

2020-11-08 13:47:00 osc-u lmp76vjx

Balanced development or Master professional development is the king ?

Hello everyone , I'm a little fish .yanxiao. The new issue of the blog has been updated , Recently, there are so many homework and exams for professional courses that I have been inundated like a flood , Finally, I swam ashore , First write a blog to suppress the shock . After I finished, I continued to go ashore , Pei pei , It's not going down the bank , Is to do ppt And exams .
I don't say much nonsense , No code today , It's the following topic :
As the saying goes Employees depend on their workload , And leadership depends on creativity , Developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses is not avoiding weaknesses , It's about looking at yourself , Learn from others' strong points and close the gap . But balanced development or Master professional development is the king ?
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author - Little fish . yanxiao

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