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Browser thread

2022-07-06 08:28:00 Wind billows

1. Browser threads

1.JS Engine threads

JS kernel , Also known as JS engine , Be responsible for handling and executing javascript Script . This is a JS The main thread in , therefore JS It's a single threaded programming language , But actually JS It belongs to single thread asynchronous . Asynchrony is completed by sub threads , The main thread is responsible for scheduling sub threads . therefore JS Loosely speaking, it also belongs to multithreaded programming language

And GUI Threads are mutually exclusive

2.GUI Rendering thread

Responsible for rendering the browser interface , Including parsing HTML、CSS、 structure DOM Trees 、Render Trees 、 Layout and drawing

When the interface needs to be redrawn (Repaint) Or cause reflux due to an operation (reflow) when , The thread will execute

And JS Main threads are mutually exclusive

3. Event listener thread

Used to complete event processing , for example :click,mouseover…

4. Timer thread

Responsible for processing timers .setInterval and setTimeout

5. Network thread

Responsible for handling http The network requested

6. Thread priority

Which thread's bound handler is triggered first , Whoever will do it first
Send a request : What's going on Five layer network model : The physical layer 、 Data link layer 、 The network layer (IP)、 Transport layer (TCP、udp)、 application layer
Establishing a connection : Three handshakes, four waves

2. Rendering process of browser

The rendering process of each browser kernel is different , Now we mainly focus on webkit Mainly .

Render Prelude

  1. Browser input url, The browser main process takes over , Opened a download thread
  2. Then proceed HTTP request (DNS Inquire about 、IP Addressing, etc ), Waiting response , Start downloading response message .
  3. Transfer the downloaded content to Renderer Process management
  4. Start rendering …

Render pre concept

1.DOM Tree:  The browser will HTML Data structure parsed into tree .

2.CSS Rule Tree: The browser will CSS Data structure parsed into tree .

3.Render Tree:DOM Trees and CSS Rule trees are merged to produce Render Trees .

4.layout: With Render Tree, The browser already knows which nodes are in the web page 、 Of each node CSS Definition and their affiliation , To calculate the position of each node in the screen .

5.painting:  According to the rules , Through the video card , Draw the content on the screen .

6.reflow( backflow ): When the browser finds that there is a point change in a part that affects the layout , You need to go back and re render , Experts call this retreat process  reflow.reflow  From    This  root frame  Start recursion down , Calculate the geometric dimensions and positions of all nodes in turn .reflow  It's almost inevitable . Some popular effects on the interface now , For example, the folding of tree directory 、 an ( In essence, it is the explicit expression of elements   Show and hide ) etc. , Will cause the browser's  reflow. The mouse slip 、 Click on …… As long as these behaviors cause the footprint of some elements on the page 、 Positioning mode 、 Changes in properties such as margins , Will cause its internal 、 Re configuration of the surrounding and even the whole page   dye . Usually we can't predict what the browser will  reflow  Which part of the code , They all affect each other .

7.repaint( Repaint ): Change the background color of an element 、 Text color 、 When the border color and so on do not affect the properties of its surrounding or internal layout , Part of the screen needs to be redrawn , But the geometry of the element doesn't change .

Be careful :display:none Nodes will not be added Render Tree, and visibility: hidden will , therefore display:none Will trigger reflow,visibility: hidden Will trigger repaint.

Rendering steps

After the browser kernel gets the response message , Rendering is roughly divided into the following steps

  1. analysis html production DOM Trees .
  2. analysis CSS The rules .
  3. according to DOM Tree and CSS Tree Generate Render Tree.
  4. according to Render The tree goes on layout, Responsible for the size of each element node 、 Position calculation .
  5. draw Render Trees (painting), Draw page pixel information .
  6. The browser will send the information of each layer to GPU,GPU Will synthesize layers (composite), It's on the screen .

JS Asynchronous loading scheme

because JS Will block subsequent code execution , So I hope the execution will not block the code . So officials and developers have designed many solutions .


script Add... To the label defer attribute , Load asynchronously 

1. But wait dom All documents have been parsed (dom Tree generated ) To be executed .

2. Only IE It works ;


script Add... To the label async attribute , Load asynchronously 

1. Execute after loading ;async Only external scripts can be loaded 

2. Can't take js Written in script In the label .

3.w3c standard ,IE9 The following is not supported 

3. Load on demand

			//  Load on demand   Encapsulates the code 
        function loadScript(url,callback){
            // 1.  establish script label 
            var script = document.createElement('script');
            // 4.  monitor script Whether the download is complete 
            // ie in  onreadystatechange  The state of the listening object changes 
                //  If there is readState This attribute   To listen again script The status of the tag changes 
                script.onreadystatechange = function(){
                    //  Judge script Whether loading is complete 
                    if(script.readyState == 'loaded' || script.readyState == 'complate'){
                script.onload = function(){
            // 2. 
            script.src = url;  //  Load asynchronously js file   It has changed. The download is complete , The state will not change again , So the monitoring event will not be triggered 
            // 3.  Append labels to body in 


4. summary

In actual development, we only need to put script The tag is placed at the bottom of the page . There is absolutely no need to write redundant code .

5.js Timeline


1、 establish Document object , Start parsing web page . analysis HTML Elements and their text content are added after Element Objects and Text Node to document . This stage document.readyState = ‘loading’, Loading .

2、 encounter link external css, Create thread load , And continue to parse the document .

3、 encounter script external js, And no settings async、defer, Browser load , And block , wait for js Load complete and execute the script , Then continue to parse the document .

4、 encounter script external js, And it has async、defer, Browser create thread load , And continue to parse the document .
about async Script for properties , Execute the script as soon as it's loaded .( Asynchronous forbidden document.write())

5、 encounter img etc. , First, parse it normally dom structure , Then the browser loads asynchronously src, And continue to parse the document .

img 、input、video 、 audio Replaceable elements
div Irreplaceable element

6、 When the document is parsed ,document.readyState = ‘interactive’, Parsing completion status .

7、 After the document is parsed , All settings have defer The scripts will be executed in order .( Pay attention to and async Different , But it is also forbidden to use document.write());

8、document Object triggering DOMContentLoaded event , This also marks the program execution from the synchronization script execution phase , Turn into an event driven phase .

9、 When all async After the script is loaded and executed 、img Wait until the load is complete ,document.readyState = ‘complete’,window Object triggering load event .

10、 From now on , Handle user input in an asynchronous response 、 Internet events, etc .


1.document Three states

loading         Loading status ,dom The tree is being drawn 

interactive    Active state ,dom Tree drawing complete 

complete     Completion status ( Older browsers may be loaded),dom The tree drawing is completed and all resources are downloaded 

2. Two events

DOMContentLoaded    dom This event is triggered when the tree drawing is completed ( This is a js The only event in that contains capital letters , This event can only be bound using an event listener ).

load         dom The event triggered after the tree drawing is completed and all resources are downloaded 

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