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[Playwright Test Tutorial] 5 minutes to get started
2022-08-04 02:34:00 【Zeze says test】
I love Playwright!This is a very powerful automation tool that Microsoft has open sourced, and in a few years, it is likely to replace Selenium in the notification position of browser automation.After using it for a period of time, I didn't find any good Chinese materials to refer to, so many problems could not be solved in time, so I decided to record the notes I used to give back to the community.
This time I want to sort out how to quickly build the execution environment of Playwright. There are some pits, I will also record them, and I will follow the operation when I re-build the environment in the future.
Playwright currently supports JavaScript, Python, Java, .NET, and this tutorial uses Python language for demonstration.To use Playwright with the Python language, two steps are required.The first step is to install the python execution environment.The second step is to install Playwright.
To install python, you only need to download the installation package from the official website and click install to complete.First, we open the official website of python, and then click download to download the installation package.Different operating systems will recommend different installation packages.After the download is complete, click the installation file to complete the installation.
Install Playwright
The Python language installation package for Playwright almost containsWith all the required components, the only thing you need to do to install the playwright tool is to open the command line tool and enter the installation instructions:
pip install playwrightplaywright install
pip install playwright installs the language pack tool. In addition, playwright needs to rely on the browser environment to run. Playwright install means downloading and installing the dependent browser.The browser does not need to be installed in advance. With this command, the program will automatically download a chrioum browser and a firefox browser, and subsequent browser operations will run on these browsers.After waiting patiently for the browser to download, the installation is completed, and the download will not be repeated every time you run it in the future.
If you feel that the waiting time is too long, you can also choose to install the chromium browser or firefox browser separately. Currently supported browsers include chromium, chrome, chrome-beta, msedge, msedge-beta, msedge-dev, firefox, webkit.
playwright install chromium# orplaywright install firefox
All command line parameters about playwright can be viewed through the help command:
$ playwright --helpUsage: npx playwright [options] [command]Options:-V, --version output the version number-h, --help display help for commandCommands:open [options] [url] open page in browser specified via -b, --browsercodegen [options] [url] open page and generate code for user actionsinstall [options] [browser...] ensure browsers necessary for this version of Playwright are installedinstall-deps [browser...] install dependencies necessary to run browsers (will ask for sudo permissions)cr [options] [url] open page in Chromiumff [options] [url] open page in Firefoxwk [options] [url] open page in WebKitscreenshot [options] capture a page screenshotpdf [options] save page as pdfshow-trace [options] [trace] Show trace viewerhelp [command] display help for command
After installing Playwright and the browser, we can simply run the code below.This program will open a browser and visit a web address, then you can perform actions on the browser.Every operation you do will be recorded by playwright, and the running code will be generated and displayed in an Inspector interface. These codes can be copied and saved to the code base.
playwright codegen http://www.baidu.com
To be continued~~
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