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[detailed explanation of Huawei machine test] check whether there is a digital combination that meets the conditions

2022-07-06 05:21:00 A less intelligent programmer


《 Detailed explanation of Huawei's machine test questions Python Realization 》 The column includes Huawei column of niuke.com 、 Huawei test questions 、 Huawei OD Real problem of machine test .

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This paper solves the non optimal solution ( Non optimal performance ).

Title Description

Given an array of positive integers Check whether there is an array combination that meets the rule in the array

The rules : A=B+2C

Input description :

The first line outputs the number of elements of the array The next line outputs all array elements Space off

Output description :

If there is a number that meets the requirements Output in sequence in the same line In the rules A/B/C The value of Space off If there is no output 0

Example 1

Input :
2 7 3 0

Output :
7 3 2

explain :

Example 2

Input :


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