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Install the deployment kubernetes KubeSphere management
2022-07-31 08:00:00 【The rest of my life is great】
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KubeSphere是KubernetesA distributed operating system for multi-cluster management,并且支持了DevOps工作流,And its architecture makes it very convenient to plug and play third-party applications and cloud-native ecosystem components (plug-and-play) 的集成.
KubeSphere 提供了运维友好的向导式操作界面,帮助企业快速构建一个强大和功能丰富的容器云平台.
KubeSphere 为用户提供构建企业级 Kubernetes 环境所需的多项功能,例如:
- 多云与多集群管理、
- Kubernetes 资源管理、
- DevOps、
- 应用生命周期管理、
- 微服务治理(服务网格)、
- 日志查询与收集、服务与网络、
- 多租户管理、
- 监控告警、
- 事件与审计查询、
- 存储管理、
- 访问权限控制、
- GPU 支持、
- 网络策略、
- 镜像仓库管理以及安全管理等.
kubernetesInstallation and deployment has always been a major pain point,但是KubeSphere开源了KubeKeyIt can be quickly set up in a public cloud or data center with one click Kubernetes 集群,Provides a single node、多节点、Cluster plugin installation,As well as cluster upgrades and operations.
The next installation is based onkubeKey进行的安装
1. 环境配置
This configuration:
操作系统 | 硬件配置 | 数量 |
CentOS7.6 | 2 核 CPU,4 GB 内存,60 GB 磁盘空间 | 1台 |
Officially supported operating systems and minimum configuration
操作系统 | 最低配置 |
Ubuntu16.04, 18.04 | 2 核 CPU,4 GB 内存,40 GB 磁盘空间 |
DebianBuster, Stretch | 2 核 CPU,4 GB 内存,40 GB 磁盘空间 |
CentOS7.x | 2 核 CPU,4 GB 内存,40 GB 磁盘空间 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 | 2 核 CPU,4 GB 内存,40 GB 磁盘空间 |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15/openSUSE Leap 15.2 | 2 核 CPU,4 GB 内存,40 GB 磁盘空间 |
It is best to ensure that the environment is a pure environment before installation,I am a cloud server here,重装了CentOS7.6系统
使用KubeKeyDoing an install installs the latest container by default,也可以在使用KubeKeyInstall the specified container before proceeding with the installation
The following are supported container versions
支持的容器 | 版本 |
Docker | 19.3.8 + |
containerd | 最新版 |
CRI-O(试验版,未经充分测试) | 最新版 |
iSula(试验版,未经充分测试) | 最新版 |
KubeKeyInstallation can be specifiedKubernetes 和 KubeSphere ,但是不同版本的KubernetesThere are different dependency requirements
依赖项 | Kubernetes 版本 ≥ 1.18 | Kubernetes 版本 < 1.18 |
socat | 必须 | 可选但建议 |
conntrack | 必须 | 可选但建议 |
ebtables | 可选但建议 | 可选但建议 |
ipset | 可选但建议 | 可选但建议 |
2. Configure software dependencies
第一步: 关闭防火墙
systemctl disable firewalld
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl status firewalld
swapoff -a
echo "vm.swappiness=0" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
rpm -ivh http://mirrors.aliyun.com/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
yum -y update
yum install -y ebtables socat ipset conntrack
3. 安装KubeSphere和kubernetes
If the network is not good friends can not download the default source,Execute the following command to set domestic download
export KKZONE=cn
curl -sfL https://get-kk.kubesphere.io | VERSION=v2.2.1 sh -
chmod +x kk
Please check before installinghostname,If the rules are not met, the following error will be reported
error: Pipeline[CreateClusterPipeline] execute failed: Module[InitKubernetesModule] exec failed:
failed: [VM-20-8-centos] [AddWorkerLabel] exec failed after 5 retires: add worker label failed: Failed to exec command: sudo -E /bin/bash -c "/usr/local/bin/kubectl label --overwrite node VM-20-8-centos node-role.kubernetes.io/worker="
Error from server (NotFound): nodes "VM-20-8-centos" not found: Process exited with status 1
这时候就需要修改hostname,Because we are a stand-alone installation, it is set tomaster吧,执行以下命令
hostnamectl --static set-hostname master
设置完成后使用hostnamectl status
order to verify
./kk create cluster --with-kubernetes v1.22.10 --with-kubesphere v3.3.0
如果只需要安装KubeSphere或者kubernetesOne of them is removed–withThe other one will do
The installation took a long time this time,Get up and move
第三步:Installation complete verification
After the installation is complete, execute the following command to view the installation result
kubectl logs -n kubesphere-system $(kubectl get pod -n kubesphere-system -l 'app in (ks-install, ks-installer)' -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -f
输出信息会显示 Web 控制台的 IP 地址和端口号,默认的 NodePort 是 30880
.The default account and password can now be used (admin/[email protected]
) 通过 <NodeIP>:30880
在浏览器上访问ip+30880The address of the following page appears
Use the default account and password (admin/[email protected]
)进行登陆,After logging in, you can exploreKubeSphere了
但是真正使用k8sClustering a single machine is not possible,The next article is the configuration of a multi-node cluster
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