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[graffiti footprints of Internet of things] mainstream communication mode of Internet of things

2020-11-07 16:59:00 IOT cloud workshop

Preface series of articles >>>
【 Doodling the footprints of the Internet of things 】 Introduction to the Internet of things
【 Doodling the footprints of the Internet of things 】 Panoramic introduction of graffiti cloud platform

Our series of articles , It's all about how to complete an intelligence Space kissing machine Development of . I hope it can help the long-distance love or Exotic lovers !
In this paper, we will explain the mainstream communication mode of the Internet of things , After all, with the Internet In a word It is our Intelligent The first step ~

One 、 communication mode : The language of communication between devices
In the first article, we talked about The Internet of things The concept of , What we're going to do Space kissing machine It's also a manifestation of the Internet of things . For the development of the Internet of things , Basically, it is around the development of communication mode step by step . After all The Internet of things , matter It's the foundation , and United That's the key . Between devices , Only if they can be connected to each other , In order to exchange data , That is, to be able to communicate . Among them , The connection can be wired , It can also be wireless . Wired and wireless have different advantages and disadvantages , But for the inherently complex and large-scale Internet of things , Wireless is the more important connection . The development of wireless communication technology has been the driving force behind the Internet of things .
( Just Howard Of Space kissing machine Prototype , It's still wired , So for a long-distance relationship or a foreign love , It doesn't make much sense )

Let's introduce the main wireless communication modes !

Two 、Bluetooth: Fast speed 、 low power consumption , High safety
Bluetooth It's a large capacity 、 Technical standard for short range wireless digital communication , Originally created by telecom giant Ericsson .Bluetooth Fixed equipment can be realized 、 Direct short distance data exchange between mobile devices and building personal LAN , Mainly used 2.4-2.485GHz Of ISM Band of radio waves , The highest data transmission speed is 1Mbps, The maximum transmission distance is 10 Cm to 10 Data transmission of meters , By increasing the transmission power transmission distance can achieve 100M. Bluetooth is widely used , Except for the most common cell phones , Bluetooth headset 、 Bluetooth speakers 、 Smart wear 、 Home appliances communicate through Bluetooth networking . Bluetooth communication features fast speed 、 low power consumption , High safety , But there are few network nodes , Not suitable for multi-point control .

3、 ... and 、Wi-Fi: Wide coverage , Fast data transfer rate
Wi-Fi Everyone is familiar with , It's a way to allow electronic devices to connect to a WLAN (WLAN) Technology , Usually use 2.4UHF or 5G SHF ISM RF band . Connecting to a WLAN is usually password protected , But it can also be open , This allows anyone in WLAN Devices in range can be connected to .Wi-Fi It's very important in our present life , personal PC、 Mobile phones and more terminals , Both can pass Wi-Fi Access .Wi-Fi Has a wide range of coverage , Fast data transfer rate . however Wi-Fi Transmission security is not good , Poor stability , Power consumption is slightly higher .

The two technologies mentioned above permeate our daily life , I believe that even if you are not familiar with their technical features , They also have a certain understanding of their use scenarios .

Four 、Zigbee: A little distance 、 Low complexity 、 Self organizing , low power consumption 、 Low data rate
In short range wireless communication technology ,Zigbee It is also a technology that is widely used in the Internet of things , Is based on IEEE802.15.4 Standard low power LAN Protocol .
Zigbee Different from cellular mobile communication is ,Zigbee It is widely used in industry and smart home . It has to be simple 、 Easy to use 、 Work reliably 、 Easy to use 、 The price is low . The mobile communication network is mainly established for voice communication , The value of each base station is generally more than one million yuan , And each Zigbee“ The base station But not to 1000 RMB . Every Zigbee Network nodes can not only be used as monitoring objects themselves , For example, the sensors connected to it directly conduct data acquisition and monitoring , It can also automatically transfer data from other network nodes .
In many Internet of things application scenarios , Will use Zigbee communicate . Some smart home appliance terminals , Including some Internet of things solutions converged through gateways , In the downlink communication will adopt Zigbee The way .Zigbee It's a short distance , Low power wireless communication . It's characterized by close range 、 Low complexity 、 Self organizing , low power consumption 、 Low data rate .Zigbee Although it can reach hundreds of meters in a point-to-point open scene , But in some scenarios , For example, intelligent parking scenarios , When the car is blocked by such a big object , The signal attenuation can be very severe , also ,Zigbee Different chips have poor compatibility , and Zigbee The network is more flexible , Difficult to maintain .

The above three are typical communication modes of Internet of things . Of course , There are many ways of wireless communication in the Internet of things , such as NB-IoTLoRaZ-wave wait , Everyone interested can find relevant information online to understand .

I'd like to leave you a little question today : For our “ Space kissing machine ”, Which communication method do you think is more suitable ?


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