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Unity script API - GameObject game object, object object
2022-07-04 15:22:00 【@Night Charm】
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// GameObject The game object
/// </summary>
public class GameObjectDemo : MonoBehaviour
private void OnGUI()
// In the scene, the object is active ( The actual active state of the object )
// The active state of the object itself ( The object is in Inspector Status in the panel )
// Set the object to enable / Ban
if (GUILayout.Button(" Add light source "))
// Create objects
GameObject lightGO= new GameObject();
// Add the component
Light light = lightGO.AddComponent<Light>();
light.color = Color.red;
light.type = LightType.Point;
// Find objects in the scene by name ( Use with caution )
//GameObject.Find(" Game object name ");
// Get all objects using this tag
GameObject[] allEnemy = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");
foreach (GameObject enemy in allEnemy)
// Get the object using the tag ( Single )
GameObject playerGo = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
// Find objects by type
// Destroy object
// practice : Find the enemy with the lowest HP
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