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[STM32 + esp-12s connect Tencent cloud IOT development platform 1] creation of cloud platform and burning of at firmware

2022-07-07 23:32:00 Little river god is tangled


        I used to use ESP-C3 The module has been connected to Alibaba cloud physical network platform , Today, let's play Tencent cloud IOT development platform , I heard that this platform can be used directly Tencent goes on and on App Or Tencent serial applet Direct control , There must be a lot of time left , Bloggers also played , Have a pretty good experience . The feeling is as follows :
       1. The test tool is very friendly , Anxin can provide a good simulation MCU Of Windows Upper computer visualization software :loTDevTool:https://axk.coding.net/s/98cbbda6-ff1e-4c38-819d-325bce81bacc;
       2. The connection process is simple , Only two instructions are needed to establish the connection ;
       3. It's really possible to use mobile phones App To control .
        It is said that there is also the function of mobile phone distribution network , But I didn't play either . Bloggers refer to the official blog of Anxin Ke for testing , At present, only ESP-12S This module , But it is a module after all , For connections STM32 or 51 SCM or other MCU Come on , It's a bit cumbersome . still ESP8266-01S It smells good ( Connected to Tencent cloud AT Firmware must 2M The above flash, therefore 01S To burn this firmware , It needs to be changed flash chip ).

One 、 Creation of Tencent cloud IOT development platform

        Tencent cloud IOT development platform address :https://cloud.tencent.com/product/iotexplorer;
( If you don't register, you can register and authenticate first ), After you log in , Click on “ Use now ” Then the interface you see should be like this :
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1. Create products

        Don't talk much . Just look at the operation ( Mainly lazy screenshots ),
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2. Configure products and create devices

        This device is for testing , So I won't explain this configuration too much , After configuring once , Just match it according to your needs :
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3. Device triplet description

        After the device is created , It will be in the debugging interface “ Equipment information ” See device triples in , They are : product ID、 Device name and device key . This is a ESP-12S Important parameters for connecting the cloud . Specific viewing method :
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Two 、ESP-12S Firmware burning

1. Firmware acquisition

        If you have played ESP8266 AT Firmware students may have a doubt , Lexin officially has AT Firmware , Why should I find something else AT Firmware . First explain , Conventional AT Firmware can also be connected to Tencent cloud , But it will be more troublesome , So Lexin also released a version of firmware that can simply connect to Tencent cloud IOT development platform , Its instruction set can also be found in Lexin AT The user guide can be seen :AT User guide - Tencent cloud loT Instruction set ,
Anxinco ESP-12S Tencent cloud AT Firmware download address :
There are two versions , Bloggers use : QCloud_IoT_AT_ESP8266_v2.0.0_20200617_UART_15_13.bin It uses IO15 and IO13 Serial port version of .

2. Firmware burning

        Burn firmware , You also need to use a tool :flash_download_tool
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Download decompression , Run the only .exe file , Then follow the dot :
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Just wait for the burning to complete . Press the reset button after burning .

3、 ... and 、 Connect the test

1. Connect WiFi

        Previously, it was said that Anxin can provide a good testing tool :loTDevTool,
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Be careful : The serial port of the firmware we use is :IO15-TXD and IO13-RXD, Default baud rate 115200, So onboard USB It doesn't work , External modules are required .
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2. Connect Tencent cloud Internet of things development platform

        Connecting Tencent cloud IOT development platform requires device triples , namely : product ID、 Device name and device key . How to check? Please turn to the first section . Fill the triples in the device parameters :
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Remember that triples must not be wrong , No one can connect successfully . Blogger here is just a demonstration , Although the above figure is different from the triplet of cloud platform , But the actual configuration is the same ,
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If always connected , But that tool shows that it is connected , The module can be reset , Then reopen the debugging tool , Reconnect the WiFi.

3. Subscribe to topics

        Make sure it is connected , And the device is online .,
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Topic explain :
        subscribe :$thing/down/property/{ProductID}/{DeviceName}
        Parameters :ProductID It's the product ID 、DeviceName It's the name of the device , Such as :
notes : Input Topic when , Can't use Space Start with , Otherwise, this is the result :
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4. Release the news

        Published and subscribed Topic It's just a little different , That's it down and up; Such as :
        subscribe :$thing/down/property/{ProductID}/{DeviceName}
        Release :$thing/up/property/{ProductID}/{DeviceName}
With Topic after , You need to send Json data , You can refer to : Tencent cloud data template Protocol , For your convenience , I will post LED Control data :


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Four 、 Tencent goes on and on App control

        You can go to the mobile app store to download Tencent goes on and on App,
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After these two steps , You can debug on your mobile phone ESP-12S 了 , The back controls . As long as the process of connecting the cloud platform is simulated with a single chip microcomputer, the remote control of the single chip microcomputer can be achieved . This process will be put into the blog post later .
Pay more attention to , Neverlost ,Nice!


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