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IoT solution
2022-08-02 04:34:00 【GentleTK】
1. 阿里云——Machine tool equipment management solutions
(1) 方案简介
Collect machine tool medical data,Extract the rotational speed of the resonance point-振幅,通过ETIndustrial Brain trains predictive models on historical data,Predict unusual settings and failures in machine tool operation,Suitable for a wide range of machinery and equipment.
(2) 方案架构
Real-time or timed acquisition of CNC machine speed and spindle amplitude data,Extract the rotational speed of the resonance point-振幅,By training a predictive model on historical data,Predict unusual settings and failures in machine tool operation.Guide to avoid defect speed scheduling,Reduce the occurrence of defective products、Loss of spindles and props.Analyze the resonance speed trend,Assess machine wear,及时检修,减少经济损失.
(3) 方案优势
- Early warning defect speed,Guidance on scheduling
- Anticipate abnormal settings and failures
- Analysis and evaluation of wear and tear
2. 华为云——工业互联网解决方案
(1) 方案简介
华为工业互联网平台FusionPlant,包含联接管理平台、工业智能体、工业应用平台三大部分.定位于做企业增量的智能决策系统,实现业务在Agile development on the cloud,边缘可信运行.赋能行业合作伙伴深耕工业核心业务流,持续释放潜在业务价值
(2) 方案架构
- 云网协同:依托华为领先的联接方案,如5G、NB-IoT、TSN、工业PON,满足企业在工厂内、外网络各类场景的连接需求
- 边云协同:提供纳管海量分布式边缘节点,并能够将云上的丰富的服务、生态伙伴和客户的应用部署到边缘节点运行的能力
- 工业数据湖:提供数据全生命周期一站式开发运营平台,提供数据集成、开发、治理、服务等功能,帮助企业快速构建全局数据运营能力
- 全栈AI:提供从芯片、硬件、算子库、AI框架、通用AI开发平台、工业智能体的全栈方案,实现协同优化和多点创新
- 安全可信:华为工业互联网整体方案在设备认证、隐私数据加密保护、业务运行的可靠性和可用性、安全启动等多个方面提供全方位保障
(3) 方案优势
- For all elements、多类型的数据,Real-time real-time acquisition of tens of thousands of measuring points in seconds
- Agile development on the cloud,边缘可信运行
- Around the industrial core business flow,Build a global data operation platform
- Process mechanism combined with data intelligence,沉淀4Scenario-based models for large industries
3. 腾讯云——Industrial Internet power platform
(1) 方案简介
提供云基础设施,公有云/专有云/混合云多种部署方式,Integrated IoT access,中间件,微服务架构,开发工具套件,Artificial intelligence and big data platform,运维平台,模型管理,企业微信,移动应用平台,安全,Business operation support system, etc,Help industrial Internet platform companies to quickly build an industrial Internet platform,聚焦工业 PaaS 及 SaaS,利用行业优势,Promote application business innovation,More empowerment for SMEs.
(2) 方案架构
(3) 方案优势
- Integrate Tencent's superior output
- Highly integrated boosts the landing
- Ecological open assembly is preferred
- Industry cooperation business innovation
4. 百度智能云——工业互联网解决方案
(1) 方案简介
Promote the digital transformation of SMEs,Help advanced enterprises realize data value mining and continuous process optimization.Baidu cooperates with industry ecological partners to jointly empower platform construction,百度提供PaaS能力,实现“Enable support、资源支撑、生态支撑”,Help form industryAPP生态体系、Bilateral effects of positive circulation.Industry practical experience of joint ecological partners,Provide practical industrySaaS服务,Finally build something that can be landed、有效的、Advanced Industrial Internet Platform
(2) 方案架构
5. OneNET——工业物联网解决方案
(1) 方案简介
OneNETThe Industrial Internet of Things platform is provided for asset management of production equipmentE2E工业物联网方案,Start with core asset management,通过传感器、Capabilities such as big data provide real-time monitoring of core assets、Capacity management、Asset positioning and other capabilities,Make enterprise management clearer and more transparent.At the same time provide asset acquisition、Basic functions of asset management such as asset processing,Covers the entire management process from asset start to finish,It effectively combines the two information dimensions of the asset Internet of Things and the Internet,And provide management capabilities.
(2) 场景设计
(3) 方案优势
- 标准数据模型,安全稳固
- 扩展性高,即插即用
- 支持OPC UA框架
6. 机智云——Cloud solutions for industrial equipment
(1) 方案简介
Realize equipment IoT and real-time data collection,为生产计划、设备运维、绩效管理、Provide basic data support and in-depth analysis for process improvement.Remote monitoring of aftermarket industrial equipment、Online operations and predictive maintenance needs,Support device IoT、设备管理、数据分析、远程维护、故障告警、Work order management and other equipment full life cycle informatization management and after-sales service process and informatization;开放API,Support integration of own management system,提供多维度数据统计分析,View device history data、统计分析,Can be based on data mining and big data modeling(Enterprise core indicators and business logic)分析,Achieve failure prediction、Wear parts replacement reminder、Intelligent recommendation of operation and maintenance solutions、Energy consumption optimization, etc,Provide industrial Internet edge gateway system.
(2) 方案架构
(3) 方案优势
Compatible with multiple industrial protocols、Provide an end-to-end device cloud one-stop solution、Low cost and rapid realization of equipment data acquisition and application
- 平台应用:远程控制、实时监测、数据存储、数据分析、在线OTA、故障报警、voice access、远程管理
- 业务应用:预测维护、设备调度、定位跟踪、数据展示(BI)、智能决策、资产租赁、售后管理
- 软硬兼容:RS485、RS232、CAN;ModBus、自定义类;iOS 、Android、微信、BS/CS系统
- 增值服务:Private protocol conversion、系统对接、Business cloud development、私有云部署、BICustomized development of systems, etc,咨询培训
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