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Description of longitude and latitude PLT file format

2022-07-07 23:18:00 Intimes

Track File (. pit) Track file

Line 1 : File type and version information File type and version information

Line 2 : Geodetic Datum used for the Lat/Lon positions for each trackpoint Longitude and latitude position datum

Line 3 : "Altitude is in feet" - just a reminder that the altitude is always stored in feet For reminder only

Line 4 : Reserved for future use It's useless

Line 5 : multiple fields as below There are several fields as follows :

Field 1 : always zero (0) Namely 0

Field 2 : width of track plot line on screen - 1 or 2 are usually the best Track line width 1 perhaps 2 appropriate

Field 3  :        track         color (RGB) Color

Field 4  :        track         description (no commas allowed) describe ( Commas are not allowed )

Field 5  :        track         skip value - reduces number of track       points plotted,          usually      set to 1 ( The incremental Used to draw fewer trace points )

Field 6  :        track         type - 0 = normal , 10 = closed polygon , 20 = Alarm       Zone type

Field 7  :        track         fill style - 0 =bsSolid; 1 =bsClear:     2 =bsBdiagonal:       3 =bsFdiagonal; 4

=bsCross: 5 =bsDiagCross; 6 =bsHorizontal: 7 =bsVertical:   Fill the style

Field 8 : track fill color (RGB)   Fill color

Line 6 : Number of track points in the track, not used, the number of points is determined when reading the points file Number of track points It's useless The specific quantity is determined when reading the document

Trackpoint data Track point data

One line per trackpoint One track point per line

each field separated by a comma Fields are separated by commas

non essential fields need not be entered but cornua separators must still be used (example ,,) defaults will be used for empty fields Non core fields can be left blank , But commas must be kept

Field 1 : Latitude - decimal degrees. latitude Decimal system

Field 2 : Longitude - decimal degrees. longitude Decimal system

Field 3 : Code - 0 if normal, 1 if break in track line Mark :0 It's normal 1 Is the segment separation point

Field 4 : Altitude in feet (-777 if not valid)  Height ( Foot unit )

Field 5 : Date - see Date Format below, if blank a preset date will be used date The specific format is shown below

Field 6 : Date as a string Date string

Field 7 : Time as a string Time string

Note that OziExplorer reads the Date/Time from field 5, the date and time in fields 6 & 7 are ignored. Be careful :OziExplorer Only from No 5 Fields read date and time ,6 and 7 Fields are ignored and useless .


-27. 350436, 153. 055540, 1, -777, 36169. 6307194, 09-Jan-99, 3:08:14

-27. 348610, 153. 055867, 0, -777, 36169. 6307194, 09-Jan-99, 3:08:14

Let's use an example file to illustrate ( Derived from Ovi , Ovi only recognizes line segments , Unrecognized area ):

OziExplorer Track Point File Version 2.0
WGS 84
Altitude is in Feet
Reserved 3
0,2,255,OziCE Track Log File,1


in other words , Just change the latitude and longitude and mark , You can achieve bln The effect of the document . Ovi can be loaded directly . This solves matlab 2012a Cannot output line segments as kml The problem of .

