accessed through the instance object

function Star(uname,age){
	//uname,age,sing Are all instance members 
	this.uname = uname;
	this.age = age;
	this.sing = function(){
		console.log(' Sing a song ');

var ldh = new Star(' Lau Andy ',18);
// xb Is a static member 
Star.xb = 'na';
console.log(ldh.uname);// Lau Andy 

Why use prototypes

The constructor has the problem of wasting memory : The methods in the constructor are implemented by functions , When the function is declared and used again, it will open up a memory space , therefore , Every time we instantiate an object with a constructor , Objects will open up a memory space for method functions and point to it , But in fact, the things stored in these memory spaces are the same , This leads to a waste of memory space .

const Star = function(uname,age){
	this.uname = uname;
	this.age = age;
	this.sing = function(){
		console.log(' Sing a song ');
const ldh = new Star(' Lau Andy ',18);
const zxy = new Star(' Jacky Cheung ',18);
console.log(ldh.sing === zxy.sing);//false
//ldh and zxy The methods of two instance objects are not equal false

The prototype object for the constructor prototype

JavaScript Regulations , There is one in every constructor prototype attribute , Its attribute value is an object , And the properties and methods in this object will be owned by the constructor , This object is the prototype object . Usually, we define common attributes directly on the constructor , Define the method in the constructor prototype Property corresponding to the prototype object , Can save memory space , If the method is placed in the constructor , Every time you instantiate an object, you need to open up a space to store methods , These methods are the same , Waste space . therefore , We know that the role of the prototype object in the constructor is to share methods

const Star = function(uname,age){
	this.uname = uname;
	this.age = age;
Star.prototype.sing = function(){
	console.log(' Sing a song ');

const ldh = new Star(' Lau Andy ',18);
ldh.sing(); //  Sing a song 
const zxy = new Star(' Jacky Cheung ',19);
zxy.sing(); //  Sing a song 
console.log(ldh.sing === zxy.sing); // true

The prototype object on the object __proto__

Every object has an attribute __proto__, Its attribute value is the constructor prototype Property value of property ( It's also an object ), The reason why instantiated objects can use constructors prototype Properties and methods of , Because of __prpto__ The existence of ,__proto__ Object prototypes and prototype objects prototype It is equivalent. .

__proto__ The significance of the system is to find the object , It is a non-standard attribute , Therefore, we cannot use this attribute in actual development .

const Star = function(uname,age){
	this.uname = uname;
	this.age = age;

Star.prototype.sing = function(){
	console.log(' Sing a song ');

const ldh = new Star(' Lau Andy ',18);
console.log(ldh.__proto__ === Star.prototype);//true

javascript Order rules for accessing the properties and methods of objects

  1. First, check whether the object itself has

  2. Find its prototype __proto__ Do you have , Similarly, it is also constructor prototype Prototype object

  3. Find No 2 Is there any on the prototype object found in step , Always find Object On the prototype object __proto__

  4. If the former 3 I can't find any steps , That's it null

The whole process depends on __proto__ This attribute , Provides the search “ Route ”, We call it “ Prototype chain ”.

const Star = function(){
Object.prototype.sing = function(){
	console.log("Obj Sing a song ");
const ldh = new Star();
ldh.sing(); // Obj Sing a song 
const Star = function(){
Object.prototype.sing = function(){
	console.log("Obj Sing a song ");
Star.prototype.sing = function(){
	console.log(" Sing a song ");
const ldh = new Star();
ldh.sing(); //  Sing a song 
const Star = function(){
	this.sing = function(){
		console.log("ldh Sing a song ");
Object.prototype.sing = function(){
	console.log("Obj Sing a song ");
Star.prototype.sing = function(){
	console.log(" Sing a song ");
const ldh = new Star();
ldh.sing(); // ldh Sing a song 

On the prototype object constructor attribute

const Star = function(uname,age){
	this.uname = uname;
	this.age = age;

Star.prototype.sing = function(){
	console.log(' Sing a song ');

// This form is to reassign the prototype object ,Star.prorotype.constructor  It's not Star Constructor 
Star.prototype = {
	constructor: Star,
	eat: function(){
		console.log(' having dinner ');
	sleep: function(){
		consolo.log(' sleep ');

//constructor The value of this attribute is used to record which constructor the prototype object refers to , It allows the prototype object to point back to the original constructor 
const ldh = new Star(' Lau Andy ',18);
ldh.eat();// having dinner 
ldh.sing();//Uncaught TypeError: ldh.sing is not a function
//ldh The prototype object of has been modified 

Constructors 、 Prototype object 、 Diagram of the relationship between instance objects

 Insert picture description here

Prototype chain diagram

 Insert picture description here

Prototype this Direction problem of

In the constructor this It points to the instance object
Prototype object function this It also points to the instance object

var that1;
var that2;
function Star(uname,age){
		this.uname = uname;
		this.age = age;
		that1 = this;

Star.prototype.sing = function(){
	console.log(' Sing a song ');
	that2 = this;
console.log(that1 == that2);//true

The application of prototype chain – Inherit

//  Inheritance attribute :
//  Just use call() Parent class this Point to subclasses this Point to 
//  Specific operation demonstration :
function Father(uname,age){
	this.uname = uname;
	this.age = age;
Father.prototype.money = function(){
	console.log(' I can make money now ');

function Son(uname,age,score){
	// By calling call This method can inherit all the attributes in the constructor of the parent class , Concise code 
	this.score = score;

var son = new Son(' Lau Andy ',18,100);
// {
// "uname": " Lau Andy ",
// "age": 18,
// "score": 100
// }
//  Inheritance method :
/*  Modify the prototype object of the subclass prototype by new Father() The instance , Through the prototype chain __proto__ It inherits the prototype object of the parent class and its methods ; But don't forget to use Son.prototype.constructor = Son; Point back to the original constructor , This is the of this instance object “ Id card ”, Explain which constructor is instantiated  */
function Father(uname,age){
	this.uname = uname;
	this.age = age;
Father.prototype.money = function(){
	console.log(' I can make money now ');
function Son(uname,age,score){
	// By calling call This method can inherit all the attributes in the constructor of the parent class , Concise code 
	this.score = score;
Son.prototype = new Father();
Son.prototype.constructor = Son;
Son.prototype.kaoshi = function(){
	console.log(' The test ');
var son = new Son(' Lau Andy ',18,100);
// {
// "uname": " Lau Andy ",
// "age": 18,
// "score": 100
// }
son.money(); //  I can make money now 
son.kaoshi(); //  The test 

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