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Digital twin Beijing the imperial palace, yuan universe is the process of tourism
2022-08-01 20:04:00 【Graph flutter visualization】
文旅的数字化转型之路正如火如荼地开展,A number of cultural tourism scenic spots and theme parks have started the exploration of the Metaverse——张家界元宇宙研究中心挂牌,成为全国首个设立元宇宙研究中心的景区.Modern scenic spots are absorbing the information revolution(5G/6G)、互联网革命(Web 3.0)、人工智能革命以及 VR、AR、MR After the achievements of the virtual reality technology revolution, it will bring more immersive interactive experiences to tourists.
北京故宫被誉为世界五大宫之首(北京故宫、法国凡尔赛宫、英国白金汉宫、美国白宫、俄罗斯克里姆林宫),被列为世界文化遗产.Centered on the three halls,占地面积约 72 万平方米,建筑面积约 15 万平方米,有大小宫殿七十多座,房屋九千余间.
运用图扑软件自主研发引擎 HT for Web,实现可交互式的 Web 3D scene of the Forbidden City,It satisfies the modernization of scenic spot management、高性能的、跨平台(桌面 Mouse/移动 Touch/虚拟现实 VR)的数据可视化需求,Assist the digital transformation of scenic spots.运用 WebGL Technology creation is complex 3D Scenic picture of the structure,Loads easily on browsers too.
The buildings in the Forbidden City in Beijing are divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court.外朝的中心为太和殿、中和殿、保和殿.内廷的中心是乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫.It was built based on the layout of the Forbidden City 3D Antique scene,Set off the classic style with magpies and flying white cranes,体现人与自然的和谐共处.Combined with sci-fi color schemes,The Forbidden City with red bricks and yellow tiles,Tell the story of the long history of China.接入 VR equipment for excursions,An immersive effect can be achieved,带来沉浸式的体验.
3D 场景内“净”The icon can be clicked to drill down to the traffic interface of the public toilet,Displays the number of people in line.图扑软件 HT 支持多种方式的模型渲染,采用轻量化三维建模技术,以三维场景为基础,2D 数据面板为辅,Statistics men's toilet、女厕、Access to accessible public toilets;Public toilet loads in each area;Environmental Score History;氮气、温度、湿度、PM2.5 and other environmental data;Realize the digital management of scenic spots.
Admission statistics
Separate statistics for online bookings、现场购票、The number of people out of the park,Connect the data of intelligent monitoring equipment and face recognition to the Tupu software visualization system,实现主动式安防.Operation and maintenance can always pay attention to the tourist data in the visualization system,Control the number of visitors to the park within a reasonable range,It is convenient for epidemic prevention and control.
图扑软件 HT 作为基于 HTML5 标准的组件库,可以无缝结合 HTML5 各项多媒体功能,支持集成各类视频资源形成统一的视频流,可在 2D、3D 态势地图上标注摄像头对象并关联其视频信号源,通过场景交互来调取相应监控视频,满足运维人员对场景进行实时态势感知、历史数据回溯比对、应急处理预案等监测需求.
The history of actual admissions
The gradient-colored triangular bar chart achieves a year-on-year ratio of average daily admissions、环比、实时数据展示.Tupu uses graphical means to interpret and convey data information clearly and effectively,帮助我们发现其中的规律和特征,挖掘数据背后的价值.
Clean hand load
The green progress bar shows Shenwumen East、Shenwumen West、East of Qianqing Palace、The percentage of load factor at the hand-cleaner in the Royal Garden,当负载超过 80% The progress bar turns yellow,超过 90% The progress bar turns red.通过 HT for web 与 GIS 的结合,Operation and maintenance can use the large visual screen of the Tupu software to view the crowded locations,And the location information is transmitted to security personnel through wearable devices such as smart bracelets.
Nearby parking lot pressure
故宫不设停车场,周边的公共停车场也较远,Therefore, it is not recommended to go there by car.If you come by car, you can park at the Xihuamen parking lot、国家大剧院、Zhongshan Park parking lot、Parking in the parking lot of Beijing Hotel.The parking status of the parking lot is displayed in the form of a good squeeze seal,Can be combined with the booking system,Send parking information to tourists who have booked tickets through the applet.
Bus pressure near each door
Statistics Meridian、神武门、东华门、Xihuamen public transportation,便于游客出行.
Today's event handling
已处理、to be distributed、searched、Statistics on events such as pending police calls can evaluate the performance of scenic spot managers,Optimize personnel management.
Analysis of the reasons for the complaint
The dynamic radar map shows the tour guide service、The tour guide violated the rules、交通问题、设施问题、The number of violations by the tour group.图扑软件 HT 可视化利用丰富的图表、图形和设计元素将相对复杂、抽象的数据通过可视的方式以更直观理解的形式展现,It is convenient for scenic spot management.
The crowd density in the scenic area is getting higher and higher,群体性事件与日俱增,密集的人流量加大了安保、服务等管理上的困难.Image recognition analysis through multiple smart cameras,能形成一个完整的园区热力图.Display the concentration of people and the degree of crowding in a certain part of the park,Crowds gather in the red area,Green areas are less visited by tourists.
人群密度分析利用先进的目标检测、识别、跟踪等技术统计人群的数量和密度等特征指标,监测公共场所中人群的安全,帮助我们掌握正确的人群密度数据和变化趋势,从而进行合理的安保管理.管理者通过 Hightopo Passenger flow monitoring can establish a passenger flow early warning mechanism,Effectively guide and evacuate the passenger flow that exceeds the carrying capacity of the scenic spot,Consider crowd evacuation routes in advance.
Evacuation simulation
Dynamic arrows point in the direction of the escape exit,Multiple evacuation routes can be simulated and times predicted,Calculate the best escape route.The scenic spot has a high density of people,地形复杂等特点,Therefore, the length of evacuation time is directly related to the safety of personnel,通过将HT for Web 和 BIM 结合,Determination of personnel escape data with the help of sensing devices and radio frequency identification technology,以 Hightopo 3D visualization features,Restore the real evacuation environment and evacuation situation,It has a high degree of conformity with the real situation of the scenic spot.因此,in an actual disaster escape,It can effectively improve the escape efficiency of tourists.
GIS 开关
HT for Web 和 GIS 的结合,It can make the ground objects in the three-dimensional scenic area show more details.The 3D scene data can be acquired through aerial photography modeling or artificial modeling.Aerial photography modeling is three-dimensional oblique photography.利用飞机或无人机搭载多台传感器,The ground objects are photographed from five directions, front, back, left, right and vertical to collect data information.通过纠正、平差、The 3D model is obtained by processing operations such as multi-view image matching.人工建模,主要是根据一定范围内的场景图或者 CAD The drawings are combined with real photos for artificial modeling.
航拍建模的成果数据具有地理坐标系信息,可以准确的和 GIS 匹配,人工建模要和 GIS 匹配需要人工进行空间矫正配准.航拍建模的 .osgb 模型数据具有多细节层次(LOD),The system can display different precisions according to the distance of the user browsing and the scene LOD 层级模型,提高数据展示渲染的高效性.
Aerial photography modeling is not as precise as manual modeling.If you need to query a simple model、分析和编辑等,Aerial photography needs to be individualized,But repairs require longer cycles and higher costs,因此,单体化处理应用在重点建筑或古迹方面.
HT for Web GIS 产品支持对不同地图瓦片服务或数据、航拍倾斜摄影实景的 3DTiles 格式数据以及城市建筑群等不同的 GIS 数据的加载,同时,结合 BIM 数据轻量化、三维视频融合以及 2D 和 3D 的无缝融合等技术优势,在 GIS 系统中对海量的 POI 数据、交通流量数据、规划数据,现状数据等进行多样化的可视化展示.
HT for Web GIS It can also assist in urban flood control management,建设智慧城市.
The epidemic has accelerated the digital transformation of the cultural tourism industry,云旅游、云看展、沉浸式演艺、Immersive play has become a trend.乐园、Scenic spots can make full use of artificial intelligence、Technologies such as virtual reality digitize cultural tourism resources,Let the tourists before the trip、You can get an immersive and interactive experience while traveling.对于文旅行业来说,元宇宙是打破旅游时空观的媒介,更像是主题文化的虚拟体验地.
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