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How MySQL queries and modifies JSON data

2022-07-05 19:14:00 1024 questions


Yes json Data query and modification

Several related functions


Inquire about

Let's see the modification



Mysql Handle json data

Yes json Data query and modification

Use Field ->'$.json attribute ' Query criteria

Use json_extract Function query ,json_extract( Field , "$.json attribute ")

according to json Array query , use JSON_CONTAINS( Field , JSON_OBJECT('json attribute ', " Content ")) : [{}] Query this form json Array

MySQL5.7 Above support JSON The operation of , And added JSON Storage type

General database storage JSON Type of data will use JSON Type or TEXT type

Several related functions


I didn't create it here json Field format of , It USES text Storage json .

Be careful : use JSON Type words 1)JSON Columns must store JSON Format data , Otherwise, an error will be reported .2)JSON There are no default values for data types .

Insert json Format data into this column :

{"age": "28", "pwd": "lisi", "name": " Li Si "} Inquire about


select * from `offcn_off_main` where json_extract(json_field,"$.name") = ' Li Si '


select * from `offcn_off_main` where json_field->'$.name' = ' Li Si ' 

Use explain You can see that the index cannot be used .

So it needs to be modified :

mysql Native does not support json Attribute index in column , But we can pass mysql The virtual column of is indirectly json Create an index for some attributes in , The principle is to json Create virtual columns with attributes in , Then by indexing the virtual columns , Thus, the attribute is indirectly indexed .

stay MySQL 5.7 in , Two kinds of support Generated Column, namely Virtual Generated Column and Stored Generated Column, The former will only Generated Column In the data dictionary ( Table metadata ), It doesn't persist this column of data to disk ; The latter will Generated Column Persist to disk , It's not calculated every time it's read . Obviously , The latter stores data that can be calculated from existing data , Need more disk space , And Virtual Column There is no advantage in comparison ----( In fact, I think there are still advantages. After all, there will be less query and calculation )

therefore ,MySQL 5.7 in , Don't specify Generated Column The type of , The default is Virtual Column.

if necessary Stored Generated Golumn Words , May be in Virtual Generated Column It's more appropriate to index on , In general , All use Virtual Generated Column, This is also MySQL Default method .

The format is as follows :

fieldname <type> [ GENERATED ALWAYS ] AS ( <expression> ) [ VIRTUAL|STORED ] [ UNIQUE [KEY] ] [ [PRIMARY] KEY ] [ NOT NULL ] [ COMMENT <text> ]

So here I am :

ALTER TABLE 'off_main' `names_virtual` VARCHAR(20) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (`json_field` ->> '$.name') not null;

Note: Using operators -» To quote JSON In the field KEY. In this case, the field names_virtual For virtual fields , I define it as not null . In real work , We must set specific conditions . because JSON It is a data object with weak structure . In other words, its structure is not fixed .

Index Virtual fields :

CREATE INDEX `names` ON `off_main`(`names_virtual`);

Note that if the virtual field is not created, the table is added , It's added later , When adding an index, if the virtual field in some rows is null, But it is also set that it cannot be null, Then the index cannot be created successfully , Tips column can not be null.

After adding index explain You can see that the index is used , And the value of the virtual field will follow json The attribute of the field changes automatically .

Let's see the modification update off_main set json_field = json_set(json_field,'$.phone', '132') WHERE id = 45 // Modify multiple at the same time UPDATE offcn_off_main set json_field = json_set(json_field,'$.name',456,'$.age','bbb') WHERE id = 45

json_set() Methods that exist will override , Nonexistent ones will be added .

Delete UPDATE offcn_off_main set json_field = json_remove(json_field,'$.pwd','$.phone') WHERE id = 45 Insert UPDATE offcn_off_main set json_field = json_insert(json_field,'$.pwd','111') WHERE id = 45

insert And update The difference is insert What does not exist will increase , What exists will not cover

Mysql Handle json data

1. If the data is small , take json Data is copied directly to mysql Of json Field , If the data is too large, you can pass java Wait for the backstage form to json Data analysis , Then write to the database .

Query operation  

select *,json->'$.features[0].geometry.rings' as rings from JSON;

Read some data from one table and store it in another table ( A piece of data )

insert into DT_village(name, border) SELECT  json->'$.features[0].attributes.CJQYMC',json->'$.features[0].geometry.rings'from JSON;

Read json Data and write to the database ( At this time, we use the form of defining function to execute the method , You can define stool volume )

# clear database TRUNCATE table DT_village;# Define stored procedures delimiter //DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS insert_test_val;##num_limit Number of data to insert ,rand_limit The largest random number CREATE PROCEDURE insert_test_val() BEGIN DECLARE i int default 0; DECLARE a,b varchar(5000); WHILE i<10 do set a=CONCAT('$.features[',i,'].attributes.CJQYMC'); set b=CONCAT('$.features[',i,'].geometry.rings'); insert into DT_village(name, border) select #json->'$.features[0].attributes.CJQYMC',json->'$.features[0].geometry.rings' # (json->a),(json->b) json_extract(json,a),json_extract(json,b) from JSON; set i = i + 1; END WHILE; END//# Calling stored procedure call insert_test_val();

Call the cursor to get jsosn A row in the data , And perform the insertion operation

delimiter //drop procedure if exists StatisticStore;CREATE PROCEDURE StatisticStore() BEGIN # Create variables to receive cursor data declare j json;# Storage json data DECLARE i int default 0; # Create a total variable , Record the number of executions , Control cycle DECLARE a,b,c varchar(5000);# Definition json The key value of a data in the array # Create an end flag variable declare done int default false; # Create cursors declare cur cursor for select json from JSON where name = '1'; # Specifies the return value at the end of the cursor loop declare continue HANDLER for not found set done = true; # Set initial value set a=CONCAT('$.features[',i,'].attributes.XZQDM'); set b=CONCAT('$.features[',i,'].attributes.XZQMC'); set c=CONCAT('$.features[',i,']'); # Open cursor open cur; # Start looping through the data in the cursor read_loop:loop # According to a piece of data that the cursor currently points to fetch cur into j; # Determine whether the cursor's loop ends if done then leave read_loop;# Jump out of the cursor loop end if; # Here you can do whatever you want WHILE i<11 do insert into dt_border(xzq_code,name,border) select json_extract(j,a),json_extract(j,b),json_extract(j,c) from JSON; set i = i + 1; END WHILE; # End cursor loop end loop; # Close cursor close cur; # Output results select j,i; END;# Calling stored procedure call StatisticStore();

The above is personal experience , I hope I can give you a reference , I also hope you can support the software development network .


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