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The idea of commonly used shortcut key
2022-08-05 06:12:00 【CrazyQiQi】
idea's frequently used shortcut keys
Alt+Enter to import the package and automatically correct it
Ctrl+N find class
Ctrl+Shift+N Find file
Ctrl+Alt+L format code
Ctrl+Alt+O Optimize imported classes and packages
Alt+Insert generates code (such as get, set methods, constructors, etc.)
Ctrl+E or Alt+Shift+C recently changed code
Ctrl+R replace text
Ctrl+F find text
Ctrl+Shift+Space autocomplete code
Ctrl+space code hint
Ctrl+Alt+Space class name or interface name prompt
Ctrl+P method parameter prompt
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N Find a method or variable in a class
Alt+Shift+C Compare recently modified code
Shift+F6 Refactor-Rename
Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow
Ctrl+X delete line
Ctrl+D copy line
Ctrl+/ or Ctrl+Shift+/ Comment (// or /…/ )
Ctrl+J Autocode
Ctrl+E recently opened files
Ctrl+H show class structure diagram
Ctrl+Q show commented document
Alt+F1 to find the location of the code
Alt+1 Quickly open or hide the project panel
Ctrl+Alt+ left/right to return to last viewed location
Alt+ left/right switch code view
Alt+Up/Down to move quickly between methods
Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down Code moves up/down.
F2 or Shift+F2 to highlight errors or warnings for quick location
After entering the code tag, press Tab to generate the code.
Select text, press Ctrl+Shift+F7 to highlight all the text, press Esc to highlight disappear.
Ctrl+W to select the code, continuous pressing will have other effects
Select the text, press Alt+F3, find the same text one by one, and highlight it.
Ctrl+Up/Down cursor jumps to the first or last line
Ctrl+B Quickly open the class or method at the cursor
Intellij IDEA most frequently used shortcut keys
1.Ctrl+E, you can display the list of recently edited files
2.Shift+Click can close the file
3.Ctrl+[or] can jump to the beginning and end of braces
4.Ctrl+Shift+Backspace can jump to the last edited place
5.Ctrl+F12, you can display the structure of the current file
6.Ctrl+F7 can query the reference of the current element in the current file, and then press F3 to select
7.Ctrl+N, you can quickly open the class
8.Ctrl+Shift+N, you can quickly open the file
9.Alt+Q can see the declaration of the current method
10.Ctrl+W can select words, then statements, then lines, then functions
11.Alt+F1 can position the element being edited in each panel
12.Ctrl+P, can display parameter information
13.Ctrl+Shift+Insert can select the clipboard content and insert it
14.Alt+Insert can generate constructor/Getter/Setter, etc.
15.Ctrl+Alt+V can introduce variables.For example, assign the SQL in parentheses to a variable
16.Ctrl+Alt+T can wrap the code in one piece, such as try/catch
17.Alt+Up and Alt+Down can move quickly between methods
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