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Do you really know how to use search engines?
2020-11-06 22:43:00 【Authing identity cloud】
Think of the search box as a calculator
Search for weather and rainfall
Unit and exchange rate conversion
Developers love IP Address and pickup
plus (+): One or more of these words appear
minus sign (-): Search only some keywords
「 and」: It means that these words must appear at the same time
Double quotes (“”): Search for the full entry
asterisk (*) : Fuzzy search , Use 「*」 Search on , Can replace any word
The waves, (~): Limited search
「@」 Symbol : Precise search for users
「..」 Symbol : Search for keywords within a limited time frame
site : Search for keyword information on specific sites
filetype : Locate the specific file type
inurl: The search is limited to url in
intitle: Limit your search to the title
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