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Take you to learn the new methods in Es5
2020-11-06 20:37:00 【Tell me Zhan to hide】
List of articles
1. ES5 Some new methods are added in , Can be very convenient operation array or string , These methods mainly include the following aspects
- Array methods
- String method
- Object methods
2. Array methods
Iterative traversal method :forEach()、map()、filter()、some()、every()
Judgment method :isArray()
2.1 forEach Follow jQuery Of each Usage is similar. . Grammar is :
array.forEach(function(currentValue, index, arr))
- currentValue: Array the values of the current item
- index: Array the index of the current item
- arr: Array object itself
var arr = [1,2,3]
arr.forEach(function(value, index, array){
console.log(' Every array element '+ value)
console.log(' The index value of each array element '+ index)
console.log(' The array itself '+ array)
The operation effect is shown below
2.2 map()
array.map(function(currentValue, index, arr))
map() Method to create a new array , The result is the result returned after each element in the array invokes a supplied function .
Be careful :map() Method is to return a new array directly
- currentValue: Array the values of the current item
- index: Array the index of the current item
- arr: Array object itself
var array1 = [1, 4, 9, 16];
var map1 = array1.map(function(value, index, arr) {
return value * 2
console.log(map1) //[2,8,18,32]
2.3 filter()
array.filter(function(currentValue, index, arr))
filter() Method is used to filter to create a new array , The elements in the new array are checked by checking all the eligible elements in the specified array , It is mainly used to filter arrays .
filter() Method is to return a new array directly
- currentValue: Array the values of the current item
- index: Array the index of the current item
- arr: Array object itself
var arr = [12,66,88]
// Choose greater than 20 Of
var newarr = arr.filter(function(value, index){
return value >=20
It can be abbreviated as var newarr = arr.filter( //[66, 88])
console.log(newArr) //[66, 88]
The preview effect is shown in the following figure
2.4 some()
array.some(function(currentValue, index, arr))
some() Method is used to detect whether the elements in the array meet the specified conditions , Popular point to find whether there are elements in the array that meet the conditions
Be careful : some() Method return value is Boolean , If you find this element , Just go back to true, If not found, it will return false
If you find the first element that satisfies the condition , Then stop the cycle , No more searching
- currentValue: Array the values of the current item
- index: Array the index of the current item
- arr: Array object itself
var arr=[10,30,4]
var b = arr.some(function(value){
return value > 20
console.log(b) //true
2.5 every()
array.every(function(currentValue, index, arr))
every() Method to test whether all elements in an array can pass the test of a specified function . It returns a Boolean value .
Be careful :every() Method must be qualified for each element to return true, If one doesn't match , Then return to false.
If you receive an empty array , This method returns in all cases true.
- currentValue: Array the values of the current item
- index: Array the index of the current item
- arr: Array object itself
2.6 isArray()
Array.isArray() Used to determine if the value passed is a Array
- obj Is the value that needs to be tested . If it is an array, it returns true, Otherwise return to false
difference :
- filter It's looking for elements that satisfy the condition , It returns an array , And it's to return all the elements that meet the conditions
- some It's to find out whether the element that satisfies the condition exists , It returns a Boolean value , If you look for the first element that satisfies the condition , Just stop the cycle . If the array queries for the only element , use some The method is more suitable , Because it finds this element , It's not a cycle , More efficient
- every It's to find out whether all elements meet the criteria , It returns a Boolean value
- map Is to create a new array , The result is the result returned after each element in the array invokes a supplied function
3. String method
trim() Method to remove white space characters from both ends of a string
trim() Method does not affect the original string itself , It returns a new string .
4. Object methods
Object.defineProperty() Define new properties or modify existing properties in the object
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor)
- obj: It's necessary . Target audience
- prop: It's necessary . The name of the property to be defined or modified
- descriptor: It's necessary . Properties owned by the target property
Object.defineProperty() The third parameter descriptor explain : In the form of objects {} Writing
- value: Set the value of the property , The default is undefined
- writable: Whether the value can be overridden .true | false The default is false
- enumerable: Whether the target property can be enumerated .true | false The default is false
- configurable: Whether the target attribute can be deleted or the attribute can be modified again true | false The default is false
var obj = {
id: 1,
pname: ' millet ',
price: 1999
// How previous objects add and modify properties
obj.num = 1000
obj.pirce = 99
//Object.deefineProperty() Define new properties or modify existing properties
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'num',{
value: 1000,
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'pricee',{
value: 9.9,
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'id',{
// If the value is false, It is not allowed to modify
writable: false,
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'address',{
value: ' Zhengzhou, China ',
// If the value is false, Traversal is not allowed , enumeration
enumerable: false
This article mainly shares ES5 Some new methods , There are array methods 、 String method 、 Object methods and so on , It mainly shares the usage of GE's method , Characteristics and so on .
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