当前位置:网站首页>How does esrally perform simple custom performance tests?

How does esrally perform simple custom performance tests?

2022-07-02 21:02:00 Mingyi world

1. Basic concepts

Rally Originally in 2016 Released in , until 2018 year 7 It was released in June 1.0 edition ,Rally  Tools yes Elasticsearch Tools used by the development team to run nighttime benchmarks .

Rally The beauty of is that it can not only act as a load generator , You can also build 、 Set up Elasticsearch colony , So as to help us conduct performance test .

We can use Rally To the existing Elasticsearch Cluster benchmarking 、 Manage baseline configuration 、 Run and compare results , And use indicators and error reports ( for example JIT、GC、perf) Identify potential performance issues .

Rally Concurrency defaults to configuring multiple processes , Number of base processes 8+1(client Number ). A server can only run one Rally example .

Rally Of git Address :



In the following :esrally Equivalent to Rally Tools .

1.1 Related concepts and parameters

track: It means track , Here is the data and test strategy for pressure measurement ,track.json This is the definition file of pressure measurement strategy .


  • track.json :track Main operation definitions , Define the index to be manipulated 、 Test operations performed and data files tested . It's a necessary document .

  • Index name .json: Of the index being tested mapping data , It is also a necessary document .

  • documents.json(.bz2): Index data to be measured ,-1k Is used for test Part of the data . Non essential documents .

operations: Specify the specific operation , such as index Operation of index data 、force-merge Force a merger segment The operation of 、search Search operation and so on .

schedule: It specifies challenge Executed in sequence in task, Each of them task It's all specified One operation, In addition, you can also set clients ( Number of concurrent clients )、warmup-iterations( Number of warm-up cycles )、iterations(operation Number of cycles executed ) etc. .

Specify specific schedule You can use the command line arguments --include-tasks and exclude-tasks

challenges: By combination schedule Define a series of task , Then combined into a pressure measurement process .

Appoint challenges You can use the command line arguments --challenge

pipeline: It refers to the process of pressure measurement . In production , It is usually a remote cluster , Therefore, the main choice is benchmark-only.

1.2 Focus on indicators

stay Metric One column , Is the pressure measurement result index data , Generally, the data to be concerned are :

  • throughput Throughput per operation , such as index、search etc.

  • latency Response time data for each operation

  • Heap used for x Record stack usage

1.3 To configure schedule

  • clients:( Optional , The default is 1): Number of clients executing a task concurrently .

  • warmup-iterations( Optional , The default is 0): The number of iterations that each client should execute , To warm up candidate benchmarks . Warm up iterations are not shown in the measurement results .

  • iterations ( Optional , The default is 1): The number of metric iterations performed by each client . The command line report will automatically adjust the percentile based on this number ( for example , If you only run 5 Sub iteration , You won't get 99.9 One hundredth , Because we need at least 1000 Iterations to determine this value accurately ).

  • ramp-up-time-period( Optional , The default is 0):Rally The client will be started step by step . The number specified by the client is reached at the end of the specified time period ( In seconds ). This attribute also needs to set the warm-up time period , It must be greater than or equal to the warm-up time . For more details , see also ramp-up section .

  • warmup-time-period( Optional , The default is 0):Rally Consider the benchmark candidate's warm-up time period , In seconds . All response data captured during warm-up will not be displayed in the measurement results .

  • time-period( Optional ):Rally Consider the time period measured in seconds . Be careful , For batch index , This time period should not normally be defined . Pull will just batch index all files , The preheating time period after each sample is considered as the measurement sample .

  • schedule( Optional , The default is deterministic ): Define a schedule for this task , in other words , It defines the point in time at which an operation should be performed during benchmarking . for example , If you specify a definite scheduling and target interval of 5( second ),Rally Will try in seconds 0,5,10,15 ... . Perform the corresponding operation Rally Support certainty and Poisson , But you can define your own custom schedule .

  • target-throughput( Optional ): Define benchmarking patterns . If there is no definition ,Rally It will be assumed that this is a throughput benchmark , And will run the task as fast as possible . For batch style operations , This is what you need most , Because achieving optimal throughput is more important than achieving acceptable latency . If you define it , It will specify the number of requests per second for all clients . for example , If you specify 8 The target throughput of clients is 1000, This means that each client will issue 125(= 1000 / 8) A request . in general , All clients will issue... Per second 1000 A request . If Rally The reported throughput is less than the specified throughput , that Elasticsearch You can't reach it .

  • target-interval( Optional ): This is just 1 / target-throughput( In seconds ), It may be more convenient when the throughput is less than one operation per second .

  • completed-by( Optional ): End concurrent tasks according to the provided task name task, If set to any So once a mission is over , Whole schedule end . Suppose there are eight concurrent identical tasks , One of them ends , in addition 7 End .

  • ignore-response-error-level( Optional ): When the benchmark runs , Controls whether errors encountered during task execution are ignored . The only allowed value is non fatal , It combines cli Options ——on-error=abort, Non fatal errors will be ignored during task execution .

Be careful :

  • Can only define target-interval or target-throughput One of the , But not both ( otherwise Rally Error will be raised ).

  • iterations And time-period These two types of parameters cannot be defined at the same time .

1.3.1 schedule examples

Basic configuration

  "schedule": [
      "operation": {
        "operation-type": "search",
        "index": "_all",
        "body": {
          "query": {
            "match_all": {}
      "warmup-iterations": 100,
      "iterations": 100,
      "target-throughput": 10
  • Use one client Per second 10 Operations

  • And use 100 An iteration as a warm-up , And then use 100 An iteration to measure

Concurrent configuration
Default rally For each operation Allocate one client To deal with .

stay parallel And each task You can specify clients.

If both clients Parameter conflict , You can refer to the following example :

"schedule": [
    "parallel": {
      "warmup-iterations": 50,
      "iterations": 100,
      "clients": 2,
      "tasks": [
          "operation": "match-all",
          "target-throughput": 50
          "operation": "term",
          "target-throughput": 200
          "operation": "phrase",
          "target-throughput": 200

Rally Not all three tasks run at the same time ,Rally Will first run simultaneously “match-all” and “term”( One for each task client). After they finish ,Rally Will run with a customer “phrase”.

If parallel Specify more than the task client, But these client Will be free .

  "parallel": {
    "clients": 3,
    "warmup-iterations": 50,
    "iterations": 100,
    "tasks": [
        "operation": "default",
        "target-throughput": 50
        "operation": "term",
        "target-throughput": 200
        "operation": "phrase",
        "target-throughput": 200,
        "clients": 2

This way ensures that phrase By two client perform , Other tasks one client perform .

2 rally install

2.1 Depending on the project and related versions

  1. Development kit :curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker libffi-devel bzip2-devel

  2. python:3.8 above

  3. jdk:1.8

  4. git:2.7.5

2.2 Offline installation esrally

yum -y install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker libffi-devel bzip2-devel
 wget https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-2.7.5.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
 wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.7/Python-3.8.7.tgz
 cd Python-3.8.7/
 ./configure prefix=/usr/local/python3
 make && make install
 echo 'export PYTHON3_HOME=/usr/local/python3' >> /etc/profile
 echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$PYTHON3_HOME/bin' >> /etc/profile
 source /etc/profile
 pip3.8 install sklearn
 tar -zxvf git-2.7.5.tar.gz
 cd git-2.7.5/
 make prefix=/usr/local/esrally/git all
 make prefix=/usr/local/esrally/git install
 rpm -qa | grep -w git
 rpm -e git- --nodeps
 echo 'export GIT2_HOME=/usr/local/esrally/git' >> /etc/profile
 echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$GIT2_HOME/bin' >> /etc/profile
 source /etc/profile
 wget https://github.com/elastic/rally/releases/esrally-dist-linux-2.3.1.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
 tar -zxf esrally-dist-linux-2.3.0.tar.gz 
 cd  esrally-dist-2.3.0/
 bash install.sh

If it already exists python3 Other versions , After installation python3.8, Need modification install.sh Medium python3 Modified into python3.8

Default rally Parameters and pressure measurement file path :/root/.rally/

Use /root/.rally/benchmarks/tracks/default/download.sh Choose to download offline test data

Test after installation

esrally race  --track=metricbeat  --challenge=append-no-conflicts --target-hosts= --client-options="use_ssl:false,verify_certs:false,basic_auth_user:'elastic',basic_auth_password:'passwd'"  --pipeline=benchmark-only --offline

3 Custom test

There are three scenes :

  1. Custom query pressure measurement : Customize the current index dsl Inquire about pressure measurement .

  2. Rebuild index test : Rebuild index , Modify number of slices , And carry on dsl Query test .

  3. Use challengs Conduct pressure measurement in the way of .

Among them, the query dsl by :


3.1 Custom simple query pressure measurement

establish track route


To get the index mapping file

# Command format 
curl -k --user  user name : password  -XGET http://<es domain name >:9200/< Index name >/_mapping?pretty=true > < Index name >.json
# The actual order 
curl -k --user elastic:abc123 -XGET > metricbeat.json

establish track.json

{% import "rally.helpers" as rally with context %}
  "version": 2,
  "description": "Tracker-generated track for test",
  "indices": [
      "name": "metricbeat",      -------- Index name 
      "body": "metricbeat.json"  -------- Indexes mapping file name 
  "schedule": [
      "operation": {
        "name": "query-dsl",
        "operation-type": "search",
        "body": {
          "query": {
            "term": {
              "meta.cloud.instance_id": {
                "value": "1983702708814995873"
      "warmup-time-period": 10, ------warmup10s
      "time-period": 120,       ------ Actual test 120s
      "target-throughput": 4500,------ Target throughput 
      "clients": 5              ------ Number of clients started 

Run custom query test

esrally race --track-path=/usr/local/esrally/tracks/acme  --pipeline=benchmark-only  --target-hosts= --client-options="use_ssl:false,verify_certs:false,basic_auth_user:'elastic',basic_auth_password:'abc123'" --include-tasks="query-dsl" --report-file=/usr/local/esrally/report/20220128-5-10k.csv

Use --report-file Define the test result output file .

3.2 Rebuild index test

establish track , Obtain pressure measurement data , Index data files will be produced here , So pay attention to track Path file use .

esrally create-track --track=acme --target-hosts= --client-options="use_ssl:false,verify_certs:false,basic_auth_user:'elastic',basic_auth_password:'passwd'" --indices="metricbeat" --output-path=/usr/local/esrally/tracks

stay track.json Add operation

{% import "rally.helpers" as rally with context %}
  "version": 2,
  "description": "Tracker-generated track for acme",
  "indices": [
      "name": "metricbeat",
      "body": "metricbeat.json"
  "corpora": [
      "name": "metricbeat",
      "documents": [
          "target-index": "metricbeat",
          "source-file": "metricbeat-documents.json.bz2",
          "document-count": 1079600,
          "compressed-bytes": 97535962,
          "uncompressed-bytes": 1249705758
  "schedule": [
      "operation": "delete-index"
      "operation": {
        "operation-type": "create-index",
        "settings": {
    {index_settings | default({}) | tojson}}
      "operation": {
        "operation-type": "cluster-health",
        "index": "metricbeat",
        "request-params": {
          "wait_for_status": "{
    {cluster_health | default('green')}}",
          "wait_for_no_relocating_shards": "true"
        "retry-until-success": true
      "operation": {
        "operation-type": "bulk",
        "bulk-size": {
    {bulk_size | default(5000)}},
        "ingest-percentage": {
    {ingest_percentage | default(100)}}
      "clients": {
    {bulk_indexing_clients | default(8)}}
 ####  Here is the new 
   "operation": {
        "name": "query-dsl",
        "operation-type": "search",
        "body": {
          "query": {
            "term": {
              "meta.cloud.instance_id": {
                "value": "1983702708814995873"
   "warmup-time-period": 60,
      "time-period": 120,
      "target-throughput": 450,
      "clients": 5

Modify the index metricbeat The number of pieces , I.e. modification metricbeat.json Partition parameters in the file

"number_of_shards": "12"

Rebuild index

esrally race --track-path=/usr/local/esrally/tracks/acme  --pipeline=benchmark-only  --target-hosts= --client-options="use_ssl:false,verify_certs:false,basic_auth_user:'elastic',basic_auth_password:'passwd'" --exclude-tasks="type:search"

Test custom queries

esrally race --track-path=/usr/local/esrally/tracks/acme  --pipeline=benchmark-only  --target-hosts= --client-options="use_ssl:false,verify_certs:false,basic_auth_user:'elastic',basic_auth_password:'passwd'" --include-tasks="query-dsl" --report-file=/usr/local/esrally/report/20220128-5-10k.csv

3.3 Use challenges Define the content of pressure measurement

establish track Way and 3.2 Agreement . To add challenges The way of documents is added schedule;

##### original track.json
{% import "rally.helpers" as rally with context %}
  "version": 2,
  "description": "Tracker-generated track for acme",
  "indices": [
      "name": "metricbeat",
      "body": "metricbeat.json"
  "corpora": [
      "name": "metricbeat",
      "documents": [
          "target-index": "metricbeat",
          "source-file": "metricbeat-documents.json.bz2",
          "document-count": 1079600,
          "compressed-bytes": 97377230,
          "uncompressed-bytes": 1249705758
  "schedule": [
      "operation": "delete-index"
      "operation": {
        "operation-type": "create-index",
        "settings": {
    {index_settings | default({}) | tojson}}
      "operation": {
        "operation-type": "cluster-health",
        "index": "metricbeat",
        "request-params": {
          "wait_for_status": "{
    {cluster_health | default('green')}}",
          "wait_for_no_relocating_shards": "true"
        "retry-until-success": true
      "operation": {
        "operation-type": "bulk",
        "bulk-size": {
    {bulk_size | default(5000)}},
        "ingest-percentage": {
    {ingest_percentage | default(100)}}
      "clients": {
    {bulk_indexing_clients | default(8)}}
##### After modification 
{% import "rally.helpers" as rally with context %}
  "version": 2,
  "description": "Tracker-generated track for acme",
  "indices": [
      "name": "metricbeat",
      "body": "metricbeat.json"
  "corpora": [
      "name": "metricbeat",
      "documents": [
          "target-index": "metricbeat",
          "source-file": "metricbeat-documents.json.bz2",
          "document-count": 1079600,
          "compressed-bytes": 97377230,
          "uncompressed-bytes": 1249705758
  "challenges": [   ##### Add... Here 
    { rally.collect(parts="challenges/*.json") }}

stay /usr/local/esrally/tracks/acme Add under path challenges route , Create a new one query-dsl.json.

  "name": "query-dsl",
  "default": false,
  "schedule": [{
    "operation": {
      "name": "query-dsl",
      "operation-type": "search",
      "body": {
        "query": {
          "term": {
            "meta.cloud.instance_id": {
              "value": "1983702708814995873"
 "warmup-time-period": 60,
    "time-period": 120,
    "target-throughput": 450,
    "clients": 5

The original operations Migrate to default.json, Set up "default": true Make it the default challenges.

 "name": "default",
 "default": true,
 "schedule": [
      "operation": "delete-index"
      "operation": {
        "operation-type": "create-index",
        "settings": {
    {index_settings | default({}) | tojson}}
      "operation": {
        "operation-type": "cluster-health",
        "index": "metricbeat",
        "request-params": {
          "wait_for_status": "{
    {cluster_health | default('green')}}",
          "wait_for_no_relocating_shards": "true"
        "retry-until-success": true
      "operation": {
        "operation-type": "bulk",
        "bulk-size": {
    {bulk_size | default(5000)}},
        "ingest-percentage": {
    {ingest_percentage | default(100)}}
      "clients": {
    {bulk_indexing_clients | default(8)}}

Modify the index metricbeat The number of pieces , I.e. modification metricbeat.json Partition parameters in the file

"number_of_shards": "12"

Rebuild index

esrally race --track-path=/usr/local/esrally/tracks/acme  --pipeline=benchmark-only  --target-hosts= --client-options="use_ssl:false,verify_certs:false,basic_auth_user:'elastic',basic_auth_password:'passwd'"

Test custom queries :

esrally race --track-path=/usr/local/esrally/tracks/acme --challenge=query-dsl --pipeline=benchmark-only  --target-hosts= --client-options="use_ssl:false,verify_certs:false,basic_auth_user:'elastic',basic_auth_password:'passwd'" --report-file=/usr/local/esrally/report/20220128-5-10k.csv

Use --report-file Define the test result output file .

4. summary

  1. In the use of track When defining the test content , If only for the query content qps test , You don't need to create-track This command item creates track, Create directly track.json Files to reduce test time and storage costs .

  2. Facing more complex test scenarios , For example, many times bulk and search The process of , It is suggested to define different challenges Distinguish .

  3. In the actual test (16c32g Virtual machine of ) in ,esrally single client Of bulk Write performance is less than 2w docs/s, If you need to increase the pressure, you need to add client.

  4. rally In the report ,latency subtract service_time That is to say rally wait for Elasticsearch Response time of .

Reference documents

  • rally Detailed explanation :


  • Deployment reference : https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1892344

  • Pressure measurement result index : https://esrally.readthedocs.io/en/stable/metrics.html

  • Test data source address : http://benchmarks.elasticsearch.org.s3.amazonaws.com/

The authors introduce

author : Jin Duoan ,Elastic Certified Engineer 、Elastic Editor of Chinese community daily 、 O & M Engineer .

reviewers : Mingyi world ,Elastic Certified Engineer ,Elastic China cooperation training lecturer , Alibaba cloud MVP,Elastic Stack Cumulative reading of technical blog posts on the whole network 1000 ten thousand +.



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