2022-07-03 02:59:00 【小鱼儿2020】
07 | 行锁功过:怎么减少行锁对性能的影响?
行锁就是针对数据表中行记录的锁。这很好理解,比如事务 A 更新了一行,而这时候事务 B 也要更新同一行,则必须等事务 A 的操作完成后才能进行更新.
-- 查询事务锁等待时间,单位秒,非交互式
show variables like "innodb_lock_wait_timeout%"
set innodb_lock_wait_timeout=100;
-- 死锁检查是否启用
show variables like "innodb_deadlock_detect%"
如果update 没有走索引,innodb内部是全表根据主键索引逐行扫描 逐行加锁,事务提交的时候统一释放锁。
- I2C subsystem (I): I2C spec
- Thunderbolt Chrome extension caused the data returned by the server JS parsing page data exception
- 从C到Capable-----利用指针作为函数参数求字符串是否为回文字符
- Deep reinforcement learning for intelligent transportation systems: a survey paper reading notes
- Pytest (6) -fixture (Firmware)
- Baidu map - surrounding search
- 模糊查詢時報錯Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters, which is 0)
- [fluent] future asynchronous programming (introduction | then method | exception capture | async, await keywords | whencomplete method | timeout method)
- Opengauss database development and debugging tool guide
- Source code analysis | layout file loading process
random shuffle注意
ASP. Net core 6 framework unveiling example demonstration [02]: application development based on routing, MVC and grpc
Practice of traffic recording and playback in vivo
Pytest (6) -fixture (Firmware)
C language beginner level - pointer explanation - paoding jieniu chapter
Classes and objects - initialization and cleanup of objects - constructor call rules
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey 论文阅读笔记
Add automatic model generation function to hade
Installation and use of memory leak tool VLD
Today, it's time to copy the bottom!
Build a private cloud disk cloudrev
SQL server queries the table structure of the specified table
Joking about Domain Driven Design (III) -- Dilemma
2022-2028 global splicing display industry research and trend analysis report
Introduction to cron expression
Cancer biopsy instruments and kits - market status and future development trends
A2L file parsing based on CAN bus (2)
[shutter] monitor the transparency gradient of the scrolling action control component (remove the blank of the top status bar | frame layout component | transparency component | monitor the scrolling
Force deduction ----- the minimum path cost in the grid
Your family must be very poor if you fight like this!
HW initial preparation
I2C subsystem (I): I2C spec
Use cve-2021-43893 to delete files on the domain controller
Matlab tips (24) RBF, GRNN, PNN neural network
Why choose a frame? What frame to choose
How to limit the size of the dictionary- How to limit the size of a dictionary?
ASP. Net core 6 framework unveiling example demonstration [02]: application development based on routing, MVC and grpc