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Is the super browser a fingerprint browser? How to choose a good super browser?

2022-07-06 07:25:00 Uncle across the sea

Many cross-border e-commerce partners are not clear about the relationship between super browser and fingerprint browser , Don't know if the super browser is a fingerprint browser ? I don't know how to choose a good super browser . Today, we will follow Xiaobian to have a look !

Is a super browser a fingerprint browser ?
For cross-border e-commerce sellers and buyers , Fingerprint browser . At present, there are two main categories :
1、 Provide the environment + fixed ip
This is done by providing a fixed environment for the seller + ip To isolate the local computer environment , Create a real and independent physical environment for sellers , Let the buyer use any computer , Any network can safely manage accounts .
2、 Provide the environment + Unfixed ip
You can create your own environment to bind IP Use , The advantage is that the environmental parameters are excellent and the simulation degree is relatively high , The system is installed free of charge , similar lumi A static house ; The disadvantage is that one account can only be bound to one environment ip, The cost is relatively high .

How to choose a good super browser ?
1、 practical , It's easy to operate , Super browsers that are too complex to operate are prone to errors ;
2、 The anti correlation effect is better , Here I recommend Huayang fingerprint browser , It collects real browser fingerprints to form a fingerprint template , Then the fingerprint template is split into multiple real and unique fingerprint instances , Therefore, the association between account numbers can be completely and effectively eliminated ;
3、 Good reputation , You can go to various forums or ask your friends' comments on using this super browser ;
4、 Browser fundamentals , And whether the technical support and iterative update system behind it will be incompatible with your computer ;
5、 Later guarantee , Any excellent product should be guaranteed in the later stage ;
6、 Can support free trial , Only those you have used can you feel at ease , More reliable .


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