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Audio processing: floating point data stream to PCM file
2022-08-02 14:00:00 【smartisong】
In some data processing, it is necessary to convert the received data (floating point) into PCM file, that is, binary file, and thenThen convert it into an audio file, listen to it or save it.
- PCM* (Pulse Code Modulation) is also known as Pulse Code Modulation.PCM audio data is uncompressed audio sample data raw stream, which is standard digital audio data converted from analog signals through sampling, quantization, and encoding.
In some existing programs, audio files are basically output directly, and there is no intermediate PCM file output, but it is still needed in some scenarios.
For PCM binary files, another important parameter is the precision, the common ones are 8bit, 16bit, 24bit, 32bit.The sampled data of 8bit PCM is unsigned data, while the sampled data of 16bit PCM is signed data.
For this purpose, the above functions are realized by using C code, the code is as follows:
// float to PCM void floatDataToPCMfile(){// to do}
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