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[ue5] two implementation methods of AI random roaming blueprint (role blueprint and behavior tree)
2022-07-02 10:00:00 【Qiao'an fish】
Want to make a AI Random roaming , There are two ways , One is directly in AI In the role blueprint , One is to use the behavior tree to move .
Using the role blueprint is very simple , But if AI Have complex behaviors , Then you need to use the behavior tree .
Here are two ways to use .
One 、 Foundation setup
- Make AI Character blueprint
- add to AI controller
- Add a pathfinding mesh
The role blueprint is the specific action logic .
The controller controls through the role blueprint AI Move .
The pathfinding grid body provides a moving scene .
1. Make AI The blueprint
Either way , We must first establish a AI Your role blueprint .
You can directly copy a third person role blueprint , This is faster .
Briefly introduce the functions of each component of the blueprint :
- Capsule body —— Controlling collisions
- Mesh body —— Control bones 、 Animation 、 texture of material
- Camera Boom—— Control the camera view
- Character movement component —— Control character movement 、 swimming 、 Flight and other actions
a. Copy the third person role blueprint —— Delete all nodes in the event chart ( because AI No need to input data )
b. Delete some variables related to input :“ Base rotation rate ”、“ Base pitch rate ”
c. Delete camera components :camera Boom( Camera lifting arm )、 Follow the camera
2.AI controller
Need to give AI Blueprint binding controller , Otherwise AI Cannot move .
a. add to AI controller - Replace the function of the player controller just deleted
b. establish AI Controller blueprint
c. open AI_ThirdPersonCharacter The blueprint ——PAWN——AI The controller class —— binding AI Controller blueprint
UE5 There is no , You can find it in the details panel of the blueprint editor .
3. Add a pathfinding mesh
No wayfinding grid body ,AI And it can't move .
a. Add a pathfinding mesh
Pattern - Pathfinding grid body (Nav Mesh Bounds Volume) Drag into the scene
“ details ” Panel adjust brush size .
Let the mesh cover AI Scenes requiring walking .
The size of the pathfinding grid does not need to be particularly accurate .
b. Show grid body
Viewport options - Show - Navigation ( Shortcut key P)
Two 、 Character blueprints control random roaming
- Custom events :AI Move to a certain point through the controller
- Obtain random target points
- Timer cycle roaming events
principle : When the game starts , Generate a timer , And start roaming events ——AI Get a random point , Move to this point through the controller —— The timer starts counting ,1.5s after AI Go to the next point —— loop
Create a custom event for the role blueprint , Including random roaming logic - Add a function , Call custom events repeatedly in the game .
1.AI action
open AI Character blueprint - stay “ Event chart ” Right click the window to create “ Custom events custom event”, Name it “random wander Random roaming ”.
“ Random roaming ” Heel “ To Location Simple move Simple Move To Location” function .
“Get controller Get controller ” Function return value and “ To Location Simple move ” Of controller Parameter connection .
2. Random point
“ Obtain the random points that can be reached within the radius ” Starting point is current AI The location of :“ obtain Actor Location ” Return value connection of function origin ( The starting point )
Adjust the radius to 1000.( Look at personal needs )
Return value and “ To Actor Simple move ” Of Goal Parameter connection .
Complete as follows :
3. Timer cycle
establish “begin play” event - Connected to the “set timer by event Set the timer with events ” function .
random wander Random roaming events are connected to “ Set the timer with events ” Functional event Pin , Set the start time time, Check looping loop .
3、 ... and 、 The behavior tree controls random roaming
- Create behavior tree 、 blackboard
- The controller uses a behavior tree
- The behavior tree is associated with the blackboard
- Blackboard creates vectors to store random points
- Write random roaming logic in the task blueprint
- The behavior tree controls random roaming
1. Create behavior tree 、 blackboard
There are three elements in the behavior tree :
- Behavior tree
- blackboard
- Mission blueprint
principle :1 There will be 2-3 An action ,1 A mission blueprint is 1 An action , The blackboard passes the value of the task blueprint to the behavior tree , The behavior tree is controlled according to the task blueprint and blackboard value AI act .
Create a folder in the content bar “BT_Assets”.
Right click in the folder AI Create a behavior tree in the column “BT_EnemyAI”, Create another blackboard “BB_EnemyAI”.
2.AI Use behavior trees
open AI Controller blueprint .
establish “Event On Posses Event control ” event .(AI Start when controlled by the controller , In fact, it starts when the game starts )
Drag the execution pin to create “Run Behavior Tree Run the behavior tree ” function , stay BTAsset Select BT_EnemyAI Behavior tree .
3. The blackboard is associated with the behavior tree
Open behavior tree , In the details panel, confirm whether the asset selects the blackboard
4. Create an entry in the blackboard to save the target point
Create a vector variable on the blackboard to save the target position , As a new roaming destination
Switch to blackboard in the behavior tree window .
Create a new one on the blackboard tab “ vector Vector” entry , Name it Target Location.
5. Mission blueprints encapsulate random roaming logic
a. Create a new task in the behavior tree BTTask_BluePrintBase, Renamed as “BTT_FindNavigatableLocation”.
Create a new folder to store the behavior tree task , And open the task blueprint .
b. Just like the logic in the role blueprint :
newly build “Receive Execute AI Event receiving execution AI” - newly build “ Obtain random points within the navigable radius Get random reachable point in radius” function , Change the radius to 1000 - “ Event acceptance execution AI” The event Controlled pawn Drag pin to create “ obtain actor Location ” function - obtain actor The return value of the position is related to the function of obtaining random points within the navigable radius Origin Connect .
c. Handle the return value of random parameters
Different from the previous logic , Once the task is completed , The information contained in it will be destroyed . So pass the task to the behavior tree , Then pass it to the blackboard .
Drag to get random points within the navigable radius random location newly build “Set blackboard value as vector Set the blackboard value as a vector ” function . - Drag and drop Key Pin and “ Promoted to variable ”, Renamed as Target Location Key.
And make sure it is public in my panel : Because we need to operate in the behavior tree .( The name should be the same as the key in the blackboard , Otherwise, the value cannot be passed )
Event acceptance execution AI The execution pin of the event is connected to the execution pin that sets the blackboard value as a vector .
d. Tell the behavior tree that the task has been completed
If you don't tell , The task will always be stuck here .
Set the blackboard value as the execution pin of the vector and “finish execut Complete execution ” The execution pin of the function is connected - Get the return value of the random point within the navigable radius and complete the execution success Pin to pin .
as long as AI Find random points , Just judge success .
6. Create behavior tree
AI The order of action is as follows :
- Find the random target point .
- Move towards the target point .
- Wait after reaching the target point 3s( Waiting is to make the behavior more real )
a. Drag from the root and add a sequence Sequence synthesizer
b. Add another sequnce synthesis , Change the name of the detail panel to “ Random roaming ”
c. stay sequence Add the previously created tasks from left to right 、move to Mission 、wait Mission .
d.BTT_FindNavigatableLocation And changed his name to “ Find the right place ”,Target Location Key Select the blackboard key Target Location
e.Move To Change the blackboard key to Target Location
f.Wait And change the waiting time to 3s
Four 、 Replace AI Model and animation problems
1. Replace AI figure
Now replace AI Model . The best type is Character instead of Actor, So that we can call pawn.
If there is no blueprint , You can drag the model blueprint directly into the scene ,boss It is imported .
If the role blueprint has been written , Replace at the grid body of the detail panel MESH.
Also select animation sequence in animation class .
2. Character translation problem
Write it well boss After blueprint , Find out boss Translation while moving , Instead of playing running animation .
a. find BOSS Animation blueprint .
b. find Set is Accelerating One column .
The current is the acceleration of the player obtained , Convert to vector , Then turn it into length . Greater than 0 It means accelerating .
But our boss It's a AI, No input , So you need to get the current AI The speed of :
Break vector length and 0 The judgment of the .
Find the variable on the left speed, Hold down ctrl Drag in .
speed And 0 Our judgments are connected .
Run the game again ,boss Running animation will be played when moving .
5、 ... and 、 Pathfinding principle
AI Information and data are needed to move around the scene and avoid obstacles .
Finding the way in the scene is AI Basic functions of , Not just from A-B spot .
- Calculate the path
- Avoid obstacles
- Pathfinding grid body - To help AI Find your way in the scene . The mesh body is composed of a large number of convex polygons , Which areas are specified AI Can pass .
- Pre calculated data
Pathfinding grids are pre calculated (“ Bake ”) well , This means before the game starts , With 2D The pathfinding mesh body represented in the form of mesh body already contains scene objects and AI Collision data generated by itself . This makes the cost of pathfinding lower . For real-time experiences where the number or type of agents is uncertain , This is particularly evident .
The cost of pathfinding grid is low 、 Fast 、 Highly reliable , It can quickly realize the navigation function , However, the scene cannot dynamically modify the pathfinding grid body .
6、 ... and 、 Adjust the pathfinding grid
1. Basic configuration
Change automatic update to manual update .
a. The default mesh body is automatically updated - Move scene objects , The pathfinding grid will be updated in real time .( If the level is large , It's very performance intensive )
b.( Only for larger levels ) Turn off automatic updates - Editor preferences - Level editor - miscellaneous - Turn off automatic update navigation
c. Update manually - structure - Navigation - Build path ( Don't worry about the error messages in the log )
2. Height 、 obstacle
Sometimes we need some height or obstacles , At this time, we need to adjust some attributes of the pathfinding grid , To cope with complex needs .
When creating a pathfinding mesh body ,Recast The pathfinding mesh body is automatically created .
Choose RecastNavMesh, Adjust in the details panel
- Draw offset - Raise or lower the pathfinding grid . The actual position of the mesh body will not be changed , Just change the visual effect .( It is very helpful to display the occluded area ) The default is 10.
- Navigation modifier volume (Nav Modifer Volume) - No geometry will be generated .
- Navigation grid obstacles - Show that a certain area is difficult to pass .AI This path is not preferred . The navigation grid body will not be removed .
- NavArea_Null - Remove the navigation grid body , Unable to get .
- NavArea_LowHeight - Use in places with insufficient height . Unable to get .
- NavArea_Default - Can pass .
3. Role swimming 、 Flying pathfinding grid
If you want a larger size 、 swimming 、 The role of flying , Just define a new pathfinding mesh body proxy , And make corresponding settings to adapt to the new size and movement form .
- agent - Any form of autonomous entity in the scene . It refers to AI role .
- stay RecastNavMesh Adjust agent parameters , May open AI Compare and adjust the capsule parameters of the blueprint .
- Agent height - There will be insufficient height , But the passable condition . After modification , Become an impassable area .
- Increase the type and number of agents : Project settings - engine - Navigation system - agent
7、 ... and 、Gameplay debugging
Gameplay The debugger can be used to check whether the configuration meets our requirements , It can also be used to check the step of the problem .
1. Debug the pathfinding grid
After the game runs , Press “ ’ ” Open console .
- It can be set in the project - engine - Input - Console , Add shortcuts
Gameplay debug“ The debugger ”: test AI Can I use the pathfinding grid correctly in the game .
Run the game , Press the shortcut key to pop up Gamplay The debugger , You can see that the pathfinding grid body is constantly updating
top left corner - Corresponding button
AI Information , Behavior tree
2. Debug behavior tree
Track the execution process of the behavior tree in the fastest and most effective way .
**a.** Debug behavior tree information
Put players in AI Where you can't see .
Run the game .
Open behavior tree , selection AIC_ThirdPersonCharacter.
Select random roaming wait,F9 Set a breakpoint .
You can also use return to execute the previous node .
As the behavior tree becomes more complex , The better to use this function .
b. Use Gameplay Observe the behavior tree
If you leave the bag , Or the screen is limited , You can use Gameplay The debugger .
Run the game .
open gameplay The debugger .
Press 1 hide AI Information , Only show behavior tree information .
Pause the game to observe the specific process information 、 Blackboard information .
8、 ... and 、 Behavior tree principle
AI The most important part - Behavior tree .
With the help of behavior tree , It can be easily controlled and displayed AI Decision making process .
- Behavior tree : Is a kind of will AI The visualization method of decision-making model in the scene .
- Observe the visual structure of the behavior tree , You can clearly understand the execution mode and order of the behavior tree , Without knowing how each node works
- Execution order - It is determined by the position of each node in the behavior tree . From top to bottom , From left to right .
1. Task node
A node of the behavior tree , No other nodes can be added below .
Is the end of the behavior tree branch ( But not the end of the behavior tree !).
Also known as “ Leaf nodes ”
- Task status - It is divided into : success 、 Failure 、 perform .
- Whether it fails or not , Will execute the next node . From left to right .
2. synthesis
Synthesis is AI The root of the branch . It will not execute like leaf nodes , But you can create a structure , And control the order according to the success or failure of its child nodes .
- Selector synthesis - Will execute the child nodes below it .
Try to choose the most suitable task - The child node returns success , Selector successful . All child nodes return failure , Selector failed .( As long as one task succeeds , The successful . All tasks failed , The failure .)
You can put the task with the highest priority on the left . - Squencer synthesis
The sequence composition node will traverse the child nodes in sequence ,** If and only if all child nodes return success , It succeeds .** If a step fails , It failed .
3. combination
Tasks and synthesis can create various methods to deal with AI act .
Don't worry about how to complete the task , Just make a decision to complete the task .
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