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[secretly kill little partner pytorch20 days -day01- example of structured data modeling process]
2022-07-06 08:17:00 【Can't write code】
import os
import datetime
# Print time
def printbar():
nowtime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print("\n"+"=========="*8 + "%s"%nowtime)
utilize datetime Modular now Function to get the current time and pass strftime Format the output
1. Prepare the data
titanic The goal of the dataset is to predict, based on passenger information, that they are in Titanic Whether or not it can survive after hitting an iceberg .( Those who need data sets can pay more attention and contact me )
Structured data generally uses Pandas Medium DataFrame Pre treatment .
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.utils.data import Dataset,DataLoader,TensorDataset
dftrain_raw = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
dftest_raw = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
notes : there onehot Coding is to convert eigenvalues into binary form , as follows :
- Gender characteristics :[“ male ”,“ Woman ”](N=3) according to N Bit status register to N The principle of state coding , After processing the eigenvalue, it is like this :
male -> 10 Woman -> 01- Characteristics of the motherland :[“ China ”,“ The United States ”,“ The French ”](N=3): China -> 100 The United States -> 010 The French -> 001
- Characteristics of motion :[“ football ”,“ Basketball ”,“ badminton ”,“ Table Tennis ”](N=4): football -> 1000 Basketball -> 0100 badminton -> 0010 Table Tennis -> 0001
When a sample is [“ male ”,“ China ”,“ Table Tennis ”] When , The result of complete feature digitization is : [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
utilize Pandas We can easily carry out exploratory data analysis EDA(Exploratory Data Analysis).
label Distribution situation
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'png'
ax = dftrain_raw['Survived'].value_counts().plot(kind = 'bar',
figsize = (12,8),fontsize=15,rot = 0)
ax.set_ylabel('Counts',fontsize = 15)
ax.set_xlabel('Survived',fontsize = 15)
Age distribution
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'png'
ax = dftrain_raw['Age'].plot(kind = 'hist',bins = 20,color= 'purple',
figsize = (12,8),fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylabel('Frequency',fontsize = 15)
ax.set_xlabel('Age',fontsize = 15)
Age and label The relevance of
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'png'
ax = dftrain_raw.query('Survived == 0')['Age'].plot(kind = 'density',
figsize = (12,8),fontsize=15)
dftrain_raw.query('Survived == 1')['Age'].plot(kind = 'density',
figsize = (12,8),fontsize=15)
ax.legend(['Survived==0','Survived==1'],fontsize = 12)
ax.set_ylabel('Density',fontsize = 15)
ax.set_xlabel('Age',fontsize = 15)
Next, data preprocessing
- For the above onehot code , It's used here pandas Of get_dummies Method
def preprocessing(dfdata):
dfresult= pd.DataFrame()
dfPclass = pd.get_dummies(dfdata['Pclass'])
dfPclass.columns = ['Pclass_' +str(x) for x in dfPclass.columns ]
dfresult = pd.concat([dfresult,dfPclass],axis = 1)
dfSex = pd.get_dummies(dfdata['Sex'])
dfresult = pd.concat([dfresult,dfSex],axis = 1)
dfresult['Age'] = dfdata['Age'].fillna(0)
dfresult['Age_null'] = pd.isna(dfdata['Age']).astype('int32')
dfresult['SibSp'] = dfdata['SibSp']
dfresult['Parch'] = dfdata['Parch']
dfresult['Fare'] = dfdata['Fare']
dfresult['Cabin_null'] = pd.isna(dfdata['Cabin']).astype('int32')
dfEmbarked = pd.get_dummies(dfdata['Embarked'],dummy_na=True)
dfEmbarked.columns = ['Embarked_' + str(x) for x in dfEmbarked.columns]
dfresult = pd.concat([dfresult,dfEmbarked],axis = 1)
x_train = preprocessing(dftrain_raw).values
y_train = dftrain_raw[['Survived']].values
x_test = preprocessing(dftest_raw).values
y_test = dftest_raw[['Survived']].values
print("x_train.shape =", x_train.shape )
print("x_test.shape =", x_test.shape )
print("y_train.shape =", y_train.shape )
print("y_test.shape =", y_test.shape )
Further use DataLoader and TensorDataset Data can be encapsulated into a pipeline .
dl_train = DataLoader(TensorDataset(torch.tensor(x_train).float(),torch.tensor(y_train).float()),
shuffle = True, batch_size = 8)
dl_valid = DataLoader(TensorDataset(torch.tensor(x_test).float(),torch.tensor(y_test).float()),
shuffle = False, batch_size = 8)
# Test data pipeline
for features,labels in dl_train:
2. Defining models
Pytorch There are usually three ways to build models :
- Use nn.Sequential Build models in a hierarchical order
- Inherit nn.Module Base classes build custom models
- Inherit nn.Module The base class builds the model and assists in encapsulating the model container .
Here choose the easiest to use nn.Sequential, Hierarchical order model .
def create_net():
net = nn.Sequential()
return net
net = create_net()
from torchkeras import summary
3. Training models
Pytorch It usually requires the user to write a custom training cycle , The code style of the training cycle varies from person to person .
Yes 3 Class typical training cycle code style :
- Script form training cycle
- Function form training cycle
- Class form training cycle .
Here is a more general script form .
Define the loss function and optimizer 、 Metric function
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
loss_func = nn.BCELoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=net.parameters(),lr = 0.01)
metric_func = lambda y_pred,y_true: accuracy_score(y_true.data.numpy(),y_pred.data.numpy()>0.5)
metric_name = "accuracy"
Start training model
epochs = 10
log_step_freq = 30
dfhistory = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["epoch","loss",metric_name,"val_loss","val_"+metric_name])
print("Start Training...")
nowtime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print("=========="*8 + "%s"%nowtime)
for epoch in range(1,epochs+1):
# 1, Training cycle -------------------------------------------------
loss_sum = 0.0
metric_sum = 0.0
step = 1
for step, (features,labels) in enumerate(dl_train, 1):
# Gradient clear
# Forward propagation for loss
predictions = net(features)
loss = loss_func(predictions,labels)
metric = metric_func(predictions,labels)
# Back propagation gradient
# Print batch The level of log
loss_sum += loss.item()
metric_sum += metric.item()
if step%log_step_freq == 0:
print(("[step = %d] loss: %.3f, "+metric_name+": %.3f") %
(step, loss_sum/step, metric_sum/step))
# 2, Verification cycle -------------------------------------------------
val_loss_sum = 0.0
val_metric_sum = 0.0
val_step = 1
for val_step, (features,labels) in enumerate(dl_valid, 1):
# Turn off gradient computation
with torch.no_grad():
predictions = net(features)
val_loss = loss_func(predictions,labels)
val_metric = metric_func(predictions,labels)
val_loss_sum += val_loss.item()
val_metric_sum += val_metric.item()
# 3, Log -------------------------------------------------
info = (epoch, loss_sum/step, metric_sum/step,
val_loss_sum/val_step, val_metric_sum/val_step)
dfhistory.loc[epoch-1] = info
# Print epoch The level of log
print(("\nEPOCH = %d, loss = %.3f,"+ metric_name + \
" = %.3f, val_loss = %.3f, "+"val_"+ metric_name+" = %.3f")
nowtime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print("\n"+"=========="*8 + "%s"%nowtime)
print('Finished Training...')
4. Model to evaluate
View loss curve
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot_metric(dfhistory, metric):
train_metrics = dfhistory[metric]
val_metrics = dfhistory['val_'+metric]
epochs = range(1, len(train_metrics) + 1)
plt.plot(epochs, train_metrics, 'bo--')
plt.plot(epochs, val_metrics, 'ro-')
plt.title('Training and validation '+ metric)
plt.legend(["train_"+metric, 'val_'+metric])
View accuracy curve
5. Using the model
# Prediction probability
y_pred_probs = net(torch.tensor(x_test[0:10]).float()).data
# Forecast category
y_pred = torch.where(y_pred_probs>0.5,
6. Model preservation
Pytorch There are two ways to save models , All by calling pickle The serialization method implements .
The first method only saves model parameters .
The second way to save the entire model .
The first one is recommended , The second method may cause various problems when switching devices and directories .
- Save model parameters ( recommend )
# Save model parameters
torch.save(net.state_dict(), "./data/net_parameter.pkl")
# Creating networks
net_clone = create_net()
# Load network parameters
# Forward algorithm
- Save the complete model ( Not recommended )
torch.save(net, './data/net_model.pkl')
net_loaded = torch.load('./data/net_model.pkl')
A complete modeling process is given at the beginning, which is really a little confused , But after learning, I probably understand , The first day of study can be said to be understanding , Let us know pytorch A general process in structured data modeling , Generally speaking, it's the same as tensflow There are many similarities , Punch in the first day , come on. !
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