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Natural language processing - wrong word recognition (based on Python) kenlm, pycorrector
2020-11-06 01:21:00 【Elementary school students in IT field】
Reprint please indicate the source :https://blog.csdn.net/HHTNAN
n Metamorphemes. See Synonyms at :https://blog.csdn.net/HHTNAN/article/details/62046652
About kenlm Statistical language model :https://blog.csdn.net/HHTNAN/article/details/84231733
Chinese text error correction Division
Chinese text error correction task , Common error types include :
- Homophonic words , Such as With a pair of eyes - With a pair of glasses
- Confusing words and phrases , Such as Wandering Weaver - The Cowherd and the Weaving Maid lovers separated by the Milky Way -- husband and wife living apart
- The word order is reversed , Such as Woody Allen - Alan woody
- Word completion , If love has Providence - If love has Providence
- The shape is wrong , Such as Sorghum - sorghum
- Chinese pinyin spelling , Such as xingfu- Happiness
- Chinese Pinyin abbreviation , Such as sz- Shenzhen
- Grammar mistakes , It's hard to imagine - unimaginable
Of course , For different business scenarios , Not all of these problems exist , For example, input methods need to deal with the first four , Search engines need to deal with all types of , After speech recognition, text error correction only needs to deal with the first two , among ’ The shape is wrong ’ Mainly for five strokes or strokes, handwriting input and so on .
This paper briefly summarizes the types of typographical errors in Chinese :
Variant character : Feel the hat , Whatever , It is said that , Disgusting
The person's name , Wrong place name : Hami ( just : hami )
Pinyin error : Cough number (ke shu)—> ke sou,
Intellectual error : Huangpu, Guangzhou ( Pu )
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