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How to set priorities in C language? Elaborate on C language priorities
2022-07-02 19:38:00 【Full stack programmer webmaster】
Hello everyone , I meet you again , I'm your friend, Quan Jun .
0. Why should we master priorities
Think about these two questions :
a. Read someone else's code , I can't understand the priority problem , What do I do ?
b. A bunch of parentheses , Is it beautiful ?
I wanted to decorate the wall with a picture , But a pile of paper was used to fix !
Some people say that the code is written too much , Of course . This is a very broad statement . Look at the level of the code you write , Some things you may have been
Can't touch , What about proficiency . Some things must be combed , summary .
1. priority
1.1 Priority chart
The operator with the highest priority is not a real operator , Include : The array subscript , Function call , Structure member selector .
Monocular operators take second place .(! ~ ++ — – (type) * & sizeof)
Then there is binocular operator . In the binocular operator , Arithmetic operator (* / % + -) The highest priority , displacement (<< >>) second , Relationship
Operator (< <= > >= != ==) third , Then there is the bitwise operator (& ^ | ), Logical operators (&& ||) Conditional operator (?: Three orders ),
Assignment operator (= …).
Any logical operator has a lower priority than any relational operator .
The shift operator has a lower priority than the arithmetic operator , But higher than relational operators .
1.2 Operator instance
a. while (c = getc(in) != EOF)
putc(c, out)
Loop means copying one file to another . But because of != The priority of is higher than that of the assignment operator , therefore c
Given to getc() The return value of is the same as EOF Boolean value after comparison , The result is to out A pile of 1.
1.3 Priority doggerel
Vinegar jar sour filling
The taste falls and the blessing beans jump
common 44 Operators
vinegar - Elementary ,4 individual : ( ) [ ] -> Point to structural members . Structural members
The altar - Monocular ,9 individual : ! ~ ++ — - Minus sign ( type ) * The pointer & Address fetch sizeof length
acid - The arithmetic ,5 individual : * / % + - reduce
taste - Displacement ,2 individual : << >>
irrigation - Relationship ,6 individual : < <= > >= == be equal to != It's not equal to
taste - Bit logic ,3 individual : & Bitwise AND ^ Bitwise XOR | Press bit or
fall - Logic ,2 individual : && Logic and || Logic or
jump - Conditions ,1 individual , Three orders : ? :
blessing - assignment ,11 individual : = += -= *= /= %= >>= <<= &= ^= |=
bean - comma ,1 individual : ,
Publisher : Full stack programmer stack length , Reprint please indicate the source :https://javaforall.cn/148556.html Link to the original text :https://javaforall.cn
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