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These services can't ali interview?Then don't go to, the basic notification, etc
2022-07-30 19:41:00 【nuzzzzz】
Microservices as a new technology for deploying applications and services in the cloud has become the latest hot topic.But much of the debate around microservices centers on whether containers or other technologies are good at implementing microservices, and Red Hat says APIs should be the focus.
With interview mindMap (for reference only)
Enterprises and service providers are looking for better ways to deploy applications in cloud environments, and microservices are considered the way of the future.By breaking applications and services into smaller, loosely coupled components, they can be more easily upgraded and extended, in theory.
Also in the interviews of big factories, microservices have basically become a must-ask option, so mastering microservices has become a ticket to big factories, but for 90% of developers, only mastering microservicesIt's a shame to serve the most basic set and get methods.At present, there is not much information about its core and actual combat on the market. In this editor, I share a very complete set of microservice learning routes and microservice real questions that are often asked in interviews with large factories!
Microservice learning mind map:
Real questions for microservice spring clod factory interview:
What is spring cloud?
What are the advantages of using spring cloud?
What does service registration and discovery mean?How does spring cloud work?
What is the meaning of load balancing?
What is Hystrix? How does it achieve fault tolerance?
What is a hystrix circuit breaker?do they need it?
What is netflix feign?What are its advantages?
What is spring cloud bus?do we need it?
The real interview questions of the spring boot factory of microservices:
What is spring boot
What are the advantages of spring boot?
What is Java config
How to reload changes on spring boot without restarting the server?
What is a monitor in spring boot?
How to disable Actuator endpoint security in spring boot?
How to run spring boot application on custom port?
What is YAML?
How to implement spring boot application security?
How to integrate spring boot and ActiveMQ?
How to implement paging and sorting using spring boot?
What is swagger?Did you implement it with spring boot?
What are spring profiles
What is spring batch
What is a free marker template
How to use springboot to implement exception handling?
What starter maven dependencies did you use?
What is a CSRF attack?
What are websockets?
What is AOP?
What is apache kafka?
How can we monitor all spring boot microservices?
Dubbo factory interview questions:
The zookeeper in dubbo acts as the registry. If the registry cluster fails, can the publisher and the subscriber still communicate?
dubbo service load balancing strategy?
How does dubbo solve the security mechanism
The difference between dubbo connection registration center and direct connection
50 microservice basic interview questions:
- 数据库索引:索引并不是万能药
- MindSpore: CV.Rescale(rescale,shift)中参数rescale和shift的含义?
- MySQL six-pulse sword, SQL customs clearance summary
- ImportError:attempted relative import with no known parent package
- 055 c# print
- MySQL sub-database sub-table
- How do radio waves transmit information?
- iPhone真是十三香?两代产品完全对比,或许上一代更值得买
- MindSpore:【JupyterLab】查看数据时报错
- Snowflake vs. Redshift的2022战报:两个数据平台谁更适合你?
Range.CopyFromRecordset 方法 (Excel)
MySQL数据库 ---MySQL表的增删改查(进阶)
The problem of writing go run in crontab does not execute
Difference between Object and Map
Linux下最新版MySQL 8.0的下载与安装(详细步骤)
Niuke.com - Huawei Question Bank (100~108)
What is a RESTful API?
Correct pose of Vulkan open feature
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