当前位置:网站首页>The applet realizes multi-level page switching back and forth, and supports sliding and clicking operations

The applet realizes multi-level page switching back and forth, and supports sliding and clicking operations

2022-07-07 09:48:00 Dehong demon king

️️️️️️ 🥳🥳🥳 Thousands of people , Thank you for reading my article at this moment , Thanks for watching , Hello, everyone , Welcome to the artificial intelligence exchange group ( Watch my news ), More peripheral benefits are waiting for you 🥳🥳🥳

 Insert picture description here

Welcome to subscribe to this column or follow me , Everyone works together to make progress every day !!

️️️ Last , I hope my article can be helpful to your !

I wish myself and you in the future , Keep learning , Keep improving , Keep loving , Go to the mountains and seas ! ️️️

Want to keep fans , You have to arrange a demonstration :
[ Under review …]

Then swing !!!!

First, through swiper Create a much simpler tab page

 Insert picture description here
By triggering pagechange1 The event pair in the method currentIndex To assign , And through the currentIndex The changes made the front end wxml Corresponding changes , This part is the same for sliding and clicking , It's just to make currentIndex Corresponding to their respective positions , Determine the position by numbers

// slide 
  pagechange1: function (ee) {
    if ("touch" === ee.detail.source) {
      let currentPageIndex = this.data.currentIndex;
      currentPageIndex = (currentPageIndex + 1) % 2;
        currentIndex: currentPageIndex,
// Click on tab Trigger when 
  titleClick: function (e) {
      // Get the current index and change it dynamically 
      currentIndex: e.currentTarget.dataset.idx

The complete code of this part is as follows :

    <!-- Tab Layout  -->
    <view class='navBox'>
        <view class='titleBox' bindtap='titleClick' data-idx='0'>
            <text class="{
    {0 == currentIndex ? 'fontColorBox' : ''}}"> Android </text>
            <hr class="{
    {0 == currentIndex ? 'lineBox' : 'notLineBox'}}" />
        <view class='titleBox' bindtap='titleClick' data-idx='1'>
            <text class="{
    {1 == currentIndex ? 'fontColorBox1' : ''}}"> Apple </text>
            <hr class="{
    {1 == currentIndex ? 'lineBox' : 'notLineBox'}} " />
    <!--  Content layout  -->
    <swiper class='swiperTtemBox' bindchange='pagechange1' current='{
        <swiper-item class='swiperTtemBox'>
            <view> Content 1</view>
        <swiper-item class='swiperTtemBox'>
            <view> Content 2</view>


Page {
  /*  Global style  */
  background: rgb(244, 245, 249);
  height: 100%;
  position: fixed;

.fontColorBox1 {
  /*  Default color of text  */
  color: black;

.navBox {
  /*  Top tab Box style  */
  width: 100%;
  height: 108rpx;
  background: white;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;

.navBox view:last-child {
  /*  the last one tab The style of the title  */
  padding-left: 20%;

.titleBox {
  /*  The style of unselected text  */
  color: rgb(168, 170, 175);
  font-size: 30rpx;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  /*  Check and uncheck the common style of the bottom line  */
  width: 32rpx;
  height: 8rpx;

.lineBox {
  /*  Select the baseline style  */
  background: rgb(43, 44, 45);
  margin-top: 16rpx;
  border-radius: 4rpx;

.notLineBox {
  /*  The bottom line style is not selected  */
  background: transparent;

.swiperTtemBox {
  /*  Bottom content style  */
  height: 100vh;
  overflow: scroll;
  margin: 12rpx 0rpx;
  background: white;
  font-size: 28rpx;


const app = getApp()
  data: {
    currentIndex: 0, // Default first 
  pagechange1: function (ee) {
    if ("touch" === ee.detail.source) {
      let currentPageIndex = this.data.currentIndex;
      currentPageIndex = (currentPageIndex + 1) % 2;
        currentIndex: currentPageIndex,

  // Click on tab Trigger when 
  titleClick: function (e) {
      // Get the current index and change it dynamically 
      currentIndex: e.currentTarget.dataset.idx

The second step

After the last step , Add a sliding page to the lower page , When the internal switch is over , Switching is the switching operation of the parent
 Insert picture description here
stay “ Content 1” Of view in Just write the code , Because the parent code can only be less than 2 Only pages are valid , So we don't need this slide of the parent to do the child slide , Not just because bug The problem of , This also avoids the problem of style and data duplication
Here we insert wxml Code :

 <view >
    <scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="tab-h" scroll-left="{
        <view class="tab-item {
    {currentTab==0?'active':''}}"  data-current="0" bindtap="swichNav"> hot </view>
        <view class="tab-item {
    {currentTab==1?'active':''}}" data-current="1" bindtap="swichNav"> Video and sound </view>
        <view class="tab-item {
    {currentTab==2?'active':''}}" data-current="2" bindtap="swichNav"> read </view>
        <view class="tab-item {
    {currentTab==3?'active':''}}" data-current="3" bindtap="swichNav"> game </view>
        <view class="tab-item {
    {currentTab==4?'active':''}}" data-current="4" bindtap="swichNav"> welfare </view>
    <swiper class="tab-content" current="{
    {currentTab}}" duration="300" bindchange="switchTab"
            <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" >
              <view class="item-ans">
                        <view class="avatar">
                            <image class="img" src="https://profile.csdnimg.cn/9/B/A/0_qq_35230125"></image>
                        <view class="expertInfo">
                            <view class="name"> Silhouette Android </view>
                            <view class="tag">111 People download </view>
                            <view> This is just a brief introduction , Click for the most details </view>
                        <view class="askBtn" bindtap="show_hideModal"> download </view>
                        <!-- <navigator url="/pages/askExpert/expertDetail" class="askBtn"> ask TA</navigator>  -->
            <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" >
              <view class="item-ans">
                        <view class="avatar">
                            <image class="img" src="http://ookzqad11.bkt.clouddn.com/avatar.png"></image>
                        <view class="expertInfo">
                            <view class="name"> Facial expression </view>
                            <view class="tag"> Well known emotion bloggers </view>
                            <view class="answerHistory">134 answer ,2234 People have heard of it  </view>
                        <navigator url="/pages/askExpert/expertDetail" class="askBtn"> ask T2A</navigator> 
            <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" >
              <view class="item-ans">
                        <view class="avatar">
                            <image class="img" src="http://ookzqad11.bkt.clouddn.com/avatar.png"></image>
                        <view class="expertInfo">
                            <view class="name"> Facial expression </view>
                            <view class="tag"> Well known emotion bloggers </view>
                            <view class="answerHistory">134 answer ,2234 People have heard of it  </view>
                        <navigator url="/pages/askExpert/expertDetail" class="askBtn"> ask T2A</navigator> 
            <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" >
              <view class="item-ans">
                        <view class="avatar">
                            <image class="img" src="http://ookzqad11.bkt.clouddn.com/avatar.png"></image>
                        <view class="expertInfo">
                            <view class="name"> Facial expression </view>
                            <view class="tag"> Well known emotion bloggers </view>
                            <view class="answerHistory">134 answer ,2234 People have heard of it  </view>
                        <navigator url="/pages/askExpert/expertDetail" class="askBtn"> ask T2A</navigator> 
            <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" >
              <view class="item-ans">
                        <view class="avatar">
                            <image class="img" src="http://ookzqad11.bkt.clouddn.com/avatar.png"></image>
                        <view class="expertInfo">
                            <view class="name"> Facial expression </view>
                            <view class="tag"> Well known emotion bloggers </view>
                            <view class="answerHistory">134 answer ,2234 People have heard of it  </view>
                        <navigator url="/pages/askExpert/expertDetail" class="askBtn"> ask T2A</navigator> 

js Join in :

data: {
    winHeight:"",// Window height 
    currentTab:0, // Default the value of the current item 
    scrollLeft:0, //tab The scroll bar position of the title 
    currentIndex: 0, // The default is the active item   Switch 
    hideModal:false// mask 

Partially complete js Code :

// pages/leftSlide/leftSlide.js

const App = getApp()

  data: {
    winHeight:"",// Window height 
    currentTab:0, // Default the value of the current item 
    scrollLeft:0, //tab The scroll bar position of the title 
    currentIndex: 0, // The default is the active item   Switch 
    hideModal:false// mask 
      //  Scroll to switch label styles 
        let that=this;
    //  Click the title to switch to the current page to change the style 
        var cur=e.target.dataset.current;
    return false;}
    // Judge if the current scrolling is more than one screen , Set up tab Title scroll bar .
      if (this.data.currentTab>4){
  pagechange: function (ee) {
    let that=this;
    if ("touch" === ee.detail.source) {
      let currentPageIndex = that.data.currentIndex;
      currentPageIndex = (currentPageIndex+1) % 2;
        currentIndex: currentPageIndex,
//  eject 、 Hide the mask layer 

  let that=this;

  let that=this;

  //  Switch 
  //  Switch swiper-item Trigger bindchange event 
  pagechange: function (e) {
    //  adopt touch Judge , change tab The subscript value of 
    if ("touch" === e.detail.source) {
      let currentPageIndex = this.data.currentIndex;
      currentPageIndex = (currentPageIndex + 1) % 2;
      //  Get the current index and change it dynamically 
        currentIndex: currentPageIndex,

  // Click on tab Trigger when 
  titleClick: function (e) {
      // Get the current index and change it dynamically 
      currentIndex: e.currentTarget.dataset.idx

  onLoad: function (options) {
    //  Page initialization  options Parameters for page Jump 
    var that = this; 
        //   Highly adaptive 
        wx.getSystemInfo( {
            success: function( res ) {
                var clientHeight=res.windowHeight,
              var  calc=clientHeight*rpxR-180;
                that.setData( {
                    winHeight: calc  
  onReady: function () {
    //  Page rendering complete 
  onShow: function () {
    //  Page shows 
  onHide: function () {
    //  Page hidden 
  onUnload: function () {
    //  Page closing 

Change the style to the one below

/*  Page switching  */
Page {
  /*  Global style  */
  background: rgb(244, 245, 249);
  height: 100%;
  position: fixed;


.fontColorBox1 {
  /*  Default color of text  */
  color: black;

.navBox {
  /*  Top tab Box style  */
  width: 100%;
  height: 80rpx;
  background: white;
  flex-direction: row;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  /*  the last one tab The style of the title  */
/* .navBox view:last-child {

  padding-left: 20%;
} */

.titleBox {
  width: 100rpx;
  /*  The style of unselected text  */
  color: rgb(168, 170, 175);
  font-size: 30rpx;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  /*  Check and uncheck the common style of the bottom line  */
  width: 32rpx;
  height: 8rpx;

.lineBox {
  /*  Select the baseline style  */
  background: rgb(43, 44, 45);
  margin-top: 16rpx;
  border-radius: 4rpx;

.notLineBox {
  /*  The bottom line style is not selected  */
  background: transparent;

.swiperTtemBox {
  /*  Bottom content style  */
  height: 100vh;
  overflow: scroll;
  margin: 12rpx 0rpx;
  background: white;
  font-size: 28rpx;

/*  Page switching  */

/*  mask  */
/* pages/index/components/buy/index.wxss */
.flex {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
.box {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  z-index: 1000;
  width: 100vw;
  height: 100vh;
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
.empty-box {
  flex: 1;
  background-color: transparent;
/*  Content view  */
.content {
  width: 100vw;
  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
  opacity: 1;
  border-radius: 20px 20px 0px 0px;
  z-index: 1001;


/* modal Button  */
.button {
  width: 100vw;
  padding: 4rpx 20rpx 10rpx 40rpx;
.button >view {
  width: calc(100% - 80rpx);
  height: 98rpx;
  border-radius: 50rpx;
  line-height: 98rpx;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 32rpx;
  font-family: PingFang SC;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
  background: yellowgreen;
  opacity: 1;

/*  Internal switch bar  */
  height: 80rpx;width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box;overflow: hidden;line-height: 80rpx;background: #F7F7F7; font-size: 16px; white-space: nowrap;position: fixed;top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 99;}
    margin:0 36rpx;display: inline-block;}
    color: #4675F9;position: relative;}
     content: "";display: block;height: 8rpx;width: 52rpx;background: #4675F9;position: absolute; bottom: 0;left: 5rpx;border-radius: 16rpx;}
     width: 100%;display: flex; flex-grow: row no-wrap;justify-content: space-between; padding: 30rpx;box-sizing: border-box; height: 180rpx;align-items: center;border-bottom: 1px solid #F2F2F2;}
    width: 100rpx;height: 100rpx;position: relative;padding-right: 30rpx;}
.avatar .img{
    width: 100%;height: 100%;}
.avatar .doyen{
    width: 40rpx;height: 40rpx;position: absolute;bottom: -2px;right: 20rpx;}
    font-size: 12px;flex-grow: 2;color: #B0B0B0;line-height: 1.5em;}
.expertInfo .name{
    font-size: 16px;color:#000;margin-bottom: 6px;}
     width: 120rpx;height: 60rpx;line-height: 60rpx;text-align: center;font-size: 14px; border-radius: 60rpx;border: 1px solid #4675F9; color:#4675F9;}
    margin-top: 80rpx;}
    height: 100%;}

All complete code

Finally, the complete code is as follows :

<!--  Switch  -->
    <!-- Tab Layout  -->
    <view class='navBox'>
        <view class='titleBox' bindtap='titleClick' data-idx='0' style="width: 200rpx;">
            <text class="{
    {0 == currentIndex ? 'fontColorBox' : ''}}"> Android </text>
            <hr class="{
    {0 == currentIndex ? 'lineBox' : 'notLineBox'}}" />
        <view class='titleBox' bindtap='titleClick' data-idx='1' style="width: 200rpx;">
            <text class="{
    {1 == currentIndex ? 'fontColorBox1' : ''}}"> Apple </text>
            <hr class="{
    {1 == currentIndex ? 'lineBox' : 'notLineBox'}} " />
    <!--  Content layout  -->
    <swiper class='swiperTtemBox' bindchange='pagechange' current='{
        <swiper-item class='swiperTtemBox'>
            <!--  Android  -->
            <view >
    <scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="tab-h" scroll-left="{
        <view class="tab-item {
    {currentTab==0?'active':''}}"  data-current="0" bindtap="swichNav"> hot </view>
        <view class="tab-item {
    {currentTab==1?'active':''}}" data-current="1" bindtap="swichNav"> Video and sound </view>
        <view class="tab-item {
    {currentTab==2?'active':''}}" data-current="2" bindtap="swichNav"> read </view>
        <view class="tab-item {
    {currentTab==3?'active':''}}" data-current="3" bindtap="swichNav"> game </view>
        <view class="tab-item {
    {currentTab==4?'active':''}}" data-current="4" bindtap="swichNav"> welfare </view>
    <swiper class="tab-content" current="{
    {currentTab}}" duration="300" bindchange="switchTab"
            <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" >
              <view class="item-ans">
                        <view class="avatar">
                            <image class="img" src="https://profile.csdnimg.cn/9/B/A/0_qq_35230125"></image>
                        <view class="expertInfo">
                            <view class="name"> Silhouette Android </view>
                            <view class="tag">111 People download </view>
                            <view> This is just a brief introduction , Click for the most details </view>
                        <view class="askBtn" bindtap="show_hideModal"> download </view>
                        <!-- <navigator url="/pages/askExpert/expertDetail" class="askBtn"> ask TA</navigator>  -->
            <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" >
              <view class="item-ans">
                        <view class="avatar">
                            <image class="img" src="http://ookzqad11.bkt.clouddn.com/avatar.png"></image>
                        <view class="expertInfo">
                            <view class="name"> Facial expression </view>
                            <view class="tag"> Well known emotion bloggers </view>
                            <view class="answerHistory">134 answer ,2234 People have heard of it  </view>
                        <navigator url="/pages/askExpert/expertDetail" class="askBtn"> ask T2A</navigator> 
            <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" >
              <view class="item-ans">
                        <view class="avatar">
                            <image class="img" src="http://ookzqad11.bkt.clouddn.com/avatar.png"></image>
                        <view class="expertInfo">
                            <view class="name"> Facial expression </view>
                            <view class="tag"> Well known emotion bloggers </view>
                            <view class="answerHistory">134 answer ,2234 People have heard of it  </view>
                        <navigator url="/pages/askExpert/expertDetail" class="askBtn"> ask T2A</navigator> 
            <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" >
              <view class="item-ans">
                        <view class="avatar">
                            <image class="img" src="http://ookzqad11.bkt.clouddn.com/avatar.png"></image>
                        <view class="expertInfo">
                            <view class="name"> Facial expression </view>
                            <view class="tag"> Well known emotion bloggers </view>
                            <view class="answerHistory">134 answer ,2234 People have heard of it  </view>
                        <navigator url="/pages/askExpert/expertDetail" class="askBtn"> ask T2A</navigator> 
            <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" >
              <view class="item-ans">
                        <view class="avatar">
                            <image class="img" src="http://ookzqad11.bkt.clouddn.com/avatar.png"></image>
                        <view class="expertInfo">
                            <view class="name"> Facial expression </view>
                            <view class="tag"> Well known emotion bloggers </view>
                            <view class="answerHistory">134 answer ,2234 People have heard of it  </view>
                        <navigator url="/pages/askExpert/expertDetail" class="askBtn"> ask T2A</navigator> 
            <!--  Android  -->
        <swiper-item class='swiperTtemBox'>
            <view> Activity content </view>

<!--  Switch  -->

<!--  Popup  -->
<view class="box" hidden="{
  <view class="empty-box" bindtap="hideModal" id="empty-box"></view>
  <scroll-view scroll-y style="max-height:80vh;">
    <view class="content" style="transform:translateY({
    {translateY}}px);" animation="{
      <!-- boll -->
 <view style="height: 750rpx;display: flex;flex-direction: column;align-items: center;">
 <view style="height: 750rpx;width: 700rpx;display: flex;flex-direction: column;align-items: center;padding-top: 10rpx;">
 <!--  Icon icon -->
 <view style="width: 100rpx;height: 100rpx;border-radius: 10rpx;">
 <image src="http://pic.2265.com/upload/2017-5/2017515111376293.png" style="width: 100rpx;height: 100rpx;"></image>
 <view style="width: 730rpx;height: 500rpx;">
  <text decode="{
    {true}}" style="width: 730rpx;height: 400rpx;">&ensp;
    &ensp;&ensp;&ensp;&ensp;️️️️️️ 🥳🥳🥳  Thousands of people , Thank you for reading my article at this moment , Thanks for watching , Hello, everyone , Welcome to the artificial intelligence exchange group ( Watch my news ), More peripheral benefits are waiting for you 🥳🥳🥳 Welcome to subscribe to this column or follow me , Let's work together to solve an algorithm problem every day ️️️  Last , I hope my article can be helpful to your !</text>

      <!--  Button  -->
      <view class="button" bindtap="confirm">
        <view> confirm </view>


// pages/leftSlide/leftSlide.js

const App = getApp()

  data: {
    winHeight:"",// Window height 
    currentTab:0, // Default the value of the current item 
    scrollLeft:0, //tab The scroll bar position of the title 
    currentIndex: 0, // The default is the active item   Switch 
    hideModal:false// mask 
      //  Scroll to switch label styles 
        let that=this;
    //  Click the title to switch to the current page to change the style 
        var cur=e.target.dataset.current;
    return false;}
    // Judge if the current scrolling is more than one screen , Set up tab Title scroll bar .
      if (this.data.currentTab>4){
  pagechange: function (ee) {
    let that=this;
    if ("touch" === ee.detail.source) {
      let currentPageIndex = that.data.currentIndex;
      currentPageIndex = (currentPageIndex+1) % 2;
        currentIndex: currentPageIndex,
//  eject 、 Hide the mask layer 

  let that=this;

  let that=this;

  //  Switch 
  //  Switch swiper-item Trigger bindchange event 
  pagechange: function (e) {
    //  adopt touch Judge , change tab The subscript value of 
    if ("touch" === e.detail.source) {
      let currentPageIndex = this.data.currentIndex;
      currentPageIndex = (currentPageIndex + 1) % 2;
      //  Get the current index and change it dynamically 
        currentIndex: currentPageIndex,

  // Click on tab Trigger when 
  titleClick: function (e) {
      // Get the current index and change it dynamically 
      currentIndex: e.currentTarget.dataset.idx

  onLoad: function (options) {
    //  Page initialization  options Parameters for page Jump 
    var that = this; 
        //   Highly adaptive 
        wx.getSystemInfo( {
            success: function( res ) {
                var clientHeight=res.windowHeight,
              var  calc=clientHeight*rpxR-180;
                that.setData( {
                    winHeight: calc  
  onReady: function () {
    //  Page rendering complete 
  onShow: function () {
    //  Page shows 
  onHide: function () {
    //  Page hidden 
  onUnload: function () {
    //  Page closing 


/*  Page switching  */
Page {
  /*  Global style  */
  background: rgb(244, 245, 249);
  height: 100%;
  position: fixed;


.fontColorBox1 {
  /*  Default color of text  */
  color: black;

.navBox {
  /*  Top tab Box style  */
  width: 100%;
  height: 80rpx;
  background: white;
  flex-direction: row;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  /*  the last one tab The style of the title  */
/* .navBox view:last-child {

  padding-left: 20%;
} */

.titleBox {
  width: 100rpx;
  /*  The style of unselected text  */
  color: rgb(168, 170, 175);
  font-size: 30rpx;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  /*  Check and uncheck the common style of the bottom line  */
  width: 32rpx;
  height: 8rpx;

.lineBox {
  /*  Select the baseline style  */
  background: rgb(43, 44, 45);
  margin-top: 16rpx;
  border-radius: 4rpx;

.notLineBox {
  /*  The bottom line style is not selected  */
  background: transparent;

.swiperTtemBox {
  /*  Bottom content style  */
  height: 100vh;
  overflow: scroll;
  margin: 12rpx 0rpx;
  background: white;
  font-size: 28rpx;

/*  Page switching  */

/*  mask  */
/* pages/index/components/buy/index.wxss */
.flex {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
.box {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  z-index: 1000;
  width: 100vw;
  height: 100vh;
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
.empty-box {
  flex: 1;
  background-color: transparent;
/*  Content view  */
.content {
  width: 100vw;
  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
  opacity: 1;
  border-radius: 20px 20px 0px 0px;
  z-index: 1001;


/* modal Button  */
.button {
  width: 100vw;
  padding: 4rpx 20rpx 10rpx 40rpx;
.button >view {
  width: calc(100% - 80rpx);
  height: 98rpx;
  border-radius: 50rpx;
  line-height: 98rpx;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 32rpx;
  font-family: PingFang SC;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
  background: yellowgreen;
  opacity: 1;

/*  Internal switch bar  */
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.avatar .img{
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    margin-top: 80rpx;}
    height: 100%;}


That's what we're sharing today !!


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