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Mongodb non relational database
2022-07-02 02:36:00 【Flow memory, stay suitable】
install :
Official website No installation required , Direct will bin Put the folder path into the environment variable , Start the command line and enter the command
start-up mongodb The server :
Set up mongodb Modify the default port of the storage path of the database :
mongod --dbpath route
--port New port numbermongodb Default port :27017
mongodb The default path c:/data/db
If the folder is not created and the storage path is not set , False report , When the configuration file is not created
Each time you start the database, setting the default port and default storage path is only valid for this use
️ Connect mongodb database :
Basic configuration
You can also use the software by default
Official website configuration document Install MongoDB Community Edition on Windows — MongoDB Manual
take MongoDB Set as system service , Can start automatically in the background , No need to start manually every time
stay bin Created in the same level directory data Folder
- stay data Create under folder db and log Folder , The database and log files of the program will be stored here
create profile
In software installation bin Add a configuration file under the same level directory mongod.cfg
systemLog: destination: file path: D:\mySoftware\mongodb\mongodb-win32-x86_64-windows-5.0.9\data\log\mongod.log storage: dbPath: D:\mySoftware\mongodb\mongodb-win32-x86_64-windows-5.0.9\data\db net: port: 27017
path Is the directory for configuring the print log
dbpath Is the storage location of configuration data
port Is the configured port number
Open the command line window as Administrator
Execute the following command
mongod --config D:\mongoDB\mongodb-win32-x86_64-windows-5.0.1\mongod.cfg --install --serviceName "MongoDB"
If the configuration file executes, an error is reported , Finally, it cannot be started , Then configure it on the command line mongoDB, Replace the above command with the following command ( Pay attention to modifying your path )
mongod --dbpath "D:\mongoDB\mongodb-win32-x86_64-windows-5.0.1\data\db" --logpath "D:\mongoDB\mongodb-win32-x86_64-windows-5.0.1\data\log\mongod.log" --install --serviceName "MongoDB"
start-up mongoDB:
net start MongoDB
Press on the keyboard “WIN+R”, Input “services.msc” Instruction determination .
After opening the service , find MongoDB, As shown in the figure below, it has been successful !
Here you've done mongoDB All configurations of . Next, if you need to connect to the database . There are two situations :
Use cmd Command window connection
If you have configured environment variables , Directly in cmd Enter... In the window mongo You can connect successfully
If the environment variable is not configured , You need to in bin Open... In the directory cmd window , Input mongo
Graphic software studio3t Connect
You may not use the software , Use the command line directly , The software is more convenient to operate
Here we recommend a website studio3t Software :https://robomongo.org/
Shortcut key
- F5 Execute all commands
- F6 Execute the current line command of the cursor
- F9 Execute the selected command
Reference resources https://blog.csdn.net/m0_46217225/article/details/119109334
Studio 3T Expired reset usage time cracking mogodb
Normal free use 30 God
1. create a file studio3t.bat file , edit , Copy some code
@echo off
ECHO Reset Studio 3T Date of use ......
REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\3t\mongochef\enterprise" /f
RMDIR /s /q %USERPROFILE%\.3T\studio-3t\soduz3vqhnnja46uvu3szq--
RMDIR /s /q %USERPROFILE%\.3T\studio-3t\Lwm3TdTxgYJkXBgVk4s3
RMDIR /s /q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\t3\dataman\mongodb\app\AppRunner
RMDIR /s /q C:\Users\Public\t3\dataman\mongodb\app\AppRunner
RMDIR /s /q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\t3\dataman\mongodb\app\AppRunner
RMDIR /s /q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ftuwWNWoJl-STeZhVGHKkQ--
RMDIR /s /q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\ftuwWNWoJl-STeZhVGHKkQ--
RMDIR /s /q %USERPROFILE%\.cache\ftuwWNWoJl-STeZhVGHKkQ--
ECHO Reset complete , Press any key to exit ......
2. hold bat Put the file into the following path to run
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
Reference resources Studio 3T Crack mogodb - Chain drop (ld246.com)
Three basic concepts :
- database database
- aggregate ( Array ) collection
- Similar to SQL Data table in , It's essentially a Array , It contains multiple document objects ,[{},{},{}]
- Document object document
- Similar to SQL Records in , A document object {} It's just a record
- A database consists of multiple collections , A collection contains multiple document objects .
- MongoDB in , Database and collection do not need to be created manually , When we create the document , If the collection or database of the document does not exist, the database and collection will be created automatically
Basic use :
- show dbs or show databases
- View all databases
- use xxx
- Switch to the specified database , Can switch to a nonexistent database , Automatically create when creating documents
- db
- View the database of the current operation
- show collections
- View all collections in the current database
Database CRUD( Additions and deletions ) operation :
Operating instructions on the official website MongoDB CRUD Operations — MongoDB Manual
Mongoose v6.4.1: (mongoosejs.com)
insert data
Insert a piece of data
db.collectionName.insertOne( {name:‘Hu’} )
- db Represents the database of the current operation
collectionName Represents a collection of operations , If there is no , Will be created automatically
- If the inserted document is not provided manually _id attribute , It will automatically create a
Insert multiple data
- db.collectionName.insertMany( [ {name:‘liu5’} , {name:‘liu6’} ] )
- You need to wrap it in an array
- db.collectionName.insertMany( [ {name:‘liu5’} , {name:‘liu6’} ] )
universal API:db.collectionName.insert()
Insert one or more documents into the collection
Insert a document into the collection
db.collectionName.insert({name:"Hu", age:22, gender:" male "});
Insert multiple documents into the collection
db.collectionName.insert([ {name:"Hu", age:22, gender:" male "}, {name:"He", age:22, gender:" male "}, ]);
# Add 20000 pieces of data
for(var i=0;i<20000;i++){
username:'liu'+i}) # You need to perform 20000 Add the secondary database
# Optimize :
var arr=[];
for(var i=0;i<20000;i++){
db.user.insert(arr) # Just execute 1 Add the secondary database , Can save a lot of time
- When inserting a document into a collection , If the document is not specified _id attribute , The database will automatically add _id Used as the unique identification of the document ( Generate according to time stamp and machine code )
- _id We can specify by ourselves , If we specify the database, we won't add it , If you specify _id We must also ensure its uniqueness
Query data
db.collectionName.find() or db.collectionName.find({})
- Query all documents in the collection , That's all the data .
- What you find is the whole Array object . There is an object wrapped in the outermost layer .
- db.collectionName.count() or db.collectionName.length() Count the number of documents
db.collectionName.find({ attribute : value , attribute : value })
Conditions of the query . Be careful : The result is a Array , Multiple properties can be set , The relationship between each attribute is and
If the property of the queried document is a value , Then judge whether it is the specified lookup value
If the attribute of the queried document is a list , Then judge whether the list contains the specified search value
db.collectionName.findOne() Returns the first in the array of qualified objects object
Be careful :
> db.students.find({_id:222}).name // error > db.students.findOne({_id:222}).name // correct
db.collectionName.find({ attribute : value }).count() or db.collectionName.find({ attribute : value }).length() Count the number of qualified documents
MonoDB It supports query directly through the properties of embedded documents , If you want to query an embedded document, you can use the . To match , If you want to query documents through embedded documents , The property name must be quoted at this time
sort() It can be used to specify the collation of documents
- When querying documents , By default, follow _id Sort by ( Ascending )
- 1 Expressing ascending order ,-1 Representation of descending order
- limit skip sort Can be called in any order , The system automatically follows sort skip limit Call in sequence
db.emp.find({}).sort({sal:1}); # according to sal Ascending order ,-1 For the descending order
Set up the projection
In the query , You can set the result of the query in the position of the second parameter Projection
Set the displayed field name to 1, The field name that is not displayed is set to 0,_id Fields are displayed by default
db.emp.find({}, {ename:1, _id:0, sal:1});
# 1.mongodb It supports direct query through the attribute values of embedded documents
# What is an embedded document :hobby It belongs to the embedded document
hobby.movies:'movie1'}) // error
"hobby.movies":'movie1'})// At this time, the attribute name of the query must be enclosed in quotation marks
#2. Use of query operators
# Comparison operator
$gt Greater than
$gte Greater than or equal to
$lt Less than
$lte Less than or equal to
$ne It's not equal to
$eq Another way to write equal to , When the attribute is an array , Judge whether the attribute value is the given value , Instead of judging whether a given value exists in the array , Here and ( Property name : value ) Different
$gt:200}}) # Greater than 200
$gt:200,$lt:300}}) # Greater than 200 Less than 300
$or perhaps
) # Greater than 300 Or less than 200
#3. Paging query
db.users.find().skip( Page number -1 * Number of entries per page ).limit( Number of entries per page )
db.users.find().limit(10) # front 10 Data
db.users.find().skip(50).limit(10) # Skip the former 50 Data , That is, the query is no 61-70 Data , That is to say 6 Pages of data
db.users.find().limit(10).skip(50) # The function is the same as above ,MongoDB Will automatically adjust skip and limit The location of
#4. Sort
# When querying documents , The default in accordance with the _id Sort ( Ascending )
sal:1}) #1 Indicates ascending order ,-1 Represents a descending order
sal:1,empno:-1}) # First according to sal Ascending order , If the same sal, Then press empno Descending order
# Be careful :skip,limit,sort You can call... In any order , The final result is to adjust first sort, Adjust again skip, Final adjustment limit
#5. Set the projection of query results , That is, filter out only the fields you want
ename:1,_id:0}) # Only... Is displayed in the matched document ename Field
Modifying data
db.collectionName.update( Query criteria , New object )
update() By default, new objects are used to replace old objects
Only one will be modified by default
take multi Parameter set to true You can modify multiple
The function prototype
If you need to modify the specified properties , Instead of replacing, you need to use " Modify operator " To complete the modification
- $set It can be used to modify the specified properties in the document
- $unset It can be used to delete specified attributes in the document
- Modify multiple qualified documents at the same time
- Modify a qualified document
$push Add a new element to the array , Don't think about repetition
$addToSet Add an element to the array , Do not insert when the element already exists in the array
# 1. Replace the entire document
# db.collectionName.update(condiction,newDocument)
> db.students.update({
# 2. Modify the corresponding properties , You need to use the modification operator , such as $set,$unset,$push,$addToSet
# Query criteria
# Modify the corresponding properties
# Delete the corresponding attribute
gender:1 // there 1 You can change it to any other value , No influence
# {
# multi:true // It means to modify all the qualified documents
# }
# 3.update Default and updateOne() equivalent , That is, for the matched documents, only the first one will be changed
# updateMany() Can be used to change all documents that match
# 4. Add data to the array
# If the data already exists , Will not be added
# 5. Self - increment and self - decrement operators $inc
num:100}} # Give Way num Self increasing 100
num:-100}} # Give Way num Self reduction 100
sal:400}}) # Pay less than 1000 The number of employees increased 400 The salary of
Delete data
remove({ attribute : value }) You can delete documents according to conditions , The way of transmitting conditions and find() equally
Delete eligible documents ( Delete multiple by default )
if remove The second parameter is passed true You can delete only one
The function prototype
db.collectionName.delete({}) Empty the set , Delete all documents , Poor performance , Delete each document in turn
db.collectionName.delete() error
Delete one
To delete multiple
db.collectionName.drop() Delete entire collection , Performance ratio db.collectionName.delete({}) good , After deleting show collections; The set cannot be queried
If this set is the last set in the database , After deleting , The entire database will also disappear
db.dropDatabase() Delete database
Generally, the data in the database will not be deleted , Therefore, deleted methods are rarely called
In practical applications, a field is usually added to the data , Indicates whether the data has been deleted
# 1. db.collectionName.remove()
# remove All matching documents will be deleted by default . amount to deleteMany()
# remove You can add a second parameter , Indicates that only the first matching document will be deleted . At this time, it is equivalent to deleteOne()
# 2. db.collectionName.deleteOne()
# 3. db.collectionName.deleteMany()
# 4. Delete all data :db.students.remove({})---- Poor performance , Internally, documents are deleted one by one .
# Directly through db.students.drop() Delete the entire collection to improve efficiency .
# 5. Delete the collection
# 6. Delete database
# 7. Be careful : Delete the attributes of a document , Should use the update. remove as well as delete The series deletes the entire document
# 8. When the deleted condition is an embedded attribute :
Relationship between documents :
one-on-one (one to one)
spouse ( A husband Corresponding A wife )
stay MongoDB The one-to-one relationship can be embodied in the form of embedded documents
db.wifeAndHusband.insert({ name:" Huang Rong ", husband:{ name:" Guo Jing " } })
One to many (one to many) / For one more (many to one)
- Parents - children 、 user - Order 、 article - Comment on
- You can also map one to many relationships by embedding documents
# Users and orders :
Inquire about liu1 All orders for :
First of all get liu1 Of id:
var user_id=db.users.findOne({
according to id Query the corresponding order from the order set :
Many to many (many to many)
# Teachers and students
brief introduction :
mongoose yes nodejs Used exclusively to operate mongodb Database js library
Mongoose It's an object document model (ODM) library , It's right Node Native MongoDB The module is further optimized and packaged , And provide more functions
in the majority of cases , It is used to apply structured patterns to a MongoDB aggregate , And provides benefits such as validation and type conversion
Mongoose The benefits of
- You can create a schema structure for a document (Schema)
- Objects in the model can be / Document validation
- Data can be converted to an object model by type
- Middleware can be used to apply business logic hooks
- Than Node Native MongoDB Easier to drive
mongoose Objects in the :
Schema Pattern object
Schema Object definition constrains document structure in database
Model Model object
Model Object as a representation of all documents in the collection , amount to MongoDB Collections in the database collection
Document Document object
Document Represents a specific document in a collection , It is equivalent to gathering Chinese A specific document
install :
npm i -s mongoose
Connect to database :
Introduced in the project mongoose
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
Connect mongodb database
mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost/users", { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, });
- mongodb: Indicates the use agreement
- localhost Represents a database ip Address (: Port number ), If the port number is the default port number (27017) Can be omitted
- users Represents the database name
monitor mongodb The connection status of the database , Event triggered when the binding database connection succeeds
stay mongoose In the object , There is an attribute connection, This object represents a database connection , By monitoring the status of the object , You can monitor the connection and disconnection of the database
// Event triggered when the binding database connection succeeds mongoose.connection.once("open", function () { console.log(" Successful connection "); }); // Bind database connection disconnection event mongoose.connection.once("close", function () { console.log(" The database connection has been disconnected "); });
Disconnect the database ( Generally do not use )
MongoDB database , In general , Just connect once , After one connection , Unless the project stops server shutdown , Otherwise, the connection will not be disconnected
Create schema objects and model objects :
// take mongoose.Schema Copy to a constant
const Schema=mongooes.Schema;
// establish Schema Pattern object
const stuSchema=new Schema({
type:String, // If only write type:String The effect is the same as the following address equally ,gender Writing as an object pattern can be more flexible
default:'female' // The default value is
// adopt Schema establish Model
//mongoose.model(modelName, schema);
//modelName Is the name of the set to be mapped ,mongoose Will automatically change the set name to plural , If the set name in the program is set to plural , Then it will not become plural
const StuModel=mongoose.model("student",stuSchema); // The first parameter represents the name of the set created , The second parameter represents the schema object used
Use the model object to add, delete, check and modify :
Add operation :
- Model.create(doc(s), [callback])
- Used to create one or more documents and add them to the database
- Parameters
- doc(s) Can be a document object , It can also be an array of document objects
- callback Callback function called after completion of operation
user_id: 100, name: "liu1" }, function (err) {
// Callback function
if (!err) {
console.log(" Insert the success ");
} else {
let data = [
user_id: 101, name: "liu2", age: 22 },
user_id: 102, name: "liu3" },
UserModel.create(data, function (err) {
console.log(arguments[1]); // The first parameter is zero err value , The second parameter represents the added document object , Is an array , The second parameter is shown here
Query operation :
Model.find(conditions, [projection], [options], [callback])
Query all eligible documents , The type is array
conditions: Query criteria
projection: Projection { name: 1, gender: 1, _id: 0 } or ‘name gender -_id’
options: Query options { skip: xx, limit: xx }
callback: Callback function , The query result will be returned through the callback function
The callback function must pass , If the callback function is not passed , You won't query
Model.findById(id, [projection], [options], [callback])
According to the id Property query document
Model.findOne([conditnios], [projection], [options], [callback])
Query the first eligible document , Always return a specific document object
Document The object is Model Example
Model.count(conditions, [callback])
Count the number of documents , Than find(conditions, [callback]) Reuse count It is efficient to count the length of the array
/* Inquire about : model.find(conditions,[projection],[options],callback) conditions: Query criteria projection: Projection { name: 1, gender: 1, _id: 0 } or 'name gender -_id' options: Query options { skip: xx, limit: xx } model.findOne(...) model.findById(...) model.countDocuments(conditions,callback) Query the number of documents */
}, function (err, data) {
console.log(data); //data Returns an array of
name: /liu/i },
"name gender -_id",
skip: 2, limit: 1 },
function (err, data) {
console.log(data); // Returns an array of document objects
UserModel.findById("5f9fbfba14319e492c0f5bc4", function (err, data) {
console.log(data instanceof UserModel); //true The returned document object belongs to the model object ( I.e. set ) Instance object of
}, function (err, data) {
Modify the operating :
- Model.update(conditions, doc,[options],[callback])
- Used to modify one or more documents
- Parameters
- conditions Query criteria
- doc Modified objects
- options Configuration parameters
- callback Callback function
- Model.updateMany(conditions, doc,[options],[callback])
- Model.updateOne(conditions, doc,[options],[callback])
- Model.replaceOne(conditons, doc, [options], [callback])
/* modify : model.update(conditions,[doc],[options],callback) doc: Modified document object model.updateMany(...) model.uodateOne(...) */
name: "liu1" }, {
$set: {
age: 22 } }, function (
err, data
) {
if (!err) {
console.log(" Modification successful ");
name: "liu1" }, function (err, data) {
Delete operation :
- model.remove(conditions,[callback])
- model.deleteOne(conditions,[callback])
- model.deleteMany(conditions,[callback])
/* Delete : model.remove(conditions,callback) model.deleteOne(...) model.deleteMany(...) */
name: "liu2",
function (err, data) {
console.log(" Delete successful ");
}, function (err, data) {
Document operation
Document And the documents in the collection A corresponding ,Document yes Model Example
adopt Model All the results are Document
Create a Document
var stu = new StuModel({ name:" Rush to bully ", age:48, gender:"male", address:" Bibotan " }); console.log(stu); // The content of creating a document object... Will be displayed here , There will be more _id, But it is not inserted into the database , Cannot query in the database
document Method
save([options], [functions])
stu.save(function(err){ if(!err){ console.log(" Saved successfully "); } });
update(update, [options], [callback])
Modify object
StuModel.findOne({ }, function(err, doc){ if(!err){ doc.update({ $set:{ age:28}}, function(err){ if(!err){ console.log(" Modification successful "); } }); } });
StuModel.findOne({}, function(err, doc){ if(!err){ doc.age = 18; doc.save(); } });
Delete object
StuModel.findOne({ }, function(err, doc){ if(!err){ doc.remove(function(err){ if(!err){ console.log(" Delete successful "); } }); } });
Get document id value
get(name, [type])
Gets the specified property value in the document
StuModel.findOne({ }, function(err, doc){ if(!err){ console.log(doc.get("age")); // perhaps console.log(doc.age); } });
set(path, value, [type])
Set the specified attribute value of the document
StuModel.findOne({ }, function(err, doc){ if(!err){ doc.set("name", " King Huangmei "); console.log(doc); doc.save(); // perhaps doc.name=" King Huang "; } });
Whether to store in the database , If deposited as false, otherwise true
Whether this attribute is initialized
toJSON() There is a problem
Convert to a JSON object
StuModel.findOne({}, function(err, doc){ if(!err){ console.log(doc.toJSON()); } });
take Document Object to a normal JS object
Convert to normal js After object , Pay attention to all Document Methods and properties of objects cannot be used
StuModel.findOne({ }, function(err, doc){ if(!err){ var obj = doc.toObject(); console.log(obj); delete obj.address; // Temporarily delete the properties of the object , Must be converted to a normal object , Otherwise, the deletion will not succeed console.log(obj); } });
Modular processing :
- Create a separate database connection file dbconncet.js
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost/mongoose_test", {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
mongoose.connection.once("open", function () {
console.log(" Successful connection ");
- Create a model object file for each collection xxxModel.js
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const userSchema = new Schema({
const UserModel = mongoose.model("user", userSchema);
// When using exports.module = UserModel; when , You need to use .model Get the model
module.exports = UserModel;
- In the final document index.js Introduce database connection files and create model files in :
const mongoose = require("./dbconncet");
const PostModel = require("./models/postModel");
}, function (err, data) {
if (!err) {
Reference resources Silicon Valley MongoDB Introduction to the basic course ( One day mongodb)_ Bili, Bili _bilibili
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