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【Social Media Marketing】How to know if your WhatsApp is blocked?
2022-08-01 20:01:00 【SaleSmartly_Ann】
关键词:社媒营销、WhatsApp、Account blocking
Have you ever wondered how to know if someone is there WhatsAppYou are blocked?If you are sending a message to a contact,But never got a reply,then that person may have blocked your number.
To avoid unnecessary conversations,WhatsAppEnables users to stop receiving messages from people they don't want to contact.This function might also be useful to you,Also helps block spam.
虽然,If you are blocked,It's easy to spot this.If a user blocks you,You will not be able to access some details.
1.检查“Last seen”状态
当您在WhatsAppwhen opening someone's chat on ,在屏幕顶部、Name and profile picture on the side,You can see the last time the person opened WhatsApp 的时间.例如,If it is written“在线”或“The last time was in the afternoon 2:35”.
该图显示了WhatsAppLast seen status:
如果您看不到“Last seen”状态,may indicate that you have been blocked.但是,不要妄下结论.WhatsApp Enables people to hide the last time they entered the app.The only thing the app doesn't allow to take off is when you're online.
2.You don't see an updated profile picture
How to know if someone is thereWhatsAppAnother indicator that you are blocked on the Internet is checking your profile picture.You won't be able to see when a user has changed their profile picture.The only image that appears in front of you is the profile picture the person used when your number was blocked.
This detail alone is not enough to ensure you are blocked,Because you will have no way of knowing if the person has changed their profile picture.但是,If it is a person who often uses different avatars,This could be a sign.You need to pay attention to several factors to be sure.
3.Look at the check mark
If someone is there when you message themWhatsAppblocked you,then there is only one check mark,Indicates that the message was not delivered.
A check mark is used to keep track of each message.A check mark indicates that the recipient did not receive the message,Two grey check marks indicate that the message has been delivered,but haven't read it yet,And two blue check marks indicate that the message has been read.
请记住,WhatsAppAllow users to deactivate“已读”确认,在这种情况下,You will only see two grey check marks.但是,when you are blocked,won't even show up,unless there is a connection problem,Otherwise a checkmark sign strongly indicates that the contact has blocked you.
如果有人在 WhatsApp Block you on,You will not be able to call them,它不会通过.There's always a chance that a poor internet connection will prevent you from completing calls or users from answering calls,So try making multiple calls.
5.Try adding contacts to WhatsApp组
When it comes to how to know if someone is thereWhatsAppwhen you are blocked on ,Please test adding the person to WhatsApp 组.If you are really blocked,then you won't be able to include that person in the group.
6.如何在WhatsAppBlock someone on
现在,If you are the one who receives unwanted messages,您也可以在 WhatsApp Block users.只需按照以下步骤操作:
1 — 打开WhatsApp;
2 — 点击“设置”;
3 — 点击“账户”;
4 — 点击“隐私”;
5 — 单击“已屏蔽”;
6 — 单击“添加新”,Then select the user you want to block.
Another option for blocking contacts is in WhatsApp Click their name in the chat section,Then click on the top of the screen to open the person's profile.向下滚动,at the end of the page,您将看到“屏蔽”选项.
7.如何在WhatsAppto unlock someone
那么,您是否在WhatsAppA contact has been blocked on ,But you want to hear from this person again?这样做很简单.你所要做的就是:
1 — 访问WhatsApp隐私设置;
2 — 单击“已屏蔽”,Then tap the number you want to unblock;
3 — Scroll down to the end of the screen,然后单击“取消屏蔽”.
Pay attention to details to know if anyone is thereWhatsAppblocked you
如您所见,There is no direct way to know if someone is thereWhatsAppblocked you.All you can do is follow the steps above.If you are unable to complete any of the suggested actions,then your chances of being blocked are very high.
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