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Rotating frame target detection mmrotate v0.3.1 learning model
2022-07-02 02:45:00 【qq_ forty-one million six hundred and twenty-seven thousand six】
1、 We basically divide the model components into 5 Types
1、backbone: usually an FCN network to extract feature maps, e.g., ResNet, Swin.
2、neck: the component between backbones and heads, e.g., FPN, ReFPN.
3、head: the component for specific tasks, e.g., bbox prediction.
4、roi extractor: the part for extracting RoI features from feature maps, e.g., RoI Align Rotated.
5、loss: the component in head for calculating losses, e.g., FocalLoss, GWDLoss, and KFIoULoss.
2、 Develop new components
2.1 Add a new backbone
Here we have MobileNet As an example to show how to develop new components
1. Define a new backbone (e.g. MobileNet)
Create a new file mmrotate/models/backbones/mobilenet.py.
import torch.nn as nn
from mmrotate.models.builder import ROTATED_BACKBONES
class MobileNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, arg1, arg2):
def forward(self, x): # should return a tuple
2.2 The import module
You can either add the following line to mmrotate/models/backbones/init.py
from .mobilenet import MobileNet
or alternatively add
custom_imports = dict(
To the configuration file , To avoid modifying the original code .
2.3. Use the backbone in your config file
model = dict(
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