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【一起上水硕系列】Day 7 内容+Day8
2022-07-03 05:31:00 【Shinkai005】
【一起上水硕系列】Day 7 内容+Day8
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Day 7 - video
如何提及资源 以及 整合资源 author-date style 的行内引用 这个引用风格是不同的, 不同的level 是不一样的
使用这些资源在学术写作中的作用 (不要小瞧这种看似笨笨的问题, 中英思维不一样. 回答一下问题然后看视频接下来你会发现, 着重点确实不一样) 我的重点是那么多目的么我随便写俩不就行了 实际上问题的重点在 key. 最主要的几个目的
表示自己查阅了很多资料做了充分准备 提供support 评估能力 让读者更快的找到这些内容 避免抄袭
“这个plagiarism 是给不想抄的人看的哈
上面两个就是原因. 而且学术写作一直在追求这个
precisely define a term make claim more precious give an example use evidence to support the claim to show another writer agrees/disagree with the claim
The citation - 作者名字, 发布年限, 页数 文中 The reference list- 文章末尾.作者名首字母排序
Video 3/5
NB当 surname一样的时候, 会写一些first name
Video 4/5 不同的引用风格
author-prominent 风格
这是information-prominent style
这个是没有作者名字 而是 institute 机构名字
我们的引用风格是 APA引用风格
第一次出现多个名字的时候 需要全部写,后面直接 author 1 et al. data
记得用 brackets 括起来
According to... Author(s) + reporting verb
according to 可以被写在句子的任何位置~
Live class
The word "Internet" as Young (2004) defined is "a neutral device originally designed to facilitate research among academic and military agencies". However, some people use the internet for another purpose such as chatting, instant messaging and video games which leads to uncontrollable of their lives because of the internet (Young, 2004). 主要考虑 Internet 需要加 引号么 是否是个定义?
Brin (1998, p. 123) pointed out that ‘privacy has always been a highly subjective philosophical concept’. Furthermore, Rachels (1975) suggested that in terms of maintain a diversity of relationships people themselves need to control personal information. Actually privacy connect people's life closely. For most citizens the most important element to obtain happiness is largely depends on pursuing privacy (Harper, 2004). 隐私是一个高度主观的哲学概念,B说的, 下一句立马说, 此外,(递进)R说 在保持关系多样性人们需要控制个人信息. 观点之间联系不强
However, as Rex and Jackson (2009) argue, the future of Internet gambling is worth to be expected due to its bright development prospect and immeasurable potential to enhance economic performance. 这块说网络读博,但是用词全是正面的~ If you would like to find out more about neutral, tentative and strong reporting verbs, 在华威大学官网能找到
Roblyer et al. (2010) explained that SNSs are sources of communication among students and lecturers in their respective faculties. Furthermore, Kolek and Saunders (2008) showed that students users of SNSs experienced no effect what so ever with their academic performance. demonstrated/discovered/identified/found
Adam Mahamat Helou, Zor Zairah Ab.Rahim, and Oye,N. D(2012) reported that most of the younger students are engaged in the use of SNSs mainly for socializing activities rather than for academic purpose.
在APA引用中, 第一次列举作者姓的时候,要全部列举出来.(直到五个)
Et al 是第二次之后才会这么用.而且是相同的一批人
以下是 一些可以表达自己情绪, 立场, 态度 的词汇
不要总是使用' sb. says/ shows /thinks '
pattern 1: reporting verb + that + subject + verb
acknowledge admit agree allege argue assert assume believe claim conclude consider decide demonstrate deny determine discover doubt emphasize explain find hypothesize imply indicate infer note object observe point out prove reveal say show state suggest think
(a) Da Souza argues that previous researchers have misinterpreted the data.
(b) Researchers have demonstrated that the procedure is harmful.
(c) Positivists find that social disorders are exacerbated by class factors.
(d) Singh infers that both states are essential.
“一定要记得, 这些词不能滥用, 尤其准确的语义, 而不像在国内写作时候随便换高级词汇来表示多样性~
Pattern 2: reporting verb + somebody/something + for + noun/gerund
applaud blame censure criticize disparage fault praise ridicule single out thank
Pattern 3: reporting verb + somebody/something + as + noun/gerund/adjective
appraise assess characterize class classify define depict describe evaluate identify interpret portray present refer view
Using sources
当你使用资源的时候, 意味着你只是单纯的使用你曾经读过的/正在读的文章的信息/观点.
你必须 1.用自己的语言 重新改述 原话 , 并2.标记出出处
in-text citations
These are *called in-text citations*, because they are within your text.
a) Author prominent – the author’s family name comes first, followed by the year. – E.g. : Pahlke and Hyde ( 2016), suggest that there is no clear evidence that indicates that single-sex schools are more effective than single- sex schools.
b) Information prominent – the information or idea is before the author’s family name - E.g. Research suggests that single-sex schools are not superior to co-education schools ( Pahlke and Hyde, 2016)
“其实两个都挺多的, video说信息主导多, 老师说作者主导也不少.
Your reference list goes at the very end of your EE and includes the family name of the author, the initial (first letter) of their first name, ( year) and information on the source they write in . See below. Unfortunately, it is not part of your word-count
“在citation里 ,只需要 姓+年限 + reporting verb
在referencing 里 需要 姓+名的首字母+年限+主要信息
在referencing阶段, 不是名在前 姓在后. 而是 姓在前, 名首字母在后 + 年限 (甚至加上了页数)
Day 8
develop your understanding of plagiarism
identify legitimate uses of sources and plagiaristic uses
raise your awareness of problems that can lead to plagiarism
直接引用 接近的释义 未知来源的摘要 直接复制
这句话说的非常好, 您的想法和批判性思维正在接受检查,而不是其他任何人的. 因此, 不属于你的信息和想法必须承认
“这个角度真的很秀,比雅思阻止作弊的方式还好, 而且真的非常正.
*大学不区分 无意抄袭 和 故意抄袭
直接使用,不引用他人作品会被认为抄袭. 与他人不当合作
复制作品 甚至复制自己的课程内容, 再次提交 也算抄袭.被称之为自我抄袭(一次努力双重收获.) 购买的论文
“没时间了 就到这里了~
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