2022-07-04 14:54:00 【全栈程序员站长】
create function [dbo].[Get_StrArrayLength] ( @str varchar(max), –要分割的字符串 @split varchar(10) –分隔符号 ) returns int as begin declare @location int declare @start int declare @length int –去掉前后空格 set @str=ltrim(rtrim(@str)) –分隔符第一次出现的位置 set @location=charindex(@split,@str) –设置分隔后的字符串长度为1 set @length=1
while @location<>0 begin set @[email protected]+1 set @location=charindex(@split,@str,@start) set @[email protected]+1 end return @length end
drop function [dbo].[Get_StrArrayStrOfIndex] go create function [dbo].[Get_StrArrayStrOfIndex] ( @str varchar(max), –要分割的字符串 @split varchar(10), –分隔符号 @index int –取第几个元素 ) returns varchar(1024) as begin declare @location int declare @start int declare @next int declare @seed int declare @pos int if @index<=0 return ” set @str=ltrim(rtrim(@str)) set @start=1 set @next=1 set @pos=1 set @seed=len(@split) set @location=charindex(@split,@str) while @location<>0 and @index>@next and @pos<@index begin set @[email protected][email protected] set @location=charindex(@split,@str,@start) set @[email protected]+1 set @[email protected]+1 end if @location =0 if @pos<>@index return ” else select @location =len(@str)+1 –这儿存在两种情况:1、字符串不存在分隔符号 2、字符串中存在分隔符号,跳出while循环后,@location为0,那默认为字符串后边有一个分隔符号。 return substring(@str,@start,@[email protected]) end
declare @id varchar(30) select @id=dbo.Get_StrArrayStrOfIndex(‘4321,2223,333,5554′,’,’,2)
drop function [dbo].[Get_ArrayStrOfName] Go
create function [dbo].[Get_ArrayStrOfName] ( @str varchar(5000), –要分割的字符串 @split varchar(1), –分隔符号 @itemSplit varchar(1), –元素分割符 @item varchar(20) –取哪个元素 ) returns varchar(1024) As Begin declare @location int –找到子串的位置 declare @tempItem varchar(50) –当前项 declare @tempItemName varchar(20) –当前项的名称 set @str=ltrim(rtrim(@str)) set @tempItem=” set @tempItemName=” while len(@str)>0 Begin —–找到一个子项– set @location=charindex(@split,@str,1) if @location>0 Begin set @tempItem=substring(@str,1,@location-1) set @str=substring(@str,@location+1,len(@str)) End Else Begin set @[email protected] set @str=” end ———-判断当前子项的名称————– set @location=charindex(@itemSplit,@tempItem,1) if @location>0 Begin set @tempItemName=substring(@tempItem,1,@location-1) if @[email protected] return substring(@tempItem,@location+1,len(@tempItem)) End End return ” End Go
declare @id varchar(30) select @id=dbo.Get_ArrayStrOfName(‘[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]’, ‘,’, ‘@’, ‘ff’) print @id
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