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Step by step guide to setting NFT as an ens profile Avatar

2022-07-06 07:57:00 NFT practitioner

This is the setup ENS Step by step guide to profile avatar recording .

Warning : Now? ENS The support in the manager is very manual ! About to be redesigned ENS Manager ( Take a peek here ) Will make it easier . But for now , Here's a guide to what to do :

1) Do you have ENS Name? ?

If you don't already have one ENS Name , You can sign up for .ETH Name or in DNS Enter the domain name you already have app.ens.domains. You can for any kind of ENS Name settings NFT Head portrait .

2) Your main ENS Whether the name record has been set ?

Make sure you set your primary ENS name ( Reverse recording ). This will specify which of your ENS The name represents you in dapps Use the Ethereum account in as your user name . You can go to app.ens.domains, Then transfer to my account , Then use the tools on this page to set up .

3) Set avatar record

go to app.ens.domains And search your ENS Name to access its record page . Make sure you're connected to have ENS The name of the wallet . And then click “ add to / Edit the record ”.

Scroll down to “ Text ” part , You can modify the avatar record in it .

Please note that , You can use HTTPS Link or IPFS Hash into file . however , If you want to have NFT, Then you can enter it in the following format :

eip155:1/【NFT standard 】:【NFT The contractual address of the payee 】/【 Tokens, ID Or its number in the set 】

You can go to OpenSea On NFT Of “ Details ” Find all this information in the section .

Clicking the blue text of the contract address will take you to its Etherscan page , You can copy the full contract address in it .

In this case , You can put all this information together , As shown below :


Warning : The standard part of the token should not have hyphens . therefore , Even if OpenSea It may be displayed as “ERC-721”, Please enter it as “erc721”. Besides , All letters must be lowercase . Otherwise it won't work ! In the future, all this will be automated , But now it's Manual , Just pay attention to these common mistakes .

Enter it into the avatar field , Then scroll down and click “ confirm ”. You will be prompted to approve the transaction . After confirming the transaction on the blockchain , Your avatar is set !

Please note that , If you put something that doesn't belong to you NFT, It will not appear in dapp in .

Give it a try

Refresh ENS Manager App Pages in , You should see your... On the left ENS Name and avatar . Please note that , our NFT The avatar may take a few seconds to display ( We are trying to reduce the time required for display ).

Next go OpenSea And search your name . Refresh metadata ( Click the circular arrow button in the upper right corner ), Wait a few minutes , Then reload the page …… Your avatar should be yours now ENS Name NFT The background image of the image !( More about our new metadata service here .)

Now go to app.uniswap.org And connect your wallet . Give it a few seconds , Your ENS The name and avatar should appear !

Click on your name , You'll see it again :

Last , go to app.1inch.io And connect your wallet . And Uniswap similar , You can first see it in the upper right corner ……

... Then if you click your ENS name , It will also be in your profile box .


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