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Take you hand in hand to build Eureka client with idea

2022-07-07 23:38:00 Rain fish in summer


At present, micro services have become the mainstream , In microservice , Must have a registration center , Such as eureka, This article will take you by hand idea structure eureka client .

One 、eureka What is it? ?

eureka The registration center , Manage various service functions , For example, service registration 、 Discovery, etc . As mentioned in the previous article eureka The server , This article will talk about eureka client .

Two 、 Specific operation steps

1. Modify the configuration file

Let's just use web Project transformation , Think of it as eureka client , First, introduce dependency , Then modify the configuration file , Register to eureka The server
 Insert picture description here

2. Run the project

Is it fragrant services Start in panel eureka, Restart web,

 Insert picture description here
Access in a browser , as follows , success
 Insert picture description here


Follow the above steps , You must have learned to use idea structure eureka client . If you have read this article , Be a good person and praise , It's not easy to write , If the article is flawed , Please write a comment , Make a friend and give a compliment .


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