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Post-90s tester: "after joining Ali, this time, I decided not to change jobs."

2022-07-05 22:19:00 TEST_ Two black

So-called “ comfortable ” life

I remember my last job was last year. I listened to my friends ,“ You must find a comfortable job , So you have a lot of time to play , A lot of time to do what you want to do , Fishing is really delicious !”

In this “ teach ” Next , Started my job search trip , Ask on the website HR The first question is whether the job is easy ? After countless screening , Found a so-called relaxed and comfortable clerical job .

When I started working, I really felt relaxed and happy , Every day is to sort out and print files , Making forms , After completing the task , Started fishing life , Borrow " Work " Haotou plays computer games , Look at the phone , I don't know how happy .

Work for a long time , I feel more and more like taking a dead salary every month , There are no thoughts in my mind , A day is meaningless , Is this comfortable life really what I want ? No , My original heart is not like this !

That's it , I've changed my job …

Jump out of the comfort zone

From last year's experience , Determined to apply for a big factory , Make your life more fulfilling , Find the meaning of life , Jump out of the comfort zone . The emperor is willing to help others , With my efforts day and night and the teacher's teaching , Successful entry into a big factory . This job is also a turning point in my life .

Up to now, I have been working in the testing position in large factories for almost a year , Learn new knowledge every day , Although it will be busy , I have no free time to do my own things , however , I feel the joy of harvest every day !

On this occasion , Summarize your experience in a large factory in the past year . I hope that through my experience and perception , It can help you further understand the testing work of large factories .

Maintain upstream and downstream cooperation

In the big factory , Interpersonal relationships are very important , Why put it first , Because when testing in a large factory , The systems involved are complex , A wide variety , The upstream and downstream joint commissioning test shall be conducted frequently .

  • First , Sort out the upstream and downstream contacts in charge of the system , Sort out their contact information , Facilitate follow-up inquiries and contacts , You can refer to the table below for a simple summary .
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  • secondly , Maintain your relationship with your predecessors , Keep your humility , No matter how much experience you have , For new companies , You are new , Encounter a process you don't understand 、 Ask more questions and summarize more about business .

  • Last , When you get in , You can learn the induction specification and the system required for subsequent work through the platform designated by the company 、 Tools , A few days before I started , Be sure to cherish the opportunity , Read carefully , You'd better operate the commonly used functions by yourself , It will save time for follow-up work .

Test process specification

The second feeling in the big factory is , The test process is very standardized , Generally, we should strictly follow the steps of the software life cycle , The specific implementation process is :

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  • Demand analysis stage : Business first BRD review -> Product output requirements document , It's going on PRD review -> Then the corresponding architecture design is developed , And test 、 R & D should give work schedule , Then the project manager promotes the project establishment .
  • Demand R & D stage : Then enter the demand R & D stage , At this time, the test will start to intervene and output the corresponding test plan 、 Test resource arrangement and test cases .
    R & D completed , Design documents to be developed before testing , Test case review , After both, you should know the project team .
  • The product enters the testing stage , The test starts with a smoke test , If the smoke test is passed, start the branch test , After the branch test is completed, go to the trunk test , Then conduct advance test , Wait for the launch after all , Issue the test completion report before going online .
  • Online verification shall be carried out after the project is online , After online verification , Research and development 、 The online announcement and online completion report shall be issued at the same time . Then the project manager should know the business side to carry out functional acceptance , The project has entered the acceptance stage .

Pay attention to test business

There is one more point that needs to be emphasized , Don't blindly pursue technology and despise business .

Technology is only an auxiliary means to solve problems , And the iterative update of technology is fast , We must remember the original intention of software testing ——“user story”, A user story .

That is to understand the business needs , In a large factory, you must understand the upstream and downstream business , If you just focus on the system you test , It's like peeping through the tube .

We need to know , We are the executors of system testing , Although you don't have to do the performance test of the whole link , But performance vulnerabilities must be keenly identified , In this way, we can know the actual number of downloads online and the estimated amount in the future , Then simulate the number , Download , This problem can be exposed in the test environment and solved in time .

Technical expertise

The technology stack of big factories is very rich , We can't eat a fat man in one bite , Get through all the techniques in a short time , At this time, we need to base ourselves on our own test projects and extend outward , Learn more when you don't understand 、 More than accumulation , And the goal of learning is to use it quickly , Important theories are auxiliary .

For example, when you encounter a test project , The development adopts cache technology , We haven't touched before as a test , At this time, we must quickly find out :

  • What is caching ?
  • We use the first level cache , Or L2 cache ?
  • Specific to a cache key What is it? ,value What is it again?
  • What are the conditions for cache invalidation ?
  • Just grasp the above problems quickly , You can be competent to test systems involving caching .

Then the next moment is for you to ascend , You can copy the company's technology stack locally , Build a local cache , Actually use , So is there a scenario suitable for testing applications ?

The answer is yes , For example, when we do Automation , You need to judge the expected result of the use case and the actual execution result , This is the time , We can put the expected results in the cache , In comparison with the actual results , This is a good scenario to apply caching , So down , From ignorance to understanding and then to application , A complete learning closed loop is formed , And so on , You can certainly master other new technologies quickly .

As a student with 8 Testers with years of working experience , Now I'd like to share with you some of these years , I want to sum up the technology , Share your notes on the skills you need to master as an advanced Tester , I hope I can help my friends who want to go all the way to black on the road of technology !

1. Automated testing is a must Python Programming content

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2.Web UI Basic content of automated testing

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3.Web UI The actual content of automatic test

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4.APP UI Basic content of automated testing

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5.APP UI The actual content of automatic test

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6.API Basic content of interface automation test

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7.API Actual content of interface automation test

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8.CI/CD Continuous integration of special technologies

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9. The actual combat technology of automated test framework

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The above is a knowledge architecture diagram of the development direction of software testing engineers that I have sorted out for you . I hope you can follow this system , Complete the construction of such a system . so to speak , It's a process that's going to kill you , But as long as you get through it . Life will be much easier in the future . It's just that it's hard at the beginning , Just take the first step , You're halfway there , The ancients said well “ Short step , A thousand miles .” When we look back on this journey after it's finished , You're bound to feel a lot .
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These materials , There are also many recorded video tutorials , For friends who do software testing, it should be the most comprehensive and complete war preparation warehouse , This warehouse also accompanied me through the most difficult journey , I hope it can help you ! Everything should be done as soon as possible , Especially in the technology industry , We must improve our technical skills . I hope that's helpful …….


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