One : background

1. Tell a story

A few days ago, a friend was B standing Add it to me , Said his program appeared Number of threads The problem of explosion height , Let me help you see what happened , The screenshot is as follows :

Strange to say , These days, I have encountered several unexplained explosion in the number of threads , But those questions are much more complicated than this one , It mainly involves the unmanaged level , The main purpose of sharing this article is that it is very representative , It is necessary to .

Without further ado , Since the number of threads has exploded , Then go ahead windbg speak .

Two :WinDbg analysis

1. Is the number of threads really high

Since the number of threads is high , How many are there ? We can use !t Order to have a look .

0:000> !t
ThreadCount: 109
UnstartedThread: 0
BackgroundThread: 104
PendingThread: 0
DeadThread: 1
Hosted Runtime: no
ID OSID ThreadOBJ State GC Mode GC Alloc Context Domain Count Apt Exception
0 1 2970 00581020 26020 Preemptive 0294AE60:00000000 0057a5f0 0 STA
2 2 1d2c 00590670 2b220 Preemptive 00000000:00000000 0057a5f0 0 MTA (Finalizer)
5 4 3388 0063a9b8 102a220 Preemptive 00000000:00000000 0057a5f0 0 MTA (Threadpool Worker)
6 5 265c 0063b458 1020220 Preemptive 00000000:00000000 0057a5f0 0 Ukn (Threadpool Worker)
7 7 3370 07100fa8 202b220 Preemptive 00000000:00000000 0057a5f0 0 MTA
113 41 4af4 0a85a490 8029220 Preemptive 0294F918:00000000 0057a5f0 0 MTA (Threadpool Completion Port)
114 75 4b9c 0a83d818 8029220 Preemptive 00000000:00000000 0057a5f0 0 MTA (Threadpool Completion Port)
115 76 4ba0 0a83d2d0 8029220 Preemptive 02B53AC4:00000000 0057a5f0 0 MTA (Threadpool Completion Port)

From the perspective of hexagrams , The current is 115 Managed threads , From the main thread STA Mode view It should be a WinForm/WPF Program , The number of threads in desktop programs is not much , There's a lot less to say , The next step is to see what these threads are doing .

2. What are these threads doing

Explore what each thread is doing , It can be used ~*e !clrstack Call up all thread stacks , Then carefully and patiently observe these threads .

0:000> ~*e !clrstack
OS Thread Id: 0x488c (109)
Child SP IP Call Site
114de760 7704018d [GCFrame: 114de760]
114de90c 7704018d [GCFrame: 114de90c]
114de8bc 7704018d [HelperMethodFrame: 114de8bc] System.Threading.Monitor.ReliableEnter(System.Object, Boolean ByRef)
114de94c 6dfe2767 System.Threading.Monitor.Enter(System.Object, Boolean ByRef)
114de95c 056107e3 CSRedis.Internal.IO.RedisIO.Write(Byte[])
114de998 05cb338c CSRedis.Internal.RedisConnector.Write(CSRedis.RedisCommand)
114de9dc 05cb32fc CSRedis.Internal.RedisListener`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].Write[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]](CSRedis.RedisCommand`1<System.__Canon>)
114de9f0 05cb3263 CSRedis.Internal.SubscriptionListener.Send(CSRedis.Internal.Commands.RedisSubscription)
114dea0c 050c4ffd CSRedis.RedisClient.Unsubscribe(System.String[])
114dea24 050c01e3 CSRedis.CSRedisClient+SubscribeObject+c__DisplayClass13_0.b__1(System.Object)
114deab4 6e026471 System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer.CallCallbackInContext(System.Object)
114deab8 6dfe2925 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
114deb24 6dfe2836 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
114deb38 6e026377 System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer.CallCallback()
114deb6c 6e0261fe System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer.Fire()
114debac 6e02612f System.Threading.TimerQueue.FireNextTimers()
114debec 6e025ff1 System.Threading.TimerQueue.AppDomainTimerCallback()
114dee10 6f38eaf6 [DebuggerU2MCatchHandlerFrame: 114dee10]

From the perspective of hexagrams , Thread characteristics are very obvious , Yes 86 A thread is stuck in Monitor.ReliableEnter It's about , It's us C# Medium Watch the lock , Since it's a surveillance lock , That's easy , View its Synchronous block table , Look who is lock Other threads wait because they can't wait inside , Use windbg Of !syncblk command .

0:000> !syncblk
Index SyncBlock MonitorHeld Recursion Owning Thread Info SyncBlock Owner
72 005ef1f0 87 1 07176838 12c8 13 028374e4 System.Object
75 005efd1c 87 1 07176d80 32c0 14 028368ec System.Object
Total 84
ComClassFactory 0
Free 17

From the table , There are currently two lock object , And threads 13 and 14 stay lock Don't come out of the area , Lead to their own 43 Threads are waiting , Next, the idea is very clear , Let's see what these two threads are doing ?

3. Hold what the thread is doing

We are from 13 Start with thread , Look what it is doing .

0:013> !clrstack
OS Thread Id: 0x12c8 (13)
Child SP IP Call Site
0971eb84 7703f901 [InlinedCallFrame: 0971eb84]
0971eb80 6c5b940f DomainBoundILStubClass.IL_STUB_PInvoke(IntPtr, Byte*, Int32, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags)
0971eb84 6c55b11d [InlinedCallFrame: 0971eb84] System.Net.UnsafeNclNativeMethods+OSSOCK.recv(IntPtr, Byte*, Int32, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags)
0971ebbc 6c55b11d System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[], Int32, Int32, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags, System.Net.Sockets.SocketError ByRef)
0971ebec 6c55b00e System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[], Int32, Int32, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags)
0971ec10 6c55af43 System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[], Int32, Int32)
0971ec40 6e05add8 System.IO.Stream.ReadByte()
0971ec50 05610d2c CSRedis.Internal.IO.RedisIO.ReadByte()
0971ec8c 05610c5a CSRedis.Internal.IO.RedisReader.ReadType()
0971ecb0 05610a9e CSRedis.Internal.IO.RedisReader.ExpectType(CSRedis.RedisMessage)
0971ed28 05cb3696 CSRedis.Internal.Commands.RedisSubscription.Parse(CSRedis.Internal.IO.RedisReader)
0971ed90 05cb35bd CSRedis.Internal.RedisConnector.Read[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]](System.Func`2<CSRedis.Internal.IO.RedisReader,System.__Canon>)
0971ede0 05cb3487 CSRedis.Internal.RedisListener`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].Listen(System.Func`2<CSRedis.Internal.IO.RedisReader,System.__Canon>)
0971ee34 05cb32b9 CSRedis.Internal.SubscriptionListener.Send(CSRedis.Internal.Commands.RedisSubscription)
0971ee50 05cb3156 CSRedis.RedisClient.Subscribe(System.String[])
0971ee68 05cb255a CSRedis.CSRedisClient+SubscribeObject.Subscribe(System.Object)
0971ef98 6dfb6063 System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(System.Object)
0971efa4 6dfe2925 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
0971f010 6dfe2836 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
0971f024 6dfe27f1 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object)
0971f03c 6e036ebe System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(System.Object)
0971f180 6f38eaf6 [GCFrame: 0971f180]
0971f364 6f38eaf6 [DebuggerU2MCatchHandlerFrame: 0971f364]

From the thread stack , This friend used CSRedis The subscription function of , Last in CSRedis.Internal.IO.RedisIO.ReadByte() The method is too late , The problem has been found , Next, you can take a look at its source code .

4. View source code

Look at the source code , It can be used ILSpy Tools , The compiled code is as follows :

Actually, this place is used lock The lock is not secure , Once there are network fluctuations , Hold the thread and wait , If this thread is made by ThreadPool Provide , That would lead to ThreadPool The number of threads in has exploded , from Waiting Trace on the thread , It is found that the number of threads is determined by Timer Provide , The thread stack and screenshot are as follows :

OS Thread Id: 0x40e8 (67)
Child SP IP Call Site
0e7af608 7704018d [GCFrame: 0e7af608]
0e7af7b4 7704018d [GCFrame: 0e7af7b4]
0e7af764 7704018d [HelperMethodFrame: 0e7af764] System.Threading.Monitor.ReliableEnter(System.Object, Boolean ByRef)
0e7af7f4 6dfe2767 System.Threading.Monitor.Enter(System.Object, Boolean ByRef)
0e7af804 056107e3 CSRedis.Internal.IO.RedisIO.Write(Byte[])
0e7af840 05cb338c CSRedis.Internal.RedisConnector.Write(CSRedis.RedisCommand)
0e7af884 05cb32fc CSRedis.Internal.RedisListener`1[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].Write[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]](CSRedis.RedisCommand`1<System.__Canon>)
0e7af898 05cb3263 CSRedis.Internal.SubscriptionListener.Send(CSRedis.Internal.Commands.RedisSubscription)
0e7af8b4 050c4ffd CSRedis.RedisClient.Unsubscribe(System.String[])
0e7af8cc 050c01e3 CSRedis.CSRedisClient+SubscribeObject+c__DisplayClass13_0.b__1(System.Object)
0e7af95c 6e026471 System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer.CallCallbackInContext(System.Object)

3、 ... and : summary

Overall analysis , This is supposed to be CSRedis One of the Bug, What I can do about this problem is to let my friends upgrade to the latest version , But since it is Bug Then others will definitely meet , Looked at the CSRedis.dll Assembly to github Address .

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.5", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.5")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("CSRedisCore")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("CSRedis yes Official recommendation Library , Support redis-trib colony 、 sentry 、 Private partition and connection pool management technology , Simple and easy RedisHelper Static class .")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("3.6.6")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("CSRedisCore")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("CSRedisCore")]
[assembly: AssemblyMetadata("RepositoryUrl", "")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]

As expected Issues ) Found the same problem in , It's a pity that the author didn't give an answer .

Say an interesting thing , I looked at the nickname of the questioner thicktao Seems familiar with , There seems to be this friend on wechat .

I went to , He came to me last year ,.NET The circle is really small , Fate ha ...

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