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Stream stream
2022-07-04 19:32:00 【Cold Snowflakes】
Stream How the stream is generated
Collection A collection of systems , Use Collection Default method for interface ,stream Method generate stream
// Collection Collective use of the system Default method for interface stream() Generative flow
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
Stream<String> listStream = list.stream();
Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
Stream<String> setStream = set.stream();
// Map The collection of systems generates streams indirectly
Map<String,Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
Stream<String> keySetStream = map.keySet().stream();
Stream<Integer> valuesStream = map.values().stream();
Stream<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> entryStream = map.entrySet().stream();
// Array pass Stream Static methods of the interface of(T ...values) Generative flow
String[] strArray = {
Stream<String> strArrayStream = Stream.of(strArray);
Stream<String> strArrayStream2 = Stream.of("hello", "world", "java");
Stream<Integer> integerStream = Stream.of(10, 20, 30);
System.out.println(new HashSet<>().stream().getClass());
// class java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$Head
// class java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$Head
// class java.util.ArrayList
System.out.println(new HashSet<>().getClass());
// class java.util.HashSet
Stream Common intermediate operations of flow
// The method in ReferencePipeline Class , What we need to do is , Provide Predicate Interface test Implementation logic of abstract methods .
// The rest , The source code has already helped us .
Stream<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate);
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(" Brigitte Lin ");
list.add(" Maggie Cheung ");
list.add(" Joey wong ");
list.add(" Liu Yan ");
list.add(" Zhang min ");
list.add(" zhang wuji ");
list.stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith(" Zhang "))
.filter(s -> s.length() == 3)
// These two methods are also in ReferencePipeline Class
Stream<T> limit(long maxSize);
Stream<T> skip(long n);
// Take the first two data
// Skip the first two data
// Skip the first two data , Take the first two of the remaining elements
// Stream Static methods in interfaces , You need to use an interface to call
static <T> Stream<T> concat(Stream<? extends T> a, Stream<? extends T> b)
// stay ReferencePipeline Class
Stream<T> distinct()
Stream<String> s1 = list.stream().limit(4);
Stream<String> s2 = list.stream().skip(2);
// Merge two streams
// Returns a stream consisting of different elements of the stream
// These two methods are also in ReferencePipeline Class
Stream<T> sorted() // Natural order
Stream<T> sorted(Comparator<? super T> comparator) // Sort according to the specified comparator
list.stream().sorted((s1,s2) -> {
int num = s1.length() - s2.length();
int num2 = num == 0 ? s1.compareTo(s2):num;
return num2;
// These two methods are also in ReferencePipeline Class .
// Parameters : Realization Function Interface apply Methodical lambda expression
<R> Stream<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper); // Set the given function apply Apply to this stream element
// IntStream It means original int flow , ToIntFunction Abstract methods in interfaces :`int applyAsInt(T value);`
IntStream mapToInt(ToIntFunction<? super T> mapper); // Set the given function applyAsInt Apply to this stream element
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
int result = list.stream().mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).sum();
Stream Common stream termination operations
void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action); // Perform operations on each element of this flow
long count(); // Returns the number of elements in this stream
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(" Brigitte Lin ");
list.add(" Maggie Cheung ");
list.add(" Joey wong ");
long count = list.stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith(" Zhang ")).count();
Stream Stream collection operation
// stay ReferencePipeline Implementation in
<R, A> R collect(Collector<? super T, A, R> collector);
Collectors Class has a static inner class CollectorImpl Realized Collector Interface
static class CollectorImpl<T, A, R> implements Collector<T, A, R>
Here are Collectors Class static methods , Return to one CollectorImpl object .
Collector<T, ?, List<T>> toList()
Collector<T, ?, Set<T>> toSet()
Collector<T, ?, Map<K,U>> toMap(Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyMapper, Function<? super T, ? extends U> valueMapper)
List<String> newList = list.stream().filter(s -> s.startsWith(" Zhang ")).collect(Collectors.toList());
So you are Stream
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