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Anxinco EC series modules are connected to the multi protocol access products of onenet Internet of things open platform

2022-07-07 23:33:00 Little river god is tangled



One 、OneNET Creation of multi protocol access

 1. Enter into OneNET Home page :OneNET - China Mobile Internet of things open platform , And go to the console :

  2. Switch to the old console :OneNET - Old version of IOT console

 3. Create multi protocol access products

  4. Create device

Two 、EC-01 Access preparation

1. Platform connection elements

2.EC-01 Development board ready

  3、 ... and 、 Instruction access

1. First EC-01F To complete network access :

 2. Access OneNET 

  Four 、 Data interaction

 1. Data upload

 2. Data reception

5、 ... and 、 reminder


        Anxinco technology released a while ago NB-IoT Module ——EC Series modules . It also supports TCP、HTTP、MQTT And LwM2M agreement . especially LwM2M agreement , This is a WiFi What the module does not have .OneNET There is also a separate product creation of this Agreement on the platform , But this Agreement does not apply to WiFi Access to .

        So here's the problem , If you want to use WiFi and EC Family modules also support access OneNet How to achieve ,OneNET In the old version of the platform , There are multiple protocol access ways to create products . For example, use MQTT Access Agreement , So you can use it WiFi Class direct connected devices and NB Class devices are connected at the same time .

        This chapter will teach you how to multi protocol access OneNET Open platform of Internet of things .

One 、OneNET Creation of multi protocol access

 1. Enter into OneNET Home page :OneNET - China Mobile Internet of things open platform , And go to the console :

  2. Switch to the old console :OneNET - Old version of IOT console


 3. Create multi protocol access products

  4. Create device

Two 、EC-01 Access preparation

1. Platform connection elements

        EC-01 Three elements are needed to access the created device :

  • product ID, This article tests ID:485938
  • equipment ID, This article tests ID:877672367
  • Device authentication information , Equipment authentication in this paper :ec01test

product ID You can check it in the product overview :

equipment ID And authentication information can be found in : device details . see

2.EC-01 Development board ready

        Anxinko's EC There are three development boards in the series , In line with the consistent stingy principle of the sufficient author , We choose EC-01F-Kit This development board :

The total required hardware equipment is :

  • EC-01F-Kit Development board
  • Mobile IOT network card 300M A year
  • NB The antenna

On some treasure , The whole set is for sale , But here's the thing :

After the IOT network card is connected to the development board , You can't load other development boards , Otherwise, it will cause locking .

  3、 ... and 、 Instruction access

1. First EC-01F To complete network access :

        Only after successful network access , To access OneNET, The instruction flow related to network access is as follows :

 2. Access OneNET 

        After successful network access , You can use AT Instruction access OneNET, The specific process is as follows :

  • step 1: Use mqtt conf Command configuration cloud The type is OneNet 
  • step 2: Use mqtt open and mqtt connect establish mqtt Connect
  • step 3: Use mqtt sub subscribe topic
  • step 4: Use mqtt pub send data
  • step 5: When mqtt server When sending data ,mqtt receive The command will be automatically received , And ”+ECMTRECV: XXX” Of Format , Print out
  • step 6: Use mqtt disconnect Delete mqtt Connect
    The specific instructions are as follows :
    // step 1:
    AT+ECMTCFG ="cloud",0,1,3
    // step 2:
    // step 3:AT+ECMTCONN=0," equipment ID"," product ID"," Authentication information "
    // subscribe Topic  Use it to receive the platform carefully 
    // Publishing data streams 
    AT+ECMTPUB=0,0,0,0,"$dp","{"ec_data":36,"es_data_str":"hello OneNET"}"
    // disconnect 

    The normal process is as follows :

  Four 、 Data interaction

 1. Data upload

        Data upload uses release instructions :AT+ECMTPUB

        The upload format is generally json Format , Instruction example :

AT+ECMTPUB=0,0,0,0,"$dp","{"ec_data":36,"es_data_str":"hello OneNET"}"

In this directive , Uploaded numerical data named :"ec_data", The value is :36;

The string type data name is :"es_data_str", The content of the string is :"hello OneNET"

The platform displays the result as :

 2. Data reception

        be familiar with MQTT Everyone who agrees knows , Want to receive data , All need to subscribe , Subscription requires Topic, however OneNET The products of multi protocol access are different , It has no Topic, So we can subscribe Topic, The instructions are as follows :


Directive :“test”, Namely Topic, Specific parameters can be found in the official website of Anxin docs see :https://docs.ai-thinker.com/_media/nb-iot/nb-ioAT Instruction set v1.0.pdf

OneNET The platform issues instructions :

5、 ... and 、 reminder

        Article OneNET Platform equipment is test equipment , Post article , I will delete relevant devices , Please create your own products and equipment for testing ,AT The parameters of the instruction should be your own related parameters .


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