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Gantt chart grouping activities tutorial

2020-11-06 22:27:00 roffey

Gantt Chart (Xgantt) from 1998 The first commercial version of the year was devoted to the research and development of control for planning and project management , after 20 Years of accumulation and precipitation , At present, it can provide software developers and end users with top-level planning and project management control products , Help users quickly integrate the Gantt chart needed by project management software , Network diagram , Resource histogram , Calendar , Resource scheduling and other functional modules , And provide a full range of support and services .

VARCHART XGantt Is a powerful Gantt chart control , Its modular design allows you to create applications that meet your needs .XGantt Can be used for .NET,ActiveX and ASP.NET Applications , Can quickly 、 Simply integrate into your application , Help you identify performance bottlenecks 、 Avoid delays and efficient use of resources , Make complex data easier to understand .

In the previous “ from VARCHART XGantt Quick start ”  In the blog series , We offer you Shows how to modify time units and time ranges .

Through this article , We aim to help you implement the next step in developing the sample application . therefore , Through this paper , We'll give you insights into the benefits and ways to group activities in a Gantt Chart .

Why use grouping first ?

Grouping helps to construct Gantt charts , And allows you to view the same data and information from different angles . To give you a good idea , Please check through VARCHART XGantt .NET Gantt One of the examples included in the sample installation of the control .

One “ small ” Applications - Multiple visualization options

“ Booking Planner ” Visualize the booking plan for software courses . This may not be a big deal of data “ Big ” plan , however , Even in this “ Small ” Planned , You also have to deal with what aspects of the data you want to emphasize , That is, from what perspective you want to see your data .

Three grouping options

Our plan offers three ways to visualize occupancy .

  • Group by topic : A quick overview   In alphabetical order   Arranged   Course : date , Time and their respective lecturers or classrooms
VARCHART XGantt course : How to group activities
  • Group by instructor : List the lecturers in alphabetical order , And show it on the date , Time and room skills .

VARCHART XGantt course : How to group activities

  • Group by room : Visualize the occupancy of each instructor's room , Which room can be used at a specific time .

VARCHART XGantt course : How to group activities

Even this little example shows how grouping data is   To help provide planning data A clear overview of . When the amount of data to be visualized is much larger than that in the booking Planner , So when reading the entire plan becomes more complex , This is even more true .

that , How to be in .NET Control to group data ? 

XGantt Activity groups in

A group consists of a value , All members of a group have the same value . Nodes that display the same entry in its grouped data field belong to the same group . You can set the grouping field and all other grouping conditions in the corresponding dialog box , The method is to click   “ object ” On the properties page “ grouping ” Button .
Check “ open ” box , Open group   . Create two from the following screenshots GroupingLevels:

VARCHART XGantt course : How to group activities

The results are shown below :

VARCHART XGantt course : How to group activities

Click the small triangle next to the group title to collapse or expand the group . This function may be activated before   Ticking The modification allows the check box in the group dialog box .
