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The third chapter of the imitation cattle network project: develop the core functions of the community (detailed steps and ideas)
2022-08-01 23:20:00 【White horse is not horse ·】
1. 过滤敏感词
1)可以使用JDK自带的replace方法替换敏感词,但在实际应用中敏感词比较多、字符串可能比较长(发布的一篇文章)这种情况下用replace去Replace the performance is poor.
2)使用前缀树To implement the filtering algorithm of sensitive words.但前缀树方法也有一些局限性,不能实现对停顿词、重复词的检查,考虑到此可以优化为DFA算法过滤敏感词.
1.1 目的
In the process of post,May someone will release some sensitive words information,In the submitted to the system need to make a first filtering,So the need to develop a filter function of words
1.2 实现方法
通过前缀树,Then write filter sensitive method,Can achieve sensitive word filtration function.
1.3 前缀树
- 名称:Trie,字典树,查找树
- 特点:查找效率高,消耗内存大(以空间换时间)
- 应用:字符串检索,Word frequency statistics and string sorting
1.4 Sensitive word filtration process(In preparation for the post)
- 定义前缀树
2)添加工具类sensitivefilter:(Core understand prefix tree and filtering function to realize that)
(2):初始化前缀树:init() ,私有.用@PostConstruct标注,That is just at the time of class loading运行一次.
(3):将一个Words add到前缀树中,addKeyword(String keyword),私有
(4):Based on the prefix tree,对输入的字符串进行过滤,filter(String text),公有,Need to consider the symbols with.
(5):Determine whether the input string as symbolic(Symbol class adopts the principle of skip,例如“*开*票**”,Can still be detected) - Test words filtering effect
1)Create a new test class wordsSensitiveTests,And then test the text filtering effect
2)Be deeply grateful time filter function call publicsensitiveFilter.filter(text),实现功能
2. 发布帖子
2.1 AJAX介绍
- Astnchronous JavaScript and XML
- 异步的JavaScipt与XML,不是一门新技术,只是一个新的术语
- 使用AJAX,Web pages can be incremental updating appear on the page,而不需要刷新整个页面
- 虽然X代表XML,但是现在使用JSON比XML更加广泛.
2.2 AJAX使用实例
- 导包:导入包fastjson(用于)
- Util层:在CommunityUtil类中实现获取JSON字符串的三个构造方法:getJSONString()
1) 直接在CommunityUtilClass test forjson字符串的方法, - Dao层(The information it receives incoming database):
2)在mapper文件中增加insert方法的实现. - Service层:在DiscussPostService中增加调用的实现findDiscussPosts.
- Controller层:增加DiscussPostController类,添加add访问请求,并修改index.js.
1)在add方法中,返回jsonInformation rather than text,Therefore, you need to add [email protected]
2)addRole is to add the function of the post,返回的是json信息,Is read by a front end after,Be able to complete the refresh on the front end their functions,Rather than the overall refresh.
3)修改index.jsEnables the front-end to complete certain functions.(减轻服务器的压力,负载均衡)
3. 帖子详情
3.1 实现功能
By clicking on the post bar, post title,To get the user details of the post
3.2 实现过程
- Dao层:在DiscussPostMapper中添加根据帖子id查询到Thread object function的sql方法申明,并在mapper.xml书写sql语句.
- Service层:在DiscussPostService中添加根据帖子id查询到Thread object function方法(直接调用)
- Controller层:根据用户id获取Thread object和用户对象,传入modelIn the page for a call,Then details page jump to the page.
- index.html:Modify the click post title,Jump to page for details of connection
- discuss-detail.html
3)According to get the post object,In the page title,作者,Release time and post body content
4. 事务管理
4.1 事务介绍
事务是由N步数据库操作序列组成的逻辑执行单元,This series of actions or全执行,要么Give up all执行
4.2 事务四大特性
- 原子性(Atomicity):事务是应用中Thou shalt not points of minimum execution body.
- 一致性(Consistency):事务执行的结果,Must make the data from a一致性状态,变为另一个一致性状态.
- 隔离性(Isolation):各个事务的执行互不干扰,任何事务的内部操作对其他的事务都是隔离的.
- 持久性(Durability):事务一旦提交,Any change of data should be recorded永久存储器中
4.3 事务的隔离性
- 并发异常
Read uncommitted cannot solve
1)第一类丢失更新:一个查询回滚,A query to update,The former slowly,Cause the latter lost updates
2)脏读:一个事务读取另一个事务未提交的数据(Reading has been submitted to solve)
3)第二类丢失更新:Both the query更新,Makes the former update value lost
4)不可重复度:A transaction data update,Another transaction repeatedly visit appear inconsistent.(Repeatable read to solve)
5)幻读:The data of add and delete,Make another transaction in multiple queries feel when the illusion(类似不可重复读,But the former is data update,The latter is a data change or delete)(Serialization to solve)
4.4 事务的实现机制
- 悲观锁(数据库自带)
1)共享锁(S锁):事务AFor a certain data and Shared lock after,Other transactions only for data sharing lock,不能加排他锁
2)排它锁(X锁):事务AFor a certain data and exclusive lock after,Other transactions can neither give data and exclusive lock,Can't add Shared lock. - 乐观锁(自定义)
2)Working principle of the version number:在更新数据之前,检查版本号是否发生变化,若变化则取消本次更新,Otherwise, update content,And version number+1.
4.4 事务的管理(Spring Boot)
- 申明式事务(XML+注解+方法)(更常用,编写简单)
1)通过XML配置,That a certain方法的事务特征
2)通过注解,That a certain方法的事务特征 - 编程式事务(TransactionTemplate+方法内部)
2)And through her perform database operations - 两者区别
1)更简单:That type of transaction can only claim method as a whole,Transaction management of the local code was not possible;But the transaction management is very convenient,只需要添加注解
2)更精细:Programmatic transaction form aTransactionTemplate对象,The need to manage the code can local circle. - Management of two parameters
1)隔离级别:In the above stated(General use reusable degree)
(3)NESTED:如果当前存在事务(外部事务),则嵌套在该事务中执行(独立的提交和回滚),否则就会REQUIRED一样. - Two types of management example
1)在AlphaServiceWrite two types of transaction management case inside.
3)新增用户,新增帖子,Then add a complains statement
4)If there is a transaction management,Will because there is an error,而进行回滚,Other statements don't perform.
5)新建一个测试类DiscusspostTests,Perform two methods,Check the database change.The database did not change.
5. 显示评论
- Review table objects:There are very many types of comments,用参数entity_type进行区分.
- 实体类:Define commentsentity:An entity that a table,Add comments table.
- Dao层:创建CommentMapper
1)Depending on the type of comments and postid,A query page reviews data(Need a page show):
(1):According to the four parameters,To obtain the required post from post database:
selectCommentsByEntity(int entityType, int entityId, int offset, int limit)
(1):Depending on the type of comments and postid,获取评论的数量:
selectCountByEntity(int entityType, int entityId)
3)新建comment-mapper.xml,对Dao层进行实现 - 业务层Service:创建CommentService
2)处理查询评论数量的业务,直接调用Dao方法 - 实现层Controller:This layer and post details to share,在同一个页面
1)Root access to different types of comment object:评论对象和回复对象(评论的评论,Respond to objects and two),传值给model.(思路简单,Step a little cumbersome) - .xtml
- There are two types of comments,Comments and respond to two types,Need to display respectively.通过循环操作.
- Inside the post details,Reuse the function of the home page
6. 添加评论(事务管理)
- Dao层:
(1)增加评论数据:在comment里书写:insertComment(Comment comment);
(3)Corresponding writingmapper.xml的文件 - Service层:
1)The function of the handle add comments:
2)先增加评论,再更新帖子的评论数量(事务操作,两者连在一起):在DiscussPostServiceWriting to update the post first number,然后再CommentServiceWrite posts inside the number. - Controller层:
1)处理添加评论数据的请求:书写方法:addComment - html层:
- 设置添加评论的表单(There are two places need put form)
7. 私信列表+私信详情
7.0 功能说明
- 私信列表:Direct messages through the list,Can query to the recently who has sent you a message,显示最新的一条消息(Similar to the home page posts)
- 私信详情:点击消息,To be able to until the details of the message,Put out all the content of the communication.
- 两者都支持分页展示功能
7.1 私信列表+私信详情
- Query the current user session list details and DMS list
private int id; //自动生成的id
private int fromId; //发送者id
private int toId; //接收者id
private String conversationId; //会话id(How many times the session)
private String content; //会话内容
private int status; //状态(0未读,1已读,2删除)
private Date createTime; //交流时间
Write five query methods,
(1)私信列表:查询当前用户的会话列表,For each dialogue only returns the latest article of direct messages(sql注意)
4)Service层:创建MessageService:直接调用对应Dao方法(比较简单,Core logic in the presentation layer);在UserService中添加方法:According to the user name lookup user object.
(1)Direct messages list request:分页信息,List of DMS information,私信数量,Send direct messages object,Number of unread messages,More than a few data to find out,然后通过写入Model中,传递给前端页面.
(2)DMS details request:分页信息,私信详情列表,Personal details send object,设置已读(Put the details in the DMS data appeared in the list)
(3)Direct messages send the request:发送私信,News from the front,使用异步方式,Therefore need to comment @ResponseBody.Function to the front-end processing.
(4):Small method a:根据消息的conversationId,Combined with the current user who is the recipient
(5):Little method 2:根据消息,Returns the message senderid.(Used to set the message unread to read)
(1)修改index.html文件:点击消息,To be able to jump page.
(2)修改letter.html文件:Because of the way is asynchronous,所以还需要修改letter.js文件,设置响应方式.
8. 发送私信
8.1 发送私信+设置已读
- 采用异步的方式发送私信
(2)添加方法:修改消息状态.Appear on the display list is marked as read state.
4)Controller层:添加add请求,Using asynchronous communication method,返回json格式,在前端的message.js中进行逻辑控制.
9. 统一处理异常

9.1 Handle exceptions four ways
- @ControllerAdvice**(最常用)**
- 用于修饰类,表示该类是Controller的全局配置类.
- 在此类中,可以对Controller进行如下三种全局配置:异常处理方案、绑定数据方案、绑定参数方案.
- @ExceptionHandler
- 用于修饰方法,该方法会在Controller出现异常后被调用,用于处理捕获到的异常.
- @ModelAttribute
- 用于修饰方法,该方法会在Controller方法执行前被调用,用于为Model对象绑定参数.
- @DataBinder
- 用于修饰方法,该方法会在Controller方法执行前被调用,用于绑定参数的转换器.
9.2 Unified handling exceptions steps:
- 在templateDirectory new level file
(1)Take two of the most easy to get wrong.xml文件存入:404(请求资源不存在)和500(服务端发生错误) - 在Controller中新建文件夹advice,然后新建ExceptionAdvice
(1)Recorded in the log information wrong place,And line by line to write down what the reason is
(2)According to the error in the request the way,分为同步请求和异步请求,Return an error page and an error messagejson. - Once the system sends the wrong,Then it will automatically run the method,Make unified exception handling mechanism,非常方便,This is the power of framework.
10. 统一记录日志
10.1 需求
Such as some request execution in the process of,Need to be logging,But each one is added in the intercession is not very convenient,So the use function section programming technology to realize.
- 在Controller运行的时候,Can through the interceptor logging
- 在发生异常的时候,Can be treated by unified exception management
- At the time of business operation,Service,需要通过AOP进行统一的管理.
10.2 AOP概念和术语
See I used to write articles to record.
10.3 AOP的实现
1. AspectJ
(1)The realization of the language level,拓展了java语言,定义了AOP语法(一种新的语言)
(2)The compiler into code,有一个专门的编译器,用来生成遵守Java字节码规范的class文件.
2. Spring AOP
(1)纯java实现,Does not need special to compile the process,Do not need special class loaders
(2)At run time through agent injected code,只支持方法类型的连接点
(3)支持对 AspectJ的集成
3. 两者区别:
(1):功能:AspectJ功能更强大,But need additional language and compile time;Spring AOP使用更方便,但是有一定局限性,Such as only support method type connection point.
(2):Embedded code period:AspectJTo compile time,Spring AOP为运行期.
10.4 动态代理的种类(Spring AOP)
- JDK动态代理
(2)Spring AOP 默认采用此种方式,在接口的代理实例Put the code. - CGLib动态代理
(2)当The target object does not exist interface时,Spring AOP会采用此种方式,In a subclass instance implanted code
10.5 项目实现
- At one level below the new folderaspect,Store slice file
- In the above folder new fileServiceLogAspect
- Main solicitation document part:
1)That the action of sliced object,Namely what business needsservice.
2)To apply for the part of the business add sliced,@Before,@After,@Round,@AfterReturning,@AfterThrowing,And writing needs additional features.
3)特点:使用起来非常方便,Only need to create a new file is good,Don't need to modify other additional original file.
5. 关于介绍AJAX的文章
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- 部门项目源码分享
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