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The result of innovation in professional courses such as robotics (Automation)

2022-07-07 23:51:00 zhangrelay


Fast forward to conclusion :

The long-term existence of all industries must be stagnant , Or spiral rise and spiral fall alternately .

Many industries that do not meet the characteristics of standing still , It is especially strong when it is prosperous , But it will contract violently .

Examples of industries that are standing still :

Course + In essence, assessment or selection system , Or for leaders .

Examples of non-stop industries : 

Communication industry ,BB machine , It's very popular to have time. Now no one uses it .

Upgraded industry , Will completely replace the original industry .

Of course, this statement is not rigorous .

therefore :

robot ( automation ) And other professional curriculum innovation :

It seems to be dressed in the coat of innovation , In fact, in the most essence, it stands still , Or ups and downs do not deviate from the original intention , It must last for a long time .

“Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do.” 

— Brian Tracy

“ Only when you promise to be good at what you do , You can really achieve success in life .”

Just imagine that all countries have comprehensively carried out various changes or innovations in teaching .

Are different types of solidification phenomena reduced or intensified in teaching ???

So is wealth , As long as in a stable society , All are winners Take away all all.

The current epidemic in various countries , Again and again , There is no particularly good means of treatment and control of transmission .

Educational innovation provides high-quality professional development for regions and schools , Provide educators with tools to succeed in the classroom , Let children become educated learners . Every employee is a unique community , We will support every learner on campus .

picture source :iberdrola
picture source :iberdrola


Before there was no robot as a carrier , Mechatronics courses have a similar effect !

The scale and sustainability of promising educational innovation is an important challenge in the field of Science Education . The Internet provides a platform , It can increase the access and longevity of the learning environment . The ongoing book digitization project will increase the number of information sources available to learners , But it will also change the experience of finding information in books , For example, keyword search in a single book or the entire database . As technology enables learners to access tools and information independently of their physical location , Lifelong and autonomous learning will become more feasible . Last , One can foresee that the feedback cycle will lead to the further use of technology to support scientific learning . Because students often use Web 2.0 Applications , And virtual environments , They have built a novel digital literacy . These technological capabilities may support future technological development , Support scientific tilt in an unprecedented way . 

Educational robots enable students of all ages to become familiar with and deepen their understanding of robots and programming , At the same time, learn other cognitive skills . Learn how robots help children receive education , And what are the most popular robots on the market .

Educational robots allow robots to be easily built and programmed
The word robot is Czech writer Karel · Kapek (Karel Capek) Invented , Used in his science fiction dramas 《R.U.R.》 Specify automata in . (Rossum Of Universal Robots), On 1921 Premiered in Prague .Capek From Czech robots Created a word in , It means working hard .

Almost a hundred years later , Automata has become part of our children's development and learning process . It refers to educational robots .

What is educational robot ?
Educational robotics —— Or teaching robotics —— It is a subject that aims to introduce robots and programming to students interactively from a very young age .

In the case of infants and primary education , Educational robots provide students with everything they need to easily build and program robots that can perform various tasks . There are more advanced —— And more expensive —— Robots for secondary and higher education . in any case , The complexity of the subject always adapts to the age of the students .

Educational robot technology is included in the so-called STEM( science 、 technology 、 Engineering and mathematics ) In education , This is a way to teach science at the same time 、 Teaching mode of mathematics and Technology , Among them, practice takes precedence over theory .

How robots help students ?
Through the game , Educational robots help children develop one of the basic cognitive skills of mathematical thinking from an early age : Computational Thinking . in other words , They help to develop the psychological processes we use to solve various problems through orderly actions .

Improve skills by using educational robots

In addition to developing computational thinking , Educational robots also promote the development of other cognitive skills of children and adolescents :

Learn from your mistakes : Finding errors is not final , But the source of the new conclusion , This is a valuable lesson for the future .

  • The team cooperation : The group challenge approach encourages networking and collaboration .
  • To adapt to : Due to the continuous increase of automation and intelligent devices , Being familiar with the use of robots will help children adapt to tomorrow's world more easily .
  • creativity : The freedom to find solutions and assign new functions to these robots inspires imagination and creativity .
  • self-esteem : Success in new fields can improve students' self-awareness .
  • An enterprising spirit : In addition to enhancing their self-esteem , Success in one area will inspire them to undertake new tasks in other areas .
  • Self assessment : By being able to see the results of their actions immediately , Adults are not required to tell them whether they are doing well or not , Students learn to evaluate their performance .
  • The practical application : Apply the math or physics knowledge learned in school , Encourage children and adolescents to continue learning these subjects .

Other cognitive skills positively affected by educational robots include responsibility 、 Order and better development of the relationship between spatial perception and objects .

Another important advantage of educational robots is that they can teach children to be familiar with and learn basic programming concepts , This skill becomes more and more important every year . An obvious fact : According to the European Commission , To 2020 year , Due to the lack of computer science and ICT professionals , Europe will have 825,000 Job openings .

In the case of secondary and higher education , More advanced educational robots can help students deepen their understanding of robot technology and programming . Besides , High cost humanoid robots for teaching any subject are also useful in the classroom , Because they can attract students' attention , And in robotics and programming courses , They serve as the perfect link between theory and practice .


