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Maxay paper latex template description

2022-07-06 03:48:00 Harris-H

Mercer Latex Template description

0. install Tex-Live

Refer to the following website , install TexLive-2021.


 Insert picture description here

It takes a long time .

1. install MCM Of latex Templates


2. Use

mcmthesis Provides \mcmsetup Command to adjust the behavior of the template .

\mcmsetup{tcn = 12345,problem = B, titlepage = false}

Team control number / tcn

Every American team , The event organizer will provide a unique control number (Team Control Number). The organizer requires this number to appear on the summary page , And then in the header of the body .mcmthesis Through the options tcn To set the number , If you don't set it , The default... Will be used 0000.

Topic selection / problem

Each team can and can only choose one question to answer . The organizer of the competition requires the participating teams to mark the title number of the topic on the summary page .mcmthesis Through the options problem To set the topic , If you don't set it , The default... Will be used A.

The page / sheet

mcmthesis use LaTeX The code implements its own summary page . If you are not satisfied with the effect of the default summary page , I hope to use the summary page provided by the school , Or you have self credit LaTeX Realize the summary page by yourself , Then you can set this option to false, close mcmthesis Summary page output . If you don't set it , The default... Will be used true, The output mcmthesis The page .

\mcmsetup{sheet = true}

The title in the summary page / titleinsheet

If the contestant wants to be in the summary page 「Summary」 The title of the article is displayed above , Then you can set this option to true. If you don't set it , The default... Will be used false, That is, the article title is not displayed in the summary page .

\mcmsetup{titleinsheet = false}

Be careful , The event organizers did not make specific provisions on whether to display the article title in the summary page . however , For the organizers , In the first instance ( That is, just look at the summary content in the summary page ) I am not interested in the title of the article . Therefore, the default setting is false.

Keywords in the summary page / keywordsinsheet

If the contestant wants to be in the summary page 「Summary」 Keywords are displayed below , Then you can set this option to true. If you don't set it , The default... Will be used false, That is, keywords are not displayed in the summary page .

\mcmsetup{keywordsinsheet = false}

Be careful , The event organizer has not made specific provisions on whether to display keywords in the summary page . however , For the organizers , In fact, the keywords of each article are the same , Adding keywords to the preliminary review did not improve the amount of information , On the contrary, it seems cumbersome . Therefore, the default setting is false.

Title page / titlepage

If the contestant does not want to display after the summary page LaTeX Standard title page , Then you can set this option to false. If you don't set it , The default... Will be used true, namely mcmthesis Will be displayed after the summary page LaTeX Standard title page .

\mcmsetup{titlepage = true}

Summary in the title page / abstract

If the contestant thinks , The summary page has already shown a summary , Displaying the summary on the title page is cumbersome , Therefore, you do not want to display the summary in the title page after the summary page ( And keywords ), Then you can set this option to false. If you don't set it , The default... Will be used true, namely mcmthesis The summary will be displayed in the title page .

\mcmsetup{abstract = true}

CTeX Package compatible options / CTeX

v6.0 And later versions have this option

When you use CTeX Suit time , Please set this option to true. If you don't set it , The default... Will be used false, That is, close and CTeX Compatibility of the set .

\mcmsetup{CTeX = false}

Customize the header content of the summary page

v6.2 And later versions have this option

MCM/ICM The organizers often change the year at the head of the summary page and the format of the event name Description , It can be said that every year is different . therefore , It is difficult for the template to ensure that the format of this part is completely consistent with the requirements of that year , Therefore, an easy to modify interface is given . for example :

   {\Large\the\year}\\MCM/ICM\\Summary Sheet}

 Insert picture description here


The document type .

When latex When processing source files , The first thing you need to know is the type of document the author wants to create . The document type can be determined by \documentclass Order to designate .


Refer to this article



When composing documents , You may find that at some time, the basic LATEX It doesn't solve your problem . If you want to insert a graphic (graphics)、 Color text (coloured text) Or source code into your document , You need to use macro package to enhance LATEX The function of . You can call the macro package with the following command



Show title

\title{The \LaTeX{} Template for MCM Version\MCMversion}

6.author and date

\author{\small \href{http://www.latexstudio.net/}

author author .

date date

 Insert picture description here


keyword1; keyword2

 Insert picture description here

8.item Unordered list

\item minimizes the discomfort to the hands, or
\item maximizes the outgoing velocity of the ball.


emphasize .

\emph{center of percussion}

 Insert picture description here

10. theory 、 prove

\begin{Theorem} \label{thm:latex}
\begin{Lemma} \label{thm:tex}
\TeX .
The proof of theorem.

 Insert picture description here

11. chapter

\subsection{Other Assumptions}

 Insert picture description here

 Insert picture description here

12. Citations

\bibitem{1} D.~E. KNUTH   The \TeX{}book  the American
Mathematical Society and Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company , 1984-1986.
\bibitem{2}Lamport, Leslie,  \LaTeX{}: `` A Document Preparation System '',
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1986.

 Insert picture description here

13. Insert code

Here are simulation programmes we used in our model as follow.\\

\textbf{\textcolor[rgb]{0.98,0.00,0.00}{Input matlab source:}}

\section{Second appendix}

some more text \textcolor[rgb]{0.98,0.00,0.00}{\textbf{Input C++ source:}}

 Insert picture description here

