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What happened to those who focused on automated testing?

2022-07-05 00:42:00 Two black

Many people have misunderstandings about functional testing . Think that functional testing is the primary stage of a software testing position , After a long time, you will naturally become a senior . Unfortunately , Functional testing will not become more advanced with the age of the workplace .

At this time , Some people realize that you can't always be a part-time worker , Want to learn new technology , however , I'm tired of working overtime when I'm full of work every day . Even if there is time for self-study, it is basically in a state of failure to learn .

Want to learn , No one's watching , Can't find the right way , There is no clear plan . Over time, I was swallowed up by the state of brushing my mobile phone on the sofa after work every day , Learning something is forgotten .

Want a promotion , There is no perfect technology . Want to leave , I'm afraid no one wants to leave . Want to change careers , Afraid to take risks .

People always make excuses for their laziness . All the thoughts of making progress only stay in my head . But time really waits for no one , If you still want to make progress , Get out of your comfort zone now !

1 、 Transition from point work to Automation yes 99% test er Advanced path

I sincerely suggest you start with Python Start learning .

Python, As a powerful high-level programming language , The development prospect is immeasurable .

In recent years, many Internet companies have no regard for front-end positions 、 Back end jobs 、 test 、 Operation and maintenance 、 Data analysis positions all hope to have Python Related skills , More enterprises directly recruit python Back end Development Engineer ,Python It is obvious to all that .

A picture tells you Python How hot ?

baidu index , The solid blue line is Python Search data for , Far more than other languages

Python It has also become a necessary technology for major companies to recruit . For people who have a foundation in software testing ,Python The introduction is very simple , As long as you understand the library, the code is basically just a few fragments . as for Python Basic grammar , Pay two to three hours a day , You can chew it down in a month .

2、 Why don't you suggest self-study Python?

1、 The cost of time is too high

Self study from zero foundation Python, According to the different understanding ability of each person , It will take about half a year to a year and a half . Class report Python Automated partners pass 3 A month's study will lead to a job , I have been able to do well in the workplace for a year .

And in terms of salary , First tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen ,Python Average monthly income of engineers 18K about , Less than 2 Weeks can earn back the cost of training .

2、 The probability of learning content is not the technology required by current enterprises

self-taught , Some friends will choose to watch online free courses , Or get free resources through new media channels , But these resources , A hammer in the East and a stick in the West , It's not systematic , There are even technologies a few years ago , Waste time and energy .

Just follow the teacher's teaching progress when registering for class , In terms of course content , There is no need to worry about knowledge obsolescence when registering for class , Training institutions will regularly update the curriculum , To ensure that the courses are consistent with current enterprise needs .

3、 To attend training , There are rich positions to promote buff The blessing

Study in songqin , We have only one goal : Successful employment , Satisfied offer. So , In addition to regular courses , Songqin also offers enterprise courses 、 Employment courses and other promotion courses , In order to help students better find their favorite jobs .

Many talents are not employed by their favorite companies , It's not lack of ability , But in the interview process did not play their due strength . For some excellent students , Employment teachers will also push students into the company through their own contacts . This is also the reason why the employment rate of the trainees in the training course is much higher than that of the self-taught trainees .

3、 How to master Python, And get a high salary from a big factory offer Well ?

Give you a strategy :

It takes a good blacksmith to make steel. , Gradually deepen from the foundation , Then experience the grinding of real combat projects of famous enterprises , Only then can we improve our actual combat ability , Towards meeting the market demand Python Engineer development .

I polished it carefully 《Python Automated test stack notes 》, contain Python From entry to advanced core knowledge points 、 Automation framework 、 Automated processes 、 Database Automation 、Jmeter Core knowledge points such as performance testing , Plus enterprise level project practice , It can not only help you improve the necessary skills , It can help you solve practical problems in your study .

If you also want to work as a test engineer , As long as you have a college degree or above , Have a diligent and down-to-earth learning attitude . Then you can join our software testing exchange group at the end of the article

Good learning atmosphere , The teacher's guidance , The company of classmates , It will certainly help you enter the industry smoothly .

《Python Automated test stack notes 》

The content involves the : Test theory 、Linux Basics 、MySQL Basics 、Web test 、 The interface test 、App test 、 Management tools 、Python Basics 、Selenium relevant 、 Performance testing 、LordRunner Correlation, etc

Experience sharing of software testing posts in large factories

Through big data summary, it is found that , In fact, the interviews of software testing posts are almost the same . I often ask the following knowledge points :

The whole net starts - cover 16 A technology stack

The first part , Test theory ( Fundamentals of testing + Demand analysis + test model + test plan + The test strategy + Test cases, etc )
The second part ,Linux( Linux Basics +Linux Exercises )
The third part ,MySQL( Basic knowledge of + Query exercise + Summary of classic interview questions in the ten thousand year student table + Database enterprise real problem )
The fourth part ,Web test
The fifth part ,API test
The sixth part ,App test
Part seven , Management tools
Part eight ,Python Basics (Python Basics + Programming questions + aggregate + function +Python Features, etc )
Part IX ,Selenium relevant
Part 10 , Performance testing
Part 11 ,LordRunner relevant
Part 12 , computer network
Part 13 , How it's made up
Part 14 , Data structure and algorithm
Part 15 , Logical questions
Part 16 , human resources

Fundamentals of software testing

  • What are the steps of software testing ?
  • How to record test scripts ?
  • Test methods that should consider how to test
  • How to estimate the test workload ?
  • Test design issues
  • When an error occurs during the test , There are several solutions ?
  • Problems with test execution
  • The goal of the test evaluation
  • How to improve testing ?
  • C/S Advantages and disadvantages of the model
  • B/S Advantages and disadvantages of the model

 Insert picture description here


  • grep and find The difference between ? grep What are the usages of ?
  • see IP Address ?
  • Create and delete a multi-level directory ?
  • Find... In the current user's home directory haha.txt file ?
  • How to query tomcat And kill the process , Write linux command ?
  • View log files dynamically ?
  • Commands for viewing system hard disk space ?
  • Look at the current machine listen All ports ?

 Insert picture description here


  • Statistics python Number of lines of code in the source code file , Remove comments , Blank line , For the output ?
  • python call cmd And return the result ?
  • Bubble sort
  • 1,2,3,4 this 4 A digital , How many different and non repetitive three digits can be formed , How many are they ?
  • Please use python Print out 10000 Symmetric number within ( Characteristics of symmetric numbers : The numbers are symmetrical , Such as :1,2,11,121,1221 etc. )
  • Given an integer N, And a 0-9 Number of numbers K, Ask to return 0-N Middle number K Number of occurrences
  • Judge 101-200 How many primes are there between , And output all prime numbers
  • A function that inputs a triangle , Whether the input and output can form a triangle , Triangle type , Please use equivalent class - Partition method to design test cases

  •  Insert picture description here


  • You used it Mysql Which engine is it , What's the difference between engines ?
  • How to optimize query commands ?
  • Database optimization ?
  • Sql How is injection produced “ raw , How to prevent ?
  • NoSQL The difference with relational database ?
  • MySQL And MongoDB What is the most basic difference between essence
  • Mysql How to realize paging in database ?
  • Mysql Operation of database ?
  • Optimize the database ? Improve database performance ?
  • What is data integrity ?

  •  Insert picture description here


  • Web Testing and app Test differences ?
  • WEB Test environment construction and test methods
  • WEB Test tutorial
  • WEB Test points and basic methods
  • Web Test page summary

  •  Insert picture description here

The interface test

  • What is an interface
  • If the module requests http Change it to https, How the test plan should be developed , modify ?
  • Commonly used HTTP Protocol debugging agent I With what ? Detailed description of grab HTTPS Protocol setting process ?
  • describe TCP/IP The hierarchy of protocols , And every - Important protocols in layer
  • jmeter, The response result of an interface is as follows :
  • How to clean up the garbage data generated by the interface
  • How to deal with interfaces that rely on third parties
  • Where do you put the test data ?
  • What is data driven , How to parameterize ?

  •  Insert picture description here

Performance testing

  • What do you think the purpose of performance testing is ? What is the key to performance testing ?
  • What are the perspectives of server performance analysis ?
  • How to understand stress testing , Negative cutting test and performance test ?
  • How to judge whether there is a memory leak and the indicators concerned ?
  • Describe the software product “ Causes of memory leakage and inspection methods .( Can combine - A development language to describe )
  • Briefly describe what value passing is , What is address passing , What's the difference between the two ?
  • What are system bottlenecks ?

  •  Insert picture description here


  • How to build an automated testing framework ?
  • How to design automated test cases :
  • webdriver How to open and exit a browser ?
  • What is automated testing framework ?
  • Selenium What is it? , What are the popular versions ?
  • How do you start from the command line Selenium RC?
  • On my machine port 4444 It's not free . How can I use another port ?
  • What is? Selenium Server, It is associated with Selenium Hub What's the difference ?
  • How do you learn from it Selenium Connect to database ?
  • How do you verify that an object exists on multiple pages ?
  • XPath What's the difference between using single slashes and double slashes in ?
  • How to write SeleniumIDE/ RC User extensions for ?
  • How to verify the existence of elements after the page is loaded successfully ?
  • You are right about Selenium Grid What do you know about ? What functions does it provide ?
  • How to learn from your Java Class start-up Selenium The server ?
  • Selenium What are the verification points in ?
  • What is? XPath? When should it be in Selenium Use in XPath?

  •  Insert picture description here

Computers and networks

  • A computer's IP yes Subnet mask And …
  • Please briefly DNS、 Active directory 、 The concept of domain .
  • 10M What does megabroadband mean ? What is the theoretical download speed ?
  • What is? IP Address ?
  • OSI Division of seven layer network model ?
  • TCP and UDP What's the difference ?
  • HTTP Which layer of protocol does it belong to ?
  • HTTP and HTTPS The difference between ?
  • cookies and session The difference between ?
  • HTTP Of get Request and post Differences in requests ?
  • HTTP1.0 and HTTP1.1 What's the difference?
  • TCP The connection establishment process of , And the disconnection process ?
  • Client side usage DHCP obtain IP The process of ?
  • Write the network address and broadcast address of a network segment ?

  •  Insert picture description here
     Insert picture description here

human resources

  • What is your testing career development ? What do you think are the advantages of testing ?
  • When you're looking for a job , What is the most important consideration ?
  • Why should we admit you ?
  • Please talk about your personal biggest feature .
  • What qualities and skills should a test engineer possess ?
  • And how do you guarantee the quality of software , In other words, how do you think you can maximize the software quality ?
  • Why do you choose testing ?
  • If I hire you , What contribution can you make to the Department ?

  •  Insert picture description here

How to obtain notes

The notes , For those who want to engage in 【 software test 】 For our friends, it should be the most comprehensive and complete war preparation warehouse , This warehouse also accompanied me through the most difficult journey , I hope it can help you ! You can get it for free by joining our communication group below , I hope that's helpful …


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