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SAP ui5 objectpagelayout control usage sharing

2022-07-05 12:54:00 Wang Zixi

SAP UI5 ObjectPageLayout Control allows applications to easily display business objects (Business Object) Layout of relevant information .

ObjectPageLayout The layout consists of a head up area ( Title and content )、 An optional one anchor bar Areas and block content Regional composition .

among block content Be wrapped in sections and Son sections in , these section Together BO Structured information display .

In other words ,ObjectPageLayout Control is used to put all parts of the object page together —— title 、 Optional anchor bars and sections / Sub section area .

Here is an example :

  • headerTitle
  • headerContent
  • sections
  • subSections


ObjectPageLayout Implement capture header ( snapping header) The concept of . This means the top of the header ( Header heading ) Always visible , And the lower part ( Header content ) You can scroll out of the view .
The title is displayed at the top of the title , And always visible above the scrollable content of the page . It contains the title of the object and the most prominent details .
The header content scrolls with the page content , Until it disappears ( Collapse header ). When scrolling back to the top , It becomes visible again ( Extended Title ). It contains all the additional information about the object .

As shown in the figure below :

Anchor Bar

Chinese translation is anchor bar , This is an automatically generated internal menu , It shows the titles of each section and subsection , And allow users to scroll to their respective sections and sub sections .

Sections, Subsections, Blocks

These pages appear below the header , It consists of blocks structured into sections and sub sections .

As shown in the figure below , Defined General Information and Suppliers Two section, Each contains a SimpleForm and Table

ObjectPageLayout Usage scenarios of

  • Users need to view 、 Edit or create an entry with all the details .
  • Users need to know the overview of the object , And interact with different parts of the object .

Finally, the effect of runtime is as follows :


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