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[elastic search engine]

2020-11-06 21:19:00 Mrchai521

What is? ElasticSearch

Elasticsearch It's a real-time distributed ( It supports distributed ) Search and analysis engine . It can help you process large-scale data at an unprecedented speed .ElasticSearch It's based on Lucene Search server for . It provides a distributed multi-user capability of full-text search engine , be based on RESTful web Interface .Elasticsearch Yes, it is Java Developed , And as a Apache Open source distribution under license terms , Is the current popular enterprise search engine . Designed for Cloud Computing , Real time search , Stable , reliable , Fast , Easy to install and use .

ElasticSearch characteristic

  • It can be used as a large distributed cluster ( Hundreds of servers ) technology , Handle PB Level data , Serve big companies ; It can also run on a single machine ;
  • Search the full text of 、 Data analysis and distributed technology , Combined... Together , To form a unique ES;
  • Out of the box , Simple deployment ;
  • Full text search , Synonym processing , Relevance ranking , Complex data analysis , Near real time processing of massive data ;

ElasticSearch Architecture

The following table is Elasticsearch And MySQL Comparison of the concepts of database logical structure :

ElasticSearch Relational database Mysql
Indexes (index) database (database)
type (type) surface (table)
file (document) That's ok (row)

stay ElasticSearch in , The basic unit of storing data is a document .

ElasticSearch Of Windows install

es Unzip and start the installation package

install ElasticSearch7.4.2 edition , First decompress
 Insert picture description here
After decompressing, enter es Of bin Under the table of contents . Insert picture description here
Input cmd Open the terminal :
 Insert picture description here
Input .\elasticsearch, You can start elasticsearch:
 Insert picture description here
After startup , Browser access loclahost:9200, The following results represent success :
 Insert picture description here
