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Regular backup of WordPress website program and database to qiniu cloud

2020-11-08 16:58:00 Air

1, You can use the pagoda panel to back up the website to the cloud server where the website is located .【 Your own server may suddenly not be able to access , The pagoda panel is also inaccessible 】 2, You can use the pagoda panel Regularly back up website data to qiniu cloud space , Not your own server .【 This article is about this kind of , Very safe and efficient 】

Previous tutorials

1 Have a website

I won't talk much about the specific course , Reference tutorial :

Pagoda panel building WordPress Website text tutorial

2 There is a qiniu cloud account

Qiniu cloud account registration Qiniu cloud registration Storage object price description https://www.qiniu.com/prices/kodo 【 Free space 10GB, Small and medium-sized stationmaster is enough 】

2.1. New object storage space

I specially built a new space here :arisono-sites-backup Particular attention : After the name of the storage object space ( Pagoda panel qiniu cloud storage plug-in ) Need to use .

2.2. Qiniu cloud object stores custom domain names

2.3. For your custom domain name CNAME Domain name resolution

Refer to the official website tutorial : How to configure the CNAME In fact, the process is very simple , Don't look at the tutorial , Just look at my screenshot .

2.4. obtain AccessKey/SecretKey

3 Qiniu cloud plug-in is installed on the pagoda panel

Change to your own registered domain name , It can be used for a long time . The test domain name of qiniu cloud can only be used for one month .

4 Alicloud domain name configuration CNAME

5 The pagoda panel regularly backs up websites and databases

The pagoda panel must be installed with qiniu cloud storage plug-in and configured with storage key , After the domain name and other information , In order to carry out the following step .

6 View qiniu cloud backup file

After the pagoda panel plan task is generated , Let's do the next task , Then go to qiniu cloud background to see whether the backup files and data are successful ! Here's the picture , My website and database have been backed up successfully . Finally, don't worry about losing the website !

The original article http://tencent.yundashi168.com/740.html
